Field Report: Scared Chic/Rubber Band

Genghis Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Over the past few months I have mentioned on this board that I occassionaly see a HB8.5 to 9 who is origanlly from KY and is unsure if she is going to stay in Boston.

Had a date with her on Sat night. Our interaction can be described as a rubber band; when one pushes, the other pulls away and the process repeats itself.

Just a couple of days ago she got accepted into a B school here and now feels she has more of a 'reason' to stay in my town.

I want to keep this short and simple so I will go over the rubber band interaction quickly:

-She told me to call her after I return from my vacation, I call, she doesn't return. A few weeks later I call again, feel a cold response, cut it short, tell her not to waste my time if she doesn't want to go out, she says she wants to go out next week, I just tell her to call me then.

-She calls, I reject; too busy. Over Memorial Day weekend, she calls me TWICE, now offering the entire weekend to me. So we go out Sat. night and she lets me in her apt for the first time.

-(She loves to go to dinner to 'talk'.) She wonders why I am even putting up with her shyte, she says Im handsome, funny and smart and I could easily find someone else. I tell her some BS about how I think she is worth it.

-She tells me she has something in her past she doesn't want to tell me about yet that makes it difficult to trust people. Thats why she freaks out and doesn't move forward, all her previous R-ships moved slow at first. She jokingly says that if I wasn't a good guy, a jerk instead, she probably wouldn't push me away.

-I fire back. I say, I am a good guy, and no matter what I am not going to treat her like a jerk, but I AM NOT GOING TO BE YOUR DOORMAT. (She looks like she's going to cry). I told her when I didn't hear from her for a couple of months I went out with another girl a few times. She jokingly says you cheated on me! She quickly interrogates me about the other girl (first question was the age, the other girl is 22 hehe, KY girl is 26 going on 27! hehe).

-I tell her she doesn't want an R-ship, then suddenly she changes and says she does though and we should see eachother more often. I give her a cynical look, and she nervously smiles and says "you don't believe me huh?" I say nothing and change the subject.

-Later on at her apt, she tells me what a wonderful convo we had. (Im actually kind of worn down from the jostling of the convo). She tells me to call her Sunday. I give her the cynical look again, again she says "you think Im full of ****...". So she says we should go out again, and I sarcastically say, "what the week after next?" and she says no, this week.

-Just as I get ready to leave, she kisses me and then kisses me on the check and initiates a little kino on me.

-Sunday morning, while I was sleeping she calls to be sure I got home alright and to give her a call when I get a chance. I left a message later that night.

Let me know your critique at my attempts to play this ;)

I thought it when reasonably well. We'll see how this unfolds.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
I think its good to let her know you have other options. Dont tell her too much info about the other girl/girls whatever. Keep her guessing.

This girl sounds kinda wierd. I hope she doesent reveal to you her secret is that she is actually a transvestite.

You havent had sex with her yet right? Why ? How long have you been seeing her?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
good post bro !

genghis, what's your major goal with this chickie?

are you just honing the skills or do you want her for some time down the road?

you got the skills working and she sounds like a tough nut to crack. this one sounds witty and a challenge but just be careful during the rubberband chess game, she doesn't get you in checkmate.

Genghis Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Funny you ask,

I don't really know what I REALLY want from this chick mainly because I can't get a good read of her.

One thing for sure, she is excellent practice for practicing DJ skills, she has thrown just about every curveball and shyte test imaginable and mentioned on this site.

I will concede that I made progress in that I got her out on a Sat night and got into her place for the first time.

I guess the more I find out from this chick, the more I'll know what I want to do.

She actually called me back today, we may get together next week as I only gave her one day for a choice this week; too busy. In the message, she again said she wanted to make sure I made it home ok, and that we should get together next week and ended the message with a thank you. Certainly she is better behaved than she ever has been since this game started.

The funny thing is, when I treat her like a grown up, mature woman, she flakes on me. When I treat her like a little naughty girl brat, she responds. hehe It kills me. :)

Nevertheless, the door remains open for other opportunities.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
Genghis, you're playing it very well...she sounds like she's got quite an emotional range (a wide one) and she should prove to be good DJ practicing skills...

I think the more unavailable you are, the more she wants! Do the opposite, or go 'all relationship-like' on her and she's turned off. I think she's dipping the waters but doesn't want to go for a swim.

You'll need another date to see where this goes.