Don't think the illuminati exists? read this

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Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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Im sure most of you heard of the illuminati, the satanic global elite that rules the world from behind the scenes (if you never heard about the illuminati click here). Im sure many of you heard how top politicians are supposedly members, secretly are occultist satanists and they are in every country. Im sure you heard how their goal is a global dictatorship/1 world govt run by a few elite.

Here is an example of politicians getting caught. Many of you have probably never heard of the following cases because the media does such a good job of hiding stuff like this from global/mass exposure which it should get (and because the media is run by illuminati members). I left out the U.N rape scandals and the Chile pedophilia scandal (involving top politicians as always). There are so many cases I had to leave stuff out so it can fit on 1 page! (sad isn't it). If you deny the existence of occultism among the worlds elite you need to get your head out of you know what.

ELITE PEDOPHILE RINGS (new world order/illuminati)

"In August 1996 the Marc Dutroux case exploded across the pages of the press with revelations that rich and powerful persons from the Belgium e'lite were taking part in orgies where babies and young women were sacrificed on satanic dates.

The investigating detectives soon discovered that there was a satanic ritual connection to this case and it involved notorieties from the very pillars of Belgium society. Stories emerged of exclusive sex orgies where the rich and powerful watched "snuff" movies and there was group participation in the sacrifice of babies and young girls.

The most astounding revelation of all came when witnesses named the heir to the throne of Belgium, Prince Albert, as a participent in the sex and child abuse orgies.

FORMER EUROPEAN COMMISSIONER was among a group of JUDGES, SENIOR POLITICIANS, LAWYERS AND POLICEMEN who attended orgies held in a Belgian chateau and organised by Michel Nihoul, one of Dutroux's alleged accomplices. La Derniere Heure, which claimed to have a guest list, did not name the commissioner but said he "came with a girl,"

John DeCamp, former Republican Nebraska State Senator, in his book "The Franklin Coverup" (which you can find at exposes the elite web of crime, satanic cults, and child sexual abuse that reaches through the highest levels of power in our society. The organized cover-up and suppression of the events and victims' accounts is well documented, as is the author's role as attorney in the investigations and court cases. It's interesting that former CIA director Bill Colby ambiguously acknowledged to the author that the scenario described is real, and not long thereafter Colby turned up dead under suspicious circumstances.


Alex Jones interviews John Decamp about child slave rings he exposed (warning, some very sick stuff)

"As police continued investigations a dozen suspects were formally named, seven of whom were arrested and taken to prison to await charges. ]u]Among them were Paulo Pedroso, an MP and number two in the opposition Socialist Party; Carlos Cruz, one of Portugal's most popular television journalists and retired ambassador Jorge Ritto."[/u]

"A year-long investigation into child sex abuse has named politicians, judges, priests and business leaders among 200 people who may face criminal prosecutions, Brazil's congress heard on Thursday.

The vice-governor of the state of Amazonas, Omar Aziz, is accused of being a client of a network of prostitution involving 16-year-olds.

A federal deputy, two state deputies and three mayors are among the politicians accused. Five priests and a former athlete are also named.

The report is the result of a national investigation by 11 senators and 11 deputies across party lines. Some cases involve abuse against babies. Testimony was taken in 22 of Brazil's 27 states.

Maria do Rosario, a lower house deputy, says she will not bow to pressure to remove names from the list. "The pressure is strong but the truth must be free. I have absolute conviction in my principles."

Last month Patricia Saboya, one of the national coordinators of the parliamentary group which looks into child sex abuse, [accused the government of doing "practically nothing" to investigate or punish those involved."

"white slavery, sado-masochism, rapes, sex with minors, drug dealing and appalling brutality - all in the heart of the government of one of France's most historic and most civilised cities."

THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL BOOK IN IRELAND! (exposes elite british pedophile rings)
"In the late 1970s and early 1980s people began to go missing in Ireland more frequently and in greater numbers. This was a new phenomenon not evident in previous decades, but in the early 1990s the public began to realise there was a serious problem!

This book tells my story, a terrifying account, which will shock the most hardened veteran. It begins with events in Northern Ireland and later in Kilkenny in the Republic of Ireland, where incredible revelations came to light involving the "Rich and Powerful".

I have no doubts that my information on high level paedophile groups and e'litist Satanic covens is based on fact, and given the recent expose's in the Operation Ore investigations into paedophile rings at the highest levels in British political circles, which seem to implicate serving MPs in the Government

The trust, which we, the public, have placed in those who govern us and police our society, is brought into question! "Can we assume that our so-called "betters" have our best interests at heart?"


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
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Dallas, Texas
I agree with you that the Illuminati exists... And so do secret organizations like skull and bones, which I believe are all somehow connected. I have listened to journalists like Alex Jones on who is educating the public about what the illuminati is about and even had video tapes of secret meetings held at Bohemeian Grove where many politicians gathered.

Here in the Philippines I myself have talked to several politicians, and I have come to learn that a lot of these guys running for office here in the Philippines are part of the same religious organization. (Usually they are members of a certain catholic church in which the elites meet) They are a frat.

Just a little tib bit I thought I'd share.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
I'm all about the whole Illuminati / JFK / Alien agenda / crop circles / Easter bunny / Diet Coke w/ splenda / X files / conspiracy gimmick.

It's great fodder to mull over. If you really wanna read some trippy sh!t check out Bob Frissells books about the Melchizedecks. Robert Anton Wilsons lectures on Jumping Jesus phenomena and David Icke's reptilian theory.

There is a wonderful 3 book set by Trevor Ravenscroft about the Spear of Destiny and the nazi involvement.

Oh, the Greys are real.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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NeonBase, tell all your friends about it spread the truth! like alex jones says we are heading for a prison planet if people don't wake up (and most need a little help). BTW have you heard the sound clip they got from inside the skull and bones frat house? (satanic stuff) and yet bush and kerry and so many powerful people are involved in this! when are people going to wake up?

telling someone the world is run by satanists is hard to digest but come on the evidence is overwhelming. It is too late to turn back now.

check out this anti-nwo forum


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
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Orange County, Ca
I try to keep somewhat informed about the Illuminati, but it always depresses me :(

From what I understand of the Illuminati, it's not as organized as some people think. It's more of a catch all term for several groups and secret societies competing with each other for total control of the world. Some of those groups are satanic in nature (Masons are the only one I'm aware of). Some groups are based around very rich/influencial families. It's all very confusing and filled with half-truths, which I'm sure is the aim of those secret groups.

I'm expecting things to become more clear in 6 years. I have a feeling certain groups are going to take the symbolic date of the Maya calendar to do something big. Should be interesting.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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Shiftkey said:
From what I understand of the Illuminati, it's not as organized as some people think. It's more of a catch all term for several groups and secret societies competing with each other for total control of the world. Some of those groups are satanic in nature (Masons are the only one I'm aware of). Some groups are based around very rich/influencial families. It's all very confusing and filled with half-truths, which I'm sure is the aim of those secret groups.
You are confusing the puppets from the pupeteers. The illuminati is the occult satanic elite which are behind the scenes. We are talking about people who are demonically possessed, we are talking about the use of demonic guides (aka spirit guides) which they admit to using (the nazis also were known for this), we are talking about hardcore occultists. The politicians on tv most of these are puppets who are mind controlled and have been brought up in the system of ritualistic occult slavery. They don't pull the strings they themselves are victims, some willing some unwilling. People blame Bush he is just a puppet of hidden forces unseen, he is like an actor.

illuminati = occult elite. occult both in rituals and occult as in hidden from view. Think of the politicians as the henchmen, then going to some dark house in the middle of nowhere to get orders from the real bosses who only a few know about. Some names have floated around (the black pope for example).
I'm expecting things to become more clear in 6 years. I have a feeling certain groups are going to take the symbolic date of the Maya calendar to do something big. Should be interesting.
what you REALLY need to worry about is an impending attack on america far worse than 911 like the news media is warning us about for years. That is what you need to worry about. All hell will probably break loose and you will see your rights say goodbye. There was a controversy recently with a news story about a contract given to a company to build "detention centers" (concentration camps) in the USA (the contract was given to KBR if not mistaken). I think you know where this is heading.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
I think you give the "Devil" ( A product of X-tianity ) way to much credit. There is also too much credit to the Bilderbergers, Trilateral commission, Council on Foreign Relations and the US Government. Satan is a spook story like Keiser Soze.

I will admit that there is a vast amount we don't know and I'm sure we are already way ahead of ourselves in technological development. And I know for goddamned certainty that we are not all that is living in and out of this planet. Anyone who refutes that is an arrogant prick.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
Misinformation is great.....

I don't think any of you understand the meaning of "satanic" in this context.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
S1NN3R said:
Misinformation is great.....

I don't think any of you understand the meaning of "satanic" in this context.
I think we'll get by without the bullsh!t satanic rhetoric. Put the satanic bible and the Necronomicon away . . . ( <--- these are proper elipsis marks ).

Don't think you understand it in this context.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
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Dallas, Texas
Joe The Homophobe said:
NeonBase, tell all your friends about it spread the truth! like alex jones says we are heading for a prison planet if people don't wake up (and most need a little help). BTW have you heard the sound clip they got from inside the skull and bones frat house? (satanic stuff) and yet bush and kerry and so many powerful people are involved in this! when are people going to wake up?

telling someone the world is run by satanists is hard to digest but come on the evidence is overwhelming. It is too late to turn back now.

check out this anti-nwo forum
Bro I totally agree with you! John Kerry was even asked in an interview if he was a member of Skull and Bones and he admitted that he was! The journalist then asked him questions about the organizations and he said he couldn't because it was secret.

Too many people are blinded by the media about the reality of this all. Like I said, I've talked to politicians here in the Philippines and they have talked about their secret organiations. Even the first president Gerge Washington was a Mason.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2005
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You seriously believe this?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

To me, much of that is true, and much of it isn't. I believe in some of it, but what to believe is key. It would seem that MOST of it is truly just 'acts', horrendous act, but acts nonetheless to keep people OFF the goal, or off the MAIN conspirators.

As I alluded to in another thread I created, it's part of MisDirection and DisInformation to keep the masses confused, worried, nervous, anxious, angry, and generally preoccupied. They are likely to be "true" in the sense they occur...but anytime someone of ELITE status (mostly those in the Mainstream news, or so super wealthy they get no coverage) does anything of wrong doing, AT best its a slap on the hand. And if it's more, then they get the nod "they'd" be taken care of behind the scenes.

Honestly, Lay and Skilling won't do time in a hardcore prison. They created ALOT of wealth for the "smart guys" and even more wealth for those wise enough to short the fvck out of the stock, while pilfering funds into the millions. Dave Chapelle alluded, in a comical way, to how Michael Jackson always has an INCIDENT right around the same time the country is having problems, such as war, or taxes, or BJ scandals to divert attention.

When you have 63+ million people voting for the American know something is up. AT least if people voted enmasse for the Green Or Libertarian parties or someone different, it would be a vote in SOME other direction, instead of the AUTOMATIC Democrat or Republican we get. That's not even a CHOICE. You get to pick from basically 2, because the other votes are throwaways, UNLESS enough people used their right to vote and do so wisely, NOT based on TV commercials.


Read the Book..."The Underground History of American Education" by John Taylor Gatto. It gets very deep into how society is a controlled experiment, funded by foundations like the Rockefellar, Ford, Rothschilds, Carnegie, Morgan, and others to control the masses using forced schooling and other means. Even elements like porn was ALLOWED so that people wouldn't randomly fvck women and create what they deemed as "unworthy and base" life. Sure, we act like its disgusting, but the allowance of porn was to separate women from men, AND, to allow single men an outlet NOT to father children. Some might think that ok, but when you see the intentions as sinister, you get angry.

When you think back on education, the intention behind it was to:

1) Separate kids from the family unit. In older days, kids at younger ages could read more difficult books and stories, building a much more expansive vocabulary, and were the product of the FAMILY + the TOWN/CITY, and the FAMILY/TOWN dictated to the teacher what was taught.
2) Was taught by town elders, people who were responsible, had lived a long time, experienced much, and had a vested interest IN the town. Each student was an individual product, not the class as a whole.
3) In early Greece and Roman, universities were areas of open thought and discussion. Now, education is parroted from textbooks, expensive ones at that, where the educated are ranked by who can RETAIN and REPEAT what they hear, read, or see THE BEST. (This is what Prussia did to create the best, most obedient country, and sequentially, the best Army).
4) Education was based on what families and kids VALUED, not necessarily what arbitrary government officials and psychologists THOUGHT was best for someone else's kids.
5) They weren't psychologically beaten down into the same mold of human puddy. (The effects of psychological abuse are worse than physical, especially if the psychological abuse comes from an authoritative source.)
6) Was created because the "melting" pot threatened to break down the Gene pool of Anglo/Saxon Americans through a dramatic influx of immigrants. To "indoctrinate" the masses into one American race, a means of breaking apart the tiny sects of immigrants was devised, and then, a means of educating them into "the way of life", and finally making them useful as cogs in a gigantic economic wheel.
7) Education of such sort was concocted to create class ranks in economics. As anyone knows, information is power, and the best information is reserved for those that can pay. If you teach "specifics" to the lowest masses, then you've given them the JOB, and the idea of the AMERICAN DREAM. At the next level you have private education, which gives you the top degree candidates. And finally, those in secret or special societies, which by membership alone grants you a position, forget how qualified you are. Our President should stand as example alone. His limited vocabulary is testament to that. Anyone can be wealthy, with enough determination and the right path, but beyond that the structure of education is such that its meant to LOCK certain perceived class distinctions away from one another without it being so evident.

The hole goes deeper; we're just scratching the surface.



Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
KarmaSutra said:
I think we'll get by without the bullsh!t satanic rhetoric. Put the satanic bible and the Necronomicon away . . .

Don't think you understand it in this context.
That's my point. "Satanic" while talking about the Illuminati has nothing to do with that stupid crap put forth in the late 60s by Crowley. The Church of Satan was more or less a joke by him to get attention.

Satanic Illuminati however, is completely different. "Satan" comes from the Hebrew word "shaitan" which means "bringer of light". Illuminati/Freemason idealology is Luciferian, and the name Lucifer comes from the Ancient Greek words, lux (light), and ferre (to bring). Shock. It's a much more Promethian system, a celebration of illumination. Calling them satanic is a misnomer, and only began because of the Christian Church's association between the two words. So just blindly calling them satanic leads people to think of virgin sacrifices and the drinking of goat's blood, and that couldn't be more incorrect.

( <--- these are proper elipsis marks )
It's spelled ellipsis, as long as we're correcting each other. :D


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Joe The Homophobe said:
You are confusing the puppets from the pupeteers. The illuminati is the occult satanic elite which are behind the scenes. We are talking about people who are demonically possessed, we are talking about the use of demonic guides (aka spirit guides) which they admit to using (the nazis also were known for this), we are talking about hardcore occultists. The politicians on tv most of these are puppets who are mind controlled and have been brought up in the system of ritualistic occult slavery. They don't pull the strings they themselves are victims, some willing some unwilling. People blame Bush he is just a puppet of hidden forces unseen, he is like an actor.
I think you give the devil too much credit. He can't possess or brainwash people - only influence them. Though depending on how you look at it, that could be even worse. Those people CHOOSE to be evil, they're not forced or tricked. Others (such as Bush Jr) are just manipulated. I don't think Bush Jr is evil or involved in anything like a satanic cult. His dad or brother might be though, as well as certain members of his cabinet.

Oh and spirit guides are not demonic. Far from it.

illuminati = occult elite. occult both in rituals and occult as in hidden from view. Think of the politicians as the henchmen, then going to some dark house in the middle of nowhere to get orders from the real bosses who only a few know about. Some names have floated around (the black pope for example).
I'm not confused by this, I just don't agree. I think if it was as organized as you think, they'd have a hell of a lot more control over the public. The only thing keeping the Illuminati in check is that the groups are not united.

what you REALLY need to worry about is an impending attack on america far worse than 911 like the news media is warning us about for years. That is what you need to worry about. All hell will probably break loose and you will see your rights say goodbye. There was a controversy recently with a news story about a contract given to a company to build "detention centers" (concentration camps) in the USA (the contract was given to KBR if not mistaken). I think you know where this is heading.
Yes, that's exactly what I expect on Dec 21, 2012. That's when the Maya calendar crosses from the 4th to the 5th world. Certain Illuminati groups are going to take that symbolism and run with it. It's going to become a self-fullfilling prophecy. There's going to be a lot of destruction (not just in America), but ultimately I'm not worried. I firmly believe they are going to fail at what they're aiming for when the smoke clears.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
NeonBase said:
Bro I totally agree with you! John Kerry was even asked in an interview if he was a member of Skull and Bones and he admitted that he was! The journalist then asked him questions about the organizations and he said he couldn't because it was secret.

Too many people are blinded by the media about the reality of this all. Like I said, I've talked to politicians here in the Philippines and they have talked about their secret organiations. Even the first president Gerge Washington was a Mason.
The Skull and Bones indeed exists. Both Bush and Kerry were members, and at the same time, since they graduated from the same college only 2 years apart. But just because it's a secret society doesn't mean they perform satanic rituals. It is linked to the Illuminati, but not as deeply as you think. It has more in common with a frat than anything, and even frats keep their secrets. The group has a tendancy to push out many future presidents because of it's connections.

Like A-Unit aluded to, the Illuminati likes to try and confuse people with misinformation. I think the Skull and Bones being heavily involved in the Illuminati is a part of this misinformation campaign. It's a red herring.


Jul 30, 2003
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i support their agenda


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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Let me ask you guys a very simple question:

Why do you care?

What drives you to expose these conspiracies? Is it because you have so much love and compassion for the people of this world? Or is there another reason you're trying to persuade others to support you?

AT least if people voted enmasse for the Green Or Libertarian parties or someone different, it would be a vote in SOME other direction
If people voted en masse for the Greens or Libertarians, nothing would change. They'd just become the new ruling party, and life would go on.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
I don't try to expose them, because trying to do so is futile. There's too much misinformation out there to know if anything is accurate, and even if I did have accurate info, I don't have the power to put it to use. I try to learn different ideas about the Illuminati so that I can brace myself when the world changes.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
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I don't think aliens or Satan are required for a group of powerful men to shape the system to their own advantage. People are so easily manipulated that any man can do this sort of thing on a small scale. What makes the global scale of this possible is the fact that the participants are cooperating, rather than competing as the rich and powerful of the past always did. It also helps that they're keeping a low profile, as highly visible government and military action would be counterproductive.

Politicians can be bought, markets can be manipulated, and the people can be deceived. It's not alien technology or Satanic magic, just intelligence, a broad and long-term plan, and popular support or a lot of money.

In every society throughout history, there has been an elite that gained and maintained its position by harnessing the resources and labor of others to serve its own ends. Whether this was accomplished through physical force, social structures (serfdom, slavery, capitalism, etc.), manipulation of the people through any of several means (religion, mass media, etc.), or all of the above, it was a conspiracy only because the men involved intended to do it, and kept their true goals secret from the people.

The reason this elite has morphed from highly visible military dictators and religious officials to nameless and faceless businessmen and intellectuals is the evolution of power away from might and towards money, and the rise of information and connectivity in society as a whole. Besides, after the unprecedented death and destruction of two world wars, warriors and conquerors have lost their popular appeal, and centuries of strong civilian rule (at least in the developed world) has rid armed men of their propensity to see themselves as the masters rather than the servants. Religion too is losing its power. The people laugh at the notion of the "divine right to rule", and cynicism is building towards any attempt to justify Man's actions as doing God's will, and that's assuming God actually exists, a conclusion that science has called into question.

The reason the elite is going underground and behind the scenes is that this is the only way they can maintain their position. The people are getting smarter and their standards are going up, and the elite have had to change their tactics to compensate. In the past, the people did as the elite demanded or died; the elite didn’t need to resort to secrecy and manipulation to create and maintain their wealth and power, fear and force were more than sufficient, and certainly meshed well with the tastes of the warriors that constituted the elite. Nowadays, the people expect freedom, opportunity, and the elite have had to make room for at least the illusion of these things in their plan … and the people are already demanding more.

It is possible to argue that the United States government does the bidding of a handful of extremely wealthy corporations and individuals, as the representatives of these entities finance the elections and reelections of US Senators, Representatives, and Presidents, enabled by another section of the elite’s dominance of the mass media. However, the American people are wising up to this scheme, and are starting to take a stand against Big Money. The Internet makes grassroots support possible, taking wealthy donors completely out of the picture. This enables prospective candidates to take positions contrary to the wishes of the elite, who if they use the Internet to get around the elite-controlled mass media, stand a good chance of getting elected, as they represent the interests of the people, gradually weakening the elite’s hold over the government. Eventually, no amount of the elite’s money will stop the people from taking back the government; “the man” will have to retreat behind another curtain to stay invisible and in control, but even less of his control panel will fit behind that new curtain.

Even if the elite should persist until the end of time, I have a feeling that the only way they will do so is by continuing this trend of self-effacement, eventually rendering themselves utterly irrelevant to the daily lives of the common people. They will have ceased to be the predators and parasites that they have been for the past 5,000 years and will have become commensalists, a partner in a relationship that benefits them, but causes no harm to their host, in which case why should the people care that the elite exists?
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