FR: 2 AW, wanted to share cause im proud of myself


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score

tonight i was out with a friend.
he just broke up and needed to talk.
at the end of conversation he told me he wanted to have options and stop looking fir a serious relationship (after all he had inly 2 relationship for whole life abd he's 23).

so we decided to move home.
as we walking on the street we met a friend, real AFC, but he is alway trying to PU chicks even if he fail.
so he was with 2 chicks,hot, said hey to him and to the chicks.
then tehy became really receptive to me, asking a lot of question about me talking about me together.
i was ignoring them, and one of them actually told me she want to know things about me, then the two decided to ask me to hang out with them tonight etc.
anyway they said to my friend they was lesbians
but actex completely different around me.
my friend asked that they wanted me becayse of my dress style and they honestly said yes (slvt want money) im not rich im not even close to be well paid im just a regular man having money to hang out and pay my studies but i definitely like to dress well.

actually when i got there one of them asked me who i was so i answered : 'the man of the group' and she said 'obviously'.
it was just messing but after seeing their reaction i understood they was AW
i could easily have sex with both of them, dont know about a 3some, but definitely separately.

since they was acting that way with my friend i decided to reject them when they asked about me hanging with them tonight.
told them i didnt want lesbian. at that point they didnt know what to say (who said congruemce ?!)

as barney stinson is saying: 'bros before hos'

anyway i have no regret even tough they were really hot, but i think i finally got the 'i know what i want' mentality and i think i can reject everyone whos not fitting my criterias.

have a great night


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score
the most funny thing is that before we leaved my friend told them 'i understand that your not attracted to me, to bad you lost a man, even tough you're lesbian i want lesbian'
so these b!tches said 'well not attracted to you but to him (talking about me)'
and that's when i said that im not attracted to lesbian.

you know what i dont get it.
my AFC friend had a relationship with a stripper he even lived with her for a moment in the same appartement.
and when he's going to the stripper club where she's working (still to this day) he have access to VIP square and he's paying nothing !
and he's a real AFC.