Ever cheated on a girlfriend?

Have you ever cheated on a girlfriend?

  • yes I'v cheated and I went on with the relationship just fine

    Votes: 31 34.8%
  • yes I'v cheated and I regretted it later

    Votes: 10 11.2%
  • never cheated on a girlfriend

    Votes: 48 53.9%

  • Total voters


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I've cheated on girls several times. I've regretted it at times and things have gone well at times. Usually if it goes well it's because I made it very clear from the get go that the lady was not going to be the only one in my life ie she knew ahead of time that i was seeing and going to see others while i was with them.

Honesty really is the best policy when it comes to multiplicity.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2008
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I've never cheated on a gf that we have agreed we were going out. If they think that you and her are going out, but it was never agreed, then it's not cheating. :up:


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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honestly, it happens, none of us are perfect. theres situations where you just cant resist. im not condoning cheating but im saying is that is if it happens dont stress over it. just make sure that you get rid of any evidence and if you do care about your girl and want to stay with her DONT TELL HER. because honestly once she knows that you cheated that relationship will never be the same. just deal with it and move on. but also dont constantly cheat on her over and over again purposley cause you feel you wont get caught cause then you just an *******.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
Remulak said:
$1000 says the girl In2theGame hooked up with had an AFC fiance who treated her like gold.
In Fact, he did. Ive met him face to face before, he bought her alot of nice things and treated her "good". I even remember when he called, his name was under "hubby" when her cell rang. i was kind of taken back a bit at the sudden change when i was poppin her puss. She was sayin all this sh!t while i was fingerin her "Ooo yes mmm yeah. Ahh yea finger fuk that puzzy" then she says "ugh why is he calling me again"... I actually felt kind of bad for the guy. BTW, she was drippin wet and then proceeds to tell me in my ear "if we can later, we could fuk real quick" while grabbin my c0ck. This girl to everyone was a sweet angel and innocent. after what i have experienced myself in terms of messin with a girl that had a BF or Fiance,.. its pretty scary stuff because you just NEVER know if your Girlfriend is screwing with another guy without a hint of whats going on behind your back. One more thing, I had a friend who was messing with a girl who had a soon to be husband. she was viewed as a great women by everyone and NO ONE knows this except for me because were best friends, she blew him in his room and right after she was done, she went over to her "hubbys" house and had dinner with him and his parents. Wow talk about dangerous... wheew its a scary out there for sure :nervous:

Rex Man

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
I've cheated and slept like a baby. I won't even consider strict monogamy until at least the mid-twenties


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2008
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I've never cheated when in an exclusive relationship. If I tell someone I'm with them and them only I mean it, my word is bond.

If I'm just seeing a girl though it's a different story, but then again it isn't cheating. They know from the get-go that I have other women in the batting order

Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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I want to thank everyone who participated in the poll and especially to the people who posted some thoughts.

I got the information I needed.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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One time my friend and i both had girlfriends and we hung out with these two sl*tty wh*res. They were sucking on each others tits and grabbing our junk but we didnt do anything.... : ( that was 5 years ago...still regret not getting down to this day. BUt now i have a badass girl i wouldnt even consider doing that **** to.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Cheated on the girl I lost my cherry to a few days later. Felt kinda bad about it though but i was in the ZONE.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
Reaction score
Of course.

Charlie Gordon

Don Juan
Jul 6, 2006
Reaction score
"Once a cheater, always a cheater."

How do you feel about that?

There seem to be a lot of men who will have sex with any willing participant no matter if they are single or have a girlfriend. These guys are constantly looking for sex. It's not a function of their sex drive; rather it is a function of their compelling desire to experience sex with a variety of partners. All men feel it to some extent, but not every man acts on it. Those who do are heralded as players. They are valued and emulated by younger men who admire their freedom and promiscuity, but talk to any woman who thought she had a boyfriend when in reality she had a player, and you'll learn that these men are equally as selfish, impulsive, and difficult to trust.

Women chase after players for the thrill of the chase. This is similar to the stories we hear from AFCs who chase after promiscuous women (and can't understand why they get pushed away when they try to frame their relationship as something heavy or permanent). There are men who are strictly monogamous. They might entertain the thought of cheating on their partners, but they never act on it. Some women sort of fall back on these men when they are tired of chasing the former. Other women have sought nothing but these men their entire lives.

This apparent dichotomy between guys who go steady and guys who go out to the bars when their girl's off visiting her parents is interesting because so many men who have lived their lives wanting monogamy and who have been hurt by women who passed them over or cheated on them... so many of these guys want to become players. That's usually why they come here. I often wonder if they can. Or are they hard-wired to be what some of you call "average frustrated chumps." Are players hard-wired to be players?

The tendencies (compulsivity and impulsiveness, lack of remorse, selfishness) that make the players successful likely reflect immutable facets of their personalities, which have taken decades to develop!

So, should you believe that some product or seminar is going to transform your personality or transform your life for only $3000 (or whatever they're charging these days)???

Should you embrace the "DJ philosophies" or "ASF philosophies" that praise polygamy and sex without strings attached if your entire life you have valued substance in your relationships?

It's possible to become better with women without becoming a player. I feel that this message isn't put across often enough in the community. I think a guy who wants a steady partner can even learn a thing or two from players, but in the end he'll probably hold onto his old values.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
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In2theGame said:
In Fact, he did. Ive met him face to face before, he bought her alot of nice things and treated her "good". I even remember when he called, his name was under "hubby" when her cell rang. i was kind of taken back a bit at the sudden change when i was poppin her puss. She was sayin all this sh!t while i was fingerin her "Ooo yes mmm yeah. Ahh yea finger fuk that puzzy" then she says "ugh why is he calling me again"... I actually felt kind of bad for the guy. BTW, she was drippin wet and then proceeds to tell me in my ear "if we can later, we could fuk real quick" while grabbin my c0ck. This girl to everyone was a sweet angel and innocent. after what i have experienced myself in terms of messin with a girl that had a BF or Fiance,.. its pretty scary stuff because you just NEVER know if your Girlfriend is screwing with another guy without a hint of whats going on behind your back. One more thing, I had a friend who was messing with a girl who had a soon to be husband. she was viewed as a great women by everyone and NO ONE knows this except for me because were best friends, she blew him in his room and right after she was done, she went over to her "hubbys" house and had dinner with him and his parents. Wow talk about dangerous... wheew its a scary out there for sure :nervous:
WOW, Scary is RIGHT. Great story, though. Just hearing about stories like this downright scares the sh1t out of me. I bet her fiance never found about it either, did he?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
young_gun said:
WOW, Scary is RIGHT. Great story, though. Just hearing about stories like this downright scares the sh1t out of me. I bet her fiance never found about it either, did he?
That's the scary part im talkin about. He never found out and to top it off he sees her as someone who would never cheat on him. the twisted thing is that she hugs him, kisses him and acts lovey dovey with him as if shes TOTALLY head over heels. if i didnt know them and saw them for the first time, i would think "wow theres a couple truely in love" but i know thats not the case.


Master Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
Remulak said:
Either you cheat on the wh0re and give her all those negative emotions or she'll cheat on you! Women pretty much expect you to and when you don't they take you for granted and sh!t all over you. They're pissed you have the nerve to treat them with some decency and not treat them like the stinking piece of foul garbage that they are. Don't think your little angel will cheat? Watch how she acts when you become boring and she's branch swinging to some other guy's c0ck, it's like an exorcism took place. One day she'll start treating you like absolute crap and you won't understand why. Then she'll grow very very distant and yup! you guessed it your little princess fycked another guy behind your back. The only way to prevent this from happening is to beat them to the punch, they'll love you even more for it. $1000 says the girl In2theGame hooked up with had an AFC fiance who treated her like gold.

After you cheat make sure she finds out. She'll probably be pissed for a day or two don't believe it, it's a charade. Her p0ssy is secretly dripping, you'll probably get the best sex this side of the Mississippi.

Just a note, funny that 60% of the guys here never cheated on their girlfriend and we have tons of whiners who have been cheated on. Correlation?
Believe it or not you said it best. However, I think my girl cheated BECAUSE i was treating her like crap.

Charlie - It's easy to get depressed about being single when society is constantly feeding us this image of the "happy couple". Then once you see how difficult a relationship is, other methods of media such as shows like Sex and the City and radio such as The Tom Leykis show glamorize what it is like to be a player.

It takes most guys some trial and error to realize what we really want, and when. Some of us may want a relationship at 50, but get curious about the girl we met when we were 20. "Maybe she's the one" and "Man I miss her now that she's gone" are common feelings in all of us.

I think the key is finding some sort of a balance. By not being in a relationship, I'm very happy, yet I met a girl recently that I like a little more than just as a fvck buddy, because her personality is so cool. Do I want to sacrifice every other vagina for just one? Of course not. So if I were in a relationship with her, I'd probably be secretly having sex with others, avoiding the talk of "so are we an exclusive couple"?

Maybe it's not cheating unless you're married.


Master Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
I've posted about this before, but I still feel bad about it.

I had a 3some with these 2 chicks and one of them had a boyfriend. I later found out just how serious their relationship was, and how they'd been together over a year, etc. I honestly feel bad for the guy.

I feel bad for the guy because not only did I get with his girl, but I got with his girl and her friend, something he's not allowed to do because he is in an exclusive relationship.

Seeing that the girl is so quiet and innocent most of the time, and then watching her change drastically just by going to a party and having a couple of drinks, makes it really hard for me to trust a girl. This is why I'm not trying to give a fvck about a girl anymore. At least not now. Girls at this age can't be tied down, and since I'm someone who has cheated before I can't be tied down either. Fvck it, spin plates.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
In2theGame said:
That's the scary part im talkin about. He never found out and to top it off he sees her as someone who would never cheat on him. the twisted thing is that she hugs him, kisses him and acts lovey dovey with him as if shes TOTALLY head over heels. if i didnt know them and saw them for the first time, i would think "wow theres a couple truely in love" but i know thats not the case.
Damn, that's some heavy stuff. I've been in a relationship for a while now, and just hearing stories like yours make my stomach churn. I don't even know how I would react if I found out something like that had happened (Especially if I called her as it was happening!! :eek:) to me.

However, I've been in your situation too. It's not something I talk about very often, but 3 years ago, I met this girl who was totally hot and cool who I hit it off right away with. I went to a party with her one night, and we ended up alone in the host of the party's room later that night. We didn't have sex - she pulled out the "I'm on my period" card after I went to my car to get a condom - but she gave me a BJ. After it happened, she started feeling guilty about it, saying "I can't believe I did that, I can't let my boyfriend find out about this". Turns out the guy was in Iraq and had been gone for almost a year. She didn't even tell me about him until after the fact. Pretty crazy how some (most) women are these days.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
There's no "never had a girlfriend so i don't have a chance to cheat option." just pointing that out.