Ever get butthurt over losing hot chicks to other guy?


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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I freakin hate losing hot chicks to another guy head on...it's one thing if the guy already knows them and he is ****blocking, but to lose head to equal competition on really irritates me...was in a club last night and was chatting up 2 HB8.5s...was dancing and everything, but this other guy who was also a stranger to them basically stole them away from me just by grabbing them.....and they even ended up competing over him...why do i even care about this?

I have a date with HB7 tonight, HB 7.5 tomorrow, HB8 on Wednesday and a HB8.5 on Saturday....i have been tearing it up lately, but losing head on like that really dampened my mood for some reason....i just don't like to lose to anyone head on....the other guy was taller and younger than me and the chicks were just more physically attracted to him...even though he was a horrible dancer. Am i crazy, or do situations like this get to others as well at times? I know i shouldn't care...but it is really sparking a competitive fire in me...i don't care about the girls....i just hate losing...i just always feel like i am better than my competition and losing shouldn't be an option. Despite all of my success with women, it gets overshadowed in my mind when i lose like that to someone.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Nobody likes to lose. One thing great sports competitors have in common is that they hate to lose. Yeah, it doesn't feel good but that's what motivates you to be your best and win. A necessary evil, I'd say. Just don't let it hurt your self esteem.

You said the guy who stole your girls was tall. I've noticed that a lot tall good looking guys have an amazing sense of entitlement when it comes to women. They know they can just walk in and have the attraction.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Double post
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Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Yes, he was very tall...i am tall myself...i am 6'2, but he was easily 6'4 or 6'5...but very lanky looking and kind of metrosexual....but i am in Taiwan and Taiwanese girls are crazy about the whole metrosexual look because Taiwanese guys all have it and are attracted to very skinny guys....so a guy who would be deemed rather dweeby looking and too skinny back in the states who you could easily trump with game or superior dancing or just being more muscular and manly looking can beat you here....the playing field is leveled greatly...because of what is deemed desirable here is a little different than in the west...

That's why i love Phillipino girls...they have that whole exotic thing going on and don't go for the whole metrosexual look and are much more like western girls...and can be easily gamed if you know how to dance well...they are crazy about dancing... and just have a lot of soul and life to them..,

yeah, you are right, it can affect your self esteem if you let it.....and to be honest, despite other success last night, i felt like that one thing ruined my entire night...but it is silly to let that ruin my night....rejection has never really phased me, but losing one on one is another story..

i used to wrestle in high school which is one on one and losing was devastating...this felt similar to that..only with 2 hot chicks involved ...


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
More proof that women love value and that you can't negotiate desire.

Sadly, all women have options, but all men don't. Thus, cases like these happen.

What can you say? Upgrade yourself physically and financially. Always.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Yeah I've had it happen.

Some chick started grinding on me. Then some tall dude just pulls her away. Likewise, his dancing skills were marginal. But that doesn't matter. (Your dancing skills are judged largely based on your looks. A hot dude can just rock side to side, and chicks think he's a great dancer lol.)

Even her gf thought it was F-ed up. She gave me this look like, "WTF was that all about?"

But ultimately if the chick goes along with it, she's just as much to blame. You lose a meal to the other lions sometimes. It sucks, but no point dwelling on it.

But my night wasn't over...

I saw an older guy with more hair loss than me trying to game this chick at the bar. I cut in to order my drink, started gaming her, pulled her, and later F-ed her. Even though she spoke very limited English, she still was quite fluent in the international language "oh ohhh ohhhh" lol.

It was great to get laid, but I'm not proud of "stealing a chick." I don't do that anymore. 99% of the time I respect another guy's turf. It's bad karma otherwise.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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zekko said:
I've noticed that a lot tall good looking guys have an amazing sense of entitlement when it comes to women. They know they can just walk in and have the attraction.
And I'm not sorry about that either.:D

on a serious note though, yeah. Ive been butthurt about losing a girl to other men before. When I was younger mostly. Then I became the guy that the other guys lose to.

On the offchance that a chick takes a fancy to someone other than me nowadays - its one less uninterested girl to worry my head about.

Options / plates are a big part of this "If I had a warehouse full of Fvcks, I still wouldn't give one" attitude.

By plates I dont just mean women. Hobbies, videogames, even work! are all plates. (I enjoy my work a lot).

Reanalyse the way you think, count them not as losses, but as wins. Every time a chick is out of the way for you, you dont have to think about her [Next] so, be happy.

If you still get butthurt though, don't let it be visible.:D


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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if you play the game long enough, you are going to win some and lose some. Its inevitable. I can think of gut wrenching experiences where I had invested effort only to find myself watching other dudes walk away with chicks, and I can think of instances where I see a dude with a chick and blow them out of the water. It goes both ways.

Use the losing as motivation to get better at what you can.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2013
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Out there
zinc4 said:
but this other guy who was also a stranger to them basically stole them away from me just by grabbing them.....and they even ended up competing over him
You answered your own question. "Just by grabbing them" he displayed more dominance than you. Don't let it happen next time, AMOG the guy if you have to.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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iamnobody said:
You answered your own question. "Just by grabbing them" he displayed more dominance than you. Don't let it happen next time, AMOG the guy if you have to.
I recall about a dozens of fight started this way where sometime I got the girl and sometime not regardless if I was the last man standing or not.

We just have to accept the fact that a random cvnt with average to low intelligence can make relations done or undone according by her mood and nothing else, men simply have to accept that we have no control on such things.

Its not that he who does X scores, its really random especially because everyday girls think like children except the fear of being slapped from mom.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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Strelok said:
We just have to accept the fact that a random cvnt with average to low intelligence can make relations done or undone according by her mood and nothing else, men simply have to accept that we have no control on such things.

Its not that he who does X scores, its really random especially because everyday girls think like children except the fear of being slapped from mom.
That's another thing those pickup "gurus" fail to mention, and would probably ban you for :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Strelok said:
I recall about a dozens of fight started this way where sometime I got the girl and sometime not regardless if I was the last man standing or not.

We just have to accept the fact that a random cvnt with average to low intelligence can make relations done or undone according by her mood and nothing else, men simply have to accept that we have no control on such things.

Its not that he who does X scores, its really random especially because everyday girls think like children except the fear of being slapped from mom.
Very solid post.

Community guys get so hung on these pickup theories that they assume that the "better" or " higher value" or "most alpha" is always the guy who gets the lay. Not always. Plenty of times, who she picks makes little sense to us. But it's still beyond our control.

And it's not necessarily envy or sour grapes. Plenty of times, you honestly don't know what she sees in some guy or why he would cause gina tingle, but somehow, for that particular chick at that time, he does.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2013
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Out there
zinc4 said:
and they even ended up competing over him...
This alone proves my point. Biatches will flock to the guy showing confidence. And if one of them is even a little attracted, the other one usually follows the same path, like a snowball effect. That's the beauty of it. I often found myself in the position of the guy chicks are competing for.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
it wasn't an issue or dominance or confidence...i grabbed them back and me and him took turns dancing with them..before they both chose him...and his dancing was not confident at all...but the girls were just as bad as him so i guess they couldn't even tell...seriously, Taiwan people in general have no rythm..it was just an issue of pure physical attraction due to the guy being taller than me and younger...judging from looks, i am about 10 years older than the chicks we were dancing with as well as him...never again will i amock, though, no chick is worth it, they can either follow me or not

also, i forgot to mention...another chick closer to my age in the nightclub earlier chose me over him when we were dancing all together....the dude was everywhere competing with me...but the still, losing out on the 2 really hot younger chicks bugged me


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
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I mean everyone loses at some point in time, can't be spot on all the time. Yeah it sucks, but you have dates with multiple other women so don't worry about it. You have other options. There's always going to be someone who's "bigger and better"..or in your case taller out there not matter where you go. Just have to roll with the punches.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score
If I could share an experience.

Long story short :there was this one girl who I found very attractive and got introduced to by one of the girls at university. We hit it off well at the party and had a great time.

There was an issue with that one. That issue was that some other dude would message her during the night. Her friend did not like him (the same one that introduced us). Having said that she would reply back to him and at times isolate herself to reply.

A few weeks later I found out that from that same friend that they started dating (f that, I thought). I asked what happened and at the same time down playing my concern on the matter. She said that the other one brought him over to her and they had a long chat. She said that she was convinced that he would take good care of her and that he had his own place and blah blah.

Well, three months have not passed and he blew a few grand to take her for cruise ship tour. I though "good luck to you buddy". I saw a picture of him of facebook and he seemed like a fat ex-dope user. My one friend said he is a **** by looking at the pic. While my other friend said "he is nothing".

Fast forward to the present era, the friend that introduced us got snubbed by her since that one wanted to have a couples only birthday party (jeez). One time that bf of her rang up while those two were out and started complaining as to why she is out with so and so. The friend told me that that one has been in abusive relationships - I was like "ooookayyyyyy...."

I was annoyed at the start and now I'm like pffttt.


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
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^ Had a similar experience. My buddy's girlfriend introduced me to one of her friends. We hit it off but this girl would be on and off again with her ex-boyfriend. Anyway I found out through my buddy's girl that this girl was falling for me, we have hung out a couple times as a group. Her ex-boyfriend surprised her with an expensive trip for x-mas and so she felt "obligated" to go with him, yeah right lol and that she was no longer single. Anyway, I just laughed it off at the fact that I almost had this girl without spending a dime on her, and my buddy and I both agreed that her ex is s serious sucker.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score
^ High five WolfMan for sharing a similar story.

Maybe there is another similarity. Fat ex dope user used to take her out for dinners and lunches quite frequently. He paid big time first the cruise ship and then the dinners. They still are not married though its been quite some time.

You and your friend could be quite right he could be a sucker. You spent nothing on her and did quite well. You can put that money towards videogames, books, movies or whatever else.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Purefilth said:
And I'm not sorry about that either.
Nor should you be. We all have to use what we have, brother. If you have an ace in your hand, there's no reason not to play it.