Gay and Proud at age 7


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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THIS PICTURE has been making its rounds on Facebook.

Seriously, WHAT THE FVCK is wrong with the parent? Does this child even know what gay means? Does he know that he's going to stick his c0ck into the bumhole of another boy? If he DOES know this, why the hell has he been taught this at age 7? Or is this boy being gay simply because being gay is cool?

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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I just can't see how it's possible for a 7-year-old to know if he's gay.
I'll bet his mum is single or gay and actively encouraging him to identify with gays. It's a by-product of today's fem-centric society where masculinity is frowned upon and getting railed in the arse in a public toilet by some guy you don't even know is considered hip, cool and enlightened.
7-year-old boys should be having fun and playing with toys, not dreaming about the day he can have erect penises shoved into every orifice.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 20, 2011
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Greasy Pig said:
I just can't see how it's possible for a 7-year-old to know if he's gay.
I'll bet his mum is single or gay and actively encouraging him to identify with gays. It's a by-product of today's fem-centric society where masculinity is frowned upon and getting railed in the arse in a public toilet by some guy you don't even know is considered hip, cool and enlightened.
7-year-old boys should be having fun and playing with toys, not dreaming about the day he can have erect penises shoved into every orifice.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
man... This world is going down the toilet. The kid doesnt know anything, too young, but its still sad that he will probably go around school checking out other BOYS instead of the way it has always been... boys chasing girls. So what is it now? "hey billy, i like your backpack, you wanna share lunch boxes?... lets holds hands" WTF is goin on today...


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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a pebble can become an avalanche

the citizens laugh and shrug their shoulders, meanwhile homo powerbrokers like David Geffen, Barry Diller, Tom Cruise, Will Smith pull their strings behind the scenes...slowly but surely society begins to change in ways the general public cannot fathom.

If the public acts early enough powerful interests can be blocked...if they wait until too late swallowing the omnipresent propaganda then time runs out.

Love's Orphan

Don Juan
Jan 31, 2012
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So the kid who is seven... Havent even gone through puberty and already knows he likes other boys. It must be the hipster thing... Being masculine is too mainstream...

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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That guy on the video is awesome. Good on him!


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Well I knew I liked girls at 7 and had "sexual" thoughts about them as early as 9 or 10. But that doesn't mean I couldn't have turned out to be gay by/after puberty.

But the greater issue is mommy publicizing this shyt. Have people no shame? No sense of privacy? No respect for children?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
I've said before on these forums that the world is lacking in moral fiber and that's why women are sloring more then ever, and being "Gay" is cool. You got this generation of girls who expritment with "bi-sexuality" more then any other generation. Of course I got mocked at when I start talking about becoming "spiritual" no one wants to hear that. But truth is society needs direction.

Just reading these threads around the internet stuff is getting really really bad. I couldn't sleep last night so I was browsing this new social network site called "Meet Me". The attention whoring had my mind blown to bits (girls posting pics of them wearing panties, guys asking if girls wanted 9 1/2 inches of their c**k). I mean it' was ridicilous to levels and thirstyness I hadn't seen before. Stuff is not just bad with male & female dynamics but things in general. Two days ago in my town a 5 year old got shot while sleeping. I mean WTF!

So seeing this, and approval of gay marriages and soicety becoming more accepting with immoral things.

Are we really suprirsed?

I will say this and you can quote me on that. in 30 years from now marriage won't matter anymore and women will be even more promiscuous then ever. Game as we know won't be needed


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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One of the chicks I'm dating has a sister and the sister has a 4 year old boy. The boy is extremely effeminate and likes playing with girl stuff and putting bows in his hair even though the mom has provided him with masculine toys. I think there's a certain genetic component. Of course you can't call yourself "gay" until you've actually had sex (and enjoyed it) with a male. So this story seems a bit absurd.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
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Danger said:
I had posted in another thread the "ok to hate" heirarchy, and clearly it applies here. (added below)

I have to ask, why do we punish a 6 year old boy for singing the LMFAO song in a hetero fashion, but we glorify the homosexual preferences of a 7 year old??

There is a clear pecking order in MSM and society on who you can shame, and who you cannot.

It goes something like this, with the top of the list being what you can shame with impunity, while approaching the bottom of the list means you are of highly protected status.

Most able to shame....

  • Men
  • Anything masculine
  • Whites
  • Traditional values
  • Successful
  • Libertarian
  • Virgins
  • Conservative
  • Asians
  • Failures
  • Liberals
  • Homosexuals
  • Wh0res
  • Blacks
  • Anything feminine
  • Women
  • Jews

Least able to shame....

The rule is, you can shame anything above you on the list, and you won't get grief over it. But never, EVER shame anything below you on the list. Because that is just wrong and intolerant. You are either a homophobe, sexist, racist, or <fill in derogatory term>.

God forbid you are actually a multiple of items at the top of the list. If so, then everything was handed to you and you are responsible for all of the world's evils.
Your list is impressive. I'm living towards the lower end of your list and it's all true. I had a long conversation with a successful 60-year-old a few weeks ago about Israel lobbying in this country and the guy freaked out, terrified that someone heard me. I laughed.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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I can't think of any woman less marriageable than a black "lezbian" wh0re . . . except maybe a Jewish princess after she got a Depo Provera shot.

BTW, the photo is trolling by somebody somewhere. The eyeglass frames are the cheapest Wal-Mart women's frames (and look like trashy fashion/lez look).


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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Why so much crying you dirty homophobic bastards? aint you happy that finally the PC agenda is getting even more common than the bible?

The fact that he is age 7 and already proud to be gay while supported from his mother is a sign of civilization and open mentality, he should be encouraged and dressed as a girl....better yet create some marvel superhero to push him to be even more gay ;)

/sarcasm off

Ok politically correct brigade are you satisfied now? is the world getting close to the sh1t hole fast enough or it takes some more media pressure and quotas to establish your orwellian paradise?


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Zarky said:
One of the chicks I'm dating has a sister and the sister has a 4 year old boy. The boy is extremely effeminate and likes playing with girl stuff and putting bows in his hair even though the mom has provided him with masculine toys. I think there's a certain genetic component. Of course you can't call yourself "gay" until you've actually had sex (and enjoyed it) with a male. So this story seems a bit absurd.
Agreed, the kid is probably showing an affinity in metrosexual behavior, and confusing it with gayness. And at age 7, kids are just being cognizant of the world (e.g., around that age I started to understand the newspaper), but of course, easily come to wrong conclusions.

Speaking of metrosexuality, I have a friend who was metrosexual - and even had a slightly effeminate lilt to his voice. But this guy was so busy pimping, he didn't have enough time to be bisexual! I had a decent dating life in college just from his overflow! When he was in medical school (talk about social proof!), he only had time for 4 slots per week (Fri night, Sat afternoon, Sat evening, Sun afternoon) that he could devote to women, so he carefully juggled a harem of 4 - and made sure that the Sat afternoon one was comfortable with him having other women, as oftentimes, she had to sneak out of his window when the Sat evening one arrived! :D

BTW, he became a gynecologist because he figured out that he understands women very well! He (a blonde haired nordic type) ended up marrying a very big breasted Asian medical student (who was under his tutelage as a resident.)

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
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Today's society is way to feminized, there's a lot wrong with the world etc. However...if a 7 year old kid tells his parents that he feels attracted to other boys instead of girls, what are you gonna do about it? Supose it's your own kid who tells you this? Are you gonna beat him up and FORCE him to like girls?

Surely, I would carefully try to manipulate his mind and try to turn him. But you can't FORCE him to like girls... And as someone else said, kids of that age know very well whether they like boys or girls, the guys on here saying he doesn't even know what gay is etc. are full of sh!t. I knew very well that I liked girls at that age, I wanted to touch them and kiss them and I fell in love with them. Are you telling me I didn't even know what I liked, wanted or felt? Bullsh!t... I was very sure about what I was feeling towards girls and why would that have been any different if I had liked boys instead of girls? And if my parents had told me that I didn't know what I was talking about when I told them I liked girls, I'd have told them to fvck off! I imagine I would've done the same thing if I happened to like boys instead of girls... So I think some of you guys are saying quite ignorant stuff here... You sure can try to GUIDE him away from it but if that doesn't work and the kid persists in liking boys instead of girls, then you have to accept it and even support it. You cannot FORCE him away from it!

Having said that, I do believe homosexuality is dependant of the way you raise a child. It's been proven that there is a genetic component, but as with most developmental issues, the outcome is not a case of Nature or Nurture but a combination of the two. Certain kids have a genetic predisposition which hightens the chances of him becoming homosexual, but that predisposition has to be "stimulated" in order for him to become homosexual. Comparison: A kid can have great genes for athleticism, eye-hand coordination etc. allowing him to become a great sportsman...but if you keep him in a cage all his life, his potential surely will not come out.

I believe parents and the way they treat their children are an important factor determining whether a child becomes homosexual or not. And if this story is true, I think the parents do have a responsibiity for the 7 years that led him to this moment. But if the kid is sure about it and can't be guided away from it, then they're doing a great job at supporting him in being confident despite being "different".

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
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The text says: "His self confidence is my biggest achievement", you act like it says: "His homosexuality is my biggest achievement".

The way I interpret the text, she is not primarily celebrating his homosexuality. She's primarily celebrating the fact that he remains confident about himself, despite being "different". And she has every right to! Coz, although it's supposedly socially accepted nowadays, it's still far from easy to be homosexual. They absolutely do not get treated like any other person and have to deal with a lot of social pressure. To remain confident about who you are under those circumstances, is commendable....especially when you're a 7 year old kid.

Suppose this was a 7 year old black kid in 1930's America, proclaiming that he's "Black and proud of it!". I guess a lot of white people would be appalled...

Replace "black" kid with "homosexual" kid, and "white" people with "heterosexual" people...
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Senior Don Juan
Oct 1, 2011
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Looks like schools are teaching homo-stuff too early for kids.
How does a kid knows about sexuality at that younger age