Getting Laid in College


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2021
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Newbie here. I'm in college. I'm becoming a lot more successful at game, getting numbers, and creating attraction in women. My best nights are at dances, where I am the life at the party and get many compliments on my dance moves. I can get women at the end of the night who will follow my lead for taking them to places. My big roadblock now is getting from the step to getting laid. How do I get into a woman's dorm or get them into mine? I've heard of guys making some false reason like going to the bathroom, but dorms here are small and there is really nothing but a small lounge room, a bathroom, and bedrooms. Do you just direct the HB to your room or tell them that you should hang out in theirs? I get most women on campus so there is usually no car involved.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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Newbie here. I'm in college. I'm becoming a lot more successful at game, getting numbers, and creating attraction in women. My best nights are at dances, where I am the life at the party and get many compliments on my dance moves. I can get women at the end of the night who will follow my lead for taking them to places. My big roadblock now is getting from the step to getting laid. How do I get into a woman's dorm or get them into mine? I've heard of guys making some false reason like going to the bathroom, but dorms here are small and there is really nothing but a small lounge room, a bathroom, and bedrooms. Do you just direct the HB to your room or tell them that you should hang out in theirs? I get most women on campus so there is usually no car involved.
Sounds like this guy might have what your looking for. He has other videos and a blog too so maybe if you look through his stuff you’ll find what you’re looking for. His whole thing is picking up girls o the dance floor



Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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There are a lot of things you can do. For example, you can ask her if she wants to watch youtube videos, or see how much harder your homework is compared to hers, etc.

Willie Naylor

Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
Invite her up to see your teacup pig.

It really doesn't matter, as long as you give her plausible deniability.

You see, she didn't go up to your room with the intention of having sex with you. Once she was there, things just happened.

Look at my record collection, check out the view from my room...


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2016
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So I'm gonna caution you first about having consent very clearly stated. College is a huge minefield especially when alcohol is involved. The more you protect her reputation the less likely she will have buyers remorse. No woman in college wants to be known as the class wh0re.

Now that said, you need to quit being the dancing monkey for the group and apply it to her attraction. It is hard to duck out of the dance floor and have a one on one with Coed #2 if you are constantly performing for the crowd. Focus your dance skills on making her feel special and it will work in your favor. Use your dance skill to preview your adeptness in bed without embarrassing her infront of her friends.

Also once you lay one girl in a living group (especially sororities) you are likely going to be off limits to the rest of the group for the rest of that school year or until the one you beded gets in a LTR with someone else . Residence halls aren't so much of a tight group unless the girls are friends or roommates. But don't slut shame ANY girls. If you talk about one, they know how they will talk about them....

Having your room set up for a rock solid logistics is going to be the most important. Don't overlook the value of clean carpet, sheets and or couch. Women don't want to get naked in a dirty room that smells bad. Have a code with your roommate or a time allocation on when you need alone time.

Be alert for when a woman is hinting to you to go to her place. Sororities are out . They have a strict no male policy past the front room usually. Girls with apartments and Residence halls will feel more comfortable in their familiar surroundings, so let them lure you in. She wants to be able to take her contacts out, shower after, put on her pretty jammies......whatever.... Often an invitation might be a "study date"especially when you don't have an exam pending ...

Also establish if she wants you to get her home so her roommates don't take notice she spent the night. I wasn't sensitive enough to that with one sorority girl, and I wanted her to spend the night and her sister roasted her for it.

As for rotations of women, make sure they are different social circles,and different living situations and different majors or colleges at the university. I did not see any of my playboy brothers (in the 90's) successfully spinning plates. The ones getting laid regularly had girlfriends.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
So I'm gonna caution you first about having consent very clearly stated. College is a huge minefield especially when alcohol is involved. The more you protect her reputation the less likely she will have buyers remorse. No woman in college wants to be known as the class wh0re.

Now that said, you need to quit being the dancing monkey for the group and apply it to her attraction. It is hard to duck out of the dance floor and have a one on one with Coed #2 if you are constantly performing for the crowd. Focus your dance skills on making her feel special and it will work in your favor. Use your dance skill to preview your adeptness in bed without embarrassing her infront of her friends.

Also once you lay one girl in a living group (especially sororities) you are likely going to be off limits to the rest of the group for the rest of that school year or until the one you beded gets in a LTR with someone else . Residence halls aren't so much of a tight group unless the girls are friends or roommates. But don't slut shame ANY girls. If you talk about one, they know how they will talk about them....

Having your room set up for a rock solid logistics is going to be the most important. Don't overlook the value of clean carpet, sheets and or couch. Women don't want to get naked in a dirty room that smells bad. Have a code with your roommate or a time allocation on when you need alone time.

Be alert for when a woman is hinting to you to go to her place. Sororities are out . They have a strict no male policy past the front room usually. Girls with apartments and Residence halls will feel more comfortable in their familiar surroundings, so let them lure you in. She wants to be able to take her contacts out, shower after, put on her pretty jammies......whatever.... Often an invitation might be a "study date"especially when you don't have an exam pending ...

Also establish if she wants you to get her home so her roommates don't take notice she spent the night. I wasn't sensitive enough to that with one sorority girl, and I wanted her to spend the night and her sister roasted her for it.

As for rotations of women, make sure they are different social circles,and different living situations and different majors or colleges at the university. I did not see any of my playboy brothers (in the 90's) successfully spinning plates. The ones getting laid regularly had girlfriends.
I was gonna reply to you @CollegeMan22 but then I saw @2Rocky 's response and honestly, this is all you need.

Enjoy the college experience, cause that's all there is to it. An experience.

Modern Man Advice


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
So I'm gonna caution you first about having consent very clearly stated. College is a huge minefield especially when alcohol is involved. The more you protect her reputation the less likely she will have buyers remorse. No woman in college wants to be known as the class wh0re.

Now that said, you need to quit being the dancing monkey for the group and apply it to her attraction. It is hard to duck out of the dance floor and have a one on one with Coed #2 if you are constantly performing for the crowd. Focus your dance skills on making her feel special and it will work in your favor. Use your dance skill to preview your adeptness in bed without embarrassing her infront of her friends.

Also once you lay one girl in a living group (especially sororities) you are likely going to be off limits to the rest of the group for the rest of that school year or until the one you beded gets in a LTR with someone else . Residence halls aren't so much of a tight group unless the girls are friends or roommates. But don't slut shame ANY girls. If you talk about one, they know how they will talk about them....

Having your room set up for a rock solid logistics is going to be the most important. Don't overlook the value of clean carpet, sheets and or couch. Women don't want to get naked in a dirty room that smells bad. Have a code with your roommate or a time allocation on when you need alone time.

Be alert for when a woman is hinting to you to go to her place. Sororities are out . They have a strict no male policy past the front room usually. Girls with apartments and Residence halls will feel more comfortable in their familiar surroundings, so let them lure you in. She wants to be able to take her contacts out, shower after, put on her pretty jammies......whatever.... Often an invitation might be a "study date"especially when you don't have an exam pending ...

Also establish if she wants you to get her home so her roommates don't take notice she spent the night. I wasn't sensitive enough to that with one sorority girl, and I wanted her to spend the night and her sister roasted her for it.

As for rotations of women, make sure they are different social circles,and different living situations and different majors or colleges at the university. I did not see any of my playboy brothers (in the 90's) successfully spinning plates. The ones getting laid regularly had girlfriends.
Good advice on being extra careful at college. We even have to undergo consent training at the beginning of the year, and I know very well the destruction that is unleashed upon males if an accusation comes up.

The dance strategy I have employed previously has been to just have fun, and be the catch which the women around me want. Who doesn’t want to have fun?! The dances I go to usually have dance/social circles, and I just go in, be confident, and be the life of the party. I go around to a lot of them, have fun, and then when the song is switching I ask a girl’s name and say “let me have your number”. Didn’t get one denial last time I danced and I got 15 numbers. My text response rate is about 50%, and I get a bunch of compliments from people around campus about my dancing. The next step is to ask them out on a date, get to know each other, and apply more kino. That’s as far as I have gotten so far. But, girl or no, I have a blast at dances and getting hyped up with the music.

Are you saying that I should focus dancing with one girl who shows a lot of interest in me? I feel like that would decrease my chances. I want to be non exclusively dating, but you appear to be saying that a LTR is the best for sex in college.

One other thing I struggle with is maintaining the energy and confidence I have at dances. I’m more mundane and less C&F when I go on coffee/food dates instead of dances. I feel like part of it is being on campus in the daytime, and the suspicious that if I try to escalate then I will get in big trouble with the university, which I want to avoid at all costs.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2016
Reaction score
Do you have logistics to eject if a woman grabs you and says breathlessly "take me somewhere more private"? Because that's when the ONS is gonna happen. If you are busy showing off on the dance floor you are missing the chance to escalate with a woman with a high interest level. Sure you can get their attention, but you aren't identifying women who WANT YOU. And as you admitted you are the most attractive then...

You talk about getting numbers but how many numbers get your **** wet? you can always get her number after a romp...

So study women and their signals. Use kino to your advantage on the dance floor, up your slow dance game, and slip out for a quickie when you have her all turned on. Most guys who have a lot of randoms do so because they don't get repeat business.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Invite her up to see your teacup pig.

It really doesn't matter, as long as you give her plausible deniability.

You see, she didn't go up to your room with the intention of having sex with you. Once she was there, things just happened.

Look at my record collection, check out the view from my room...
This is good. I have pictures and paintings in my room so I’ll invite her over to see those and take it from there.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
"I'm headed back to my place, you should come hang out for a little while."

Simple. Either she says yes or no. You will hear far more yeses than you expect.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Invite her up to see your teacup pig.

It really doesn't matter, as long as you give her plausible deniability.

You see, she didn't go up to your room with the intention of having sex with you. Once she was there, things just happened.

Look at my record collection, check out the view from my room...
This is good. I have pictures and paintings in my room so I’ll invite her over to see those and take it from there.
Yes, this is is the way to do it.

After someone gets laid in college, the question becomes "What's next?".

In the chart below, we can see that fewer long term relationships are forming at college.

For decades, as more people went to college, more people formed extended romantic relationships from interactions on campus or related to campus life (Greek Life, extracurricular clubs, etc.) with the man approaching the woman. Around 2000, as the Millennials were first getting to college, formation of longer term couples in college diminished. I've tracked a lot of my contacts from my college years (early to mid 2000s) over time on social media. Almost no one today from that cohort is with their college era partner. This also coincides with the Millennials having poor social skills and the rise of internet technology, which worsened the social skills of Millennials. Now that the Millennials have completed undergraduate, Gen Z is the college generation now. I don't expect this to change with Gen Z.

One commonly cited reason about the changing mating environment in college is that colleges are skewing more female with a surplus of females. This might be a part of it but I think there are bigger reasons.

One of the more practical reasons no one talks about is the rise in tuition costs. With tuition costs getting so expensive since the 1990s, college students have to be more focused on making their own decisions and putting their own careers first. If two people do this, it is difficult for a relationship to have longevity. For instance, lets say a man and woman meet, have sex, and form a relationship. If they don't graduate in the same year, one is going to make a career choice before the other. They may take a job in a city not close to where the college campus is located. That would lead to a year of a long distance relationship, which isn't ideal for a lot of people. Many couples would choose to separate then. This becomes even worse if their graduation years are 2 years apart. If they both graduate the same year, they may each get job offers in different cities.

In graduate school programs, what I described above becomes even worse. If you're a woman in an MBA, JD, or med school program, you are likely to be career focused and less likely than the undergrad female to work collaboratively with your male romantic partners.

