Does this make you mad?


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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Again, supposed to sleep with this girl for the first during X-mas (my first). I know she's not innocent, but I've courted this girl forever and have spent alot of money on her. I'm flying to her city and eventually I think it will happen but my friend has told me his lawyer (she worked for him before) slept with her in less than 3 hours on a weekend trip once. That almost makes me not want to sleep with her. I'm pissed off I have to do all this work on the off chance I might get it and the lawyer did it in less than 3 hours.

I guess my question is: when you know a girl has given it up before to a guy very fast and you have to work and work for it, is the girl worth it?

I'd rather the girl has slept with 8 guys but make each guy wait a year than a girl who has slept with 3 guys but makes the decision in 30 seconds.​
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
DonJuan11 said:
Again, supposed to sleep with this girl for the first during X-mas (my first). I know she's not innocent, but I've courted this girl forever and have spent alot of money on her. I'm flying to her city and eventually I think it will happen but my friend has told me his lawyer (she worked for him before) slept with her in less than 3 hours on a weekend trip once. That almost makes me not want to sleep with her. I'm pissed off I have to do all this work on the off chance I might get it and the lawyer did it in less than 3 hours.

I guess my question is: when you know a girl has given it up before to a guy very fast and you have to work and work for it, is the girl worth it?

I'd rather the girl has slept with 8 guys but make each guy wait a year than a girl who has slept with 3 guys but makes the decision in 30 seconds.​

Dude stop worrying about what other guys she has been with and worry about yourself getting some action.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
Supposed to sleep with her?? What's that mean?


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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iqqi said:
Why the hell are you paying for pvssy????
Because I don't have the DJ skills to make her knees weak by saying "hi" like some guys on here do.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Go for it, but try to fvck some girls in your own city as well. It's a lot cheaper to fvck local than fly to the pvssy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
LOL, how do you know you're "supposed to sleep with her"?? Did you talk about it with her?

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Getting mad about a girl's past is going to do nothing positive for you. So long as you like a girl for more than just a quick lay (I'm assuming that you are looking for a real relationship being that you've been courting her for a while and are putting so much effort into it). If this is the case, you need to be able to accept that she is (likely) not the same person she used to be. Plenty of girls go through a stage where they sleep with a guy without much effort. And they do this for all sorts of reasons. They might think it will make guys like them more, they might sleep around because having sex gives them a sense of confidence they haven't been able to get any other way, or they might just be going through a stage where they simply want to bone without much attachment. But it's common for a girl to later decide that she wants a good connection before she sleeps with someone.

The sexual decisions a girl made in the past can't be held against her if you aim to have a real relationship with her. Obsessing over something like this will just make you angry, but it won't get you anywhere. It'll likely just make you resent her for not sleeping with you.

I started dating a girl a few weeks ago and on our 4th or 5th date she asked me why I hadn't asked her about her romantic/sexual past. (apparently lots of guys want their girls to emotionally vomit all over them within the first date or two). I told her I honestly just didn't want to know that much about her past right up front. I figure anything really important will come out during regular conversation in the future, so there's no point in front loading it all. That, and I simply don't want to know how many guys a girl I'm dating has slept with.

Now, if you're just trying to sleep with her I can understand the annoyance. But if all you're trying to do is sleep with someone you're going about it in a really strange way.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Shame on you! paying for some dumb broad....

Well, I hope you get the pvssy and not the clap.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
The Forms said:
Getting mad about a girl's past is going to do nothing positive for you. So long as you like a girl for more than just a quick lay (I'm assuming that you are looking for a real relationship being that you've been courting her for a while and are putting so much effort into it). If this is the case, you need to be able to accept that she is (likely) not the same person she used to be. Plenty of girls go through a stage where they sleep with a guy without much effort. And they do this for all sorts of reasons. They might think it will make guys like them more, they might sleep around because having sex gives them a sense of confidence they haven't been able to get any other way, or they might just be going through a stage where they simply want to bone without much attachment. But it's common for a girl to later decide that she wants a good connection before she sleeps with someone.

The sexual decisions a girl made in the past can't be held against her if you aim to have a real relationship with her. Obsessing over something like this will just make you angry, but it won't get you anywhere. It'll likely just make you resent her for not sleeping with you.

I started dating a girl a few weeks ago and on our 4th or 5th date she asked me why I hadn't asked her about her romantic/sexual past. (apparently lots of guys want their girls to emotionally vomit all over them within the first date or two). I told her I honestly just didn't want to know that much about her past right up front. I figure anything really important will come out during regular conversation in the future, so there's no point in front loading it all. That, and I simply don't want to know how many guys a girl I'm dating has slept with.

Now, if you're just trying to sleep with her I can understand the annoyance. But if all you're trying to do is sleep with someone you're going about it in a really strange way.
I can't agree with that. If she was attracted to me like she was to the other guy, she would have slept with me in 8 seconds. Not make me wait for 9 months.

Just having sex and being in a relationship and having sex are mutually exclusive. We could have slept together on the 1st date, but still have a relationship. I'm doing something completely wrong since I'm not turning her on enough to have made her want to sleep with me sooner and I'm going against everything this site preaches.

At least I'm not angry and bitter.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
This is what you call CHODE...

Don't mean to be harsh but this is the reality.

You were the AFC/CHODE who spends money on chicks and have to wait months before anything goes down. This is the typical guy.

Learning pickup teaches you how to become a attractive man and you start to consistently lay chicks in a matter of hours.

You can't blame the girl, its just the guy conveyed his personality way better than you and also because it was a vacation type of thing so there was no social conditioning really going into play.

But it's like the TD "Secret Society" post its either you get it or you don't. Only 2% of males are apart of the secret society. 1% gay and the other 1% is guys who get it. Everyone else don't get it and so they don't get special treatment.

It's either your living in the AFC world still or a guy who gets it.

That's why I laugh at guys who think pickup is that easy, because to consistently lay chicks in few hours really takes alot of work by improving yourself and understanding how all this works.

This is why I laugh at people who call chicks sluts, really there just mad.

It's not right for all the guys who don't get it but thats just the way it is. There is no reason to be pissed.

This is why I say alot of guys get into to this for the wrong reason. Majority just wants to be loved and wants a girlfriend, all they really have to do is join a social circle and they'll meet chicks, because regardless if you learn this or not you are going to have sex.

BUT, if you want to improve your life and become an attractive man who has women highly attracted to them, then you'd learn pickup. Overall it will change who you are, and your whole life. You understand women fully and so you have options and overall its FUN interacting with people.

80% of the people who learn this don't really go through with this because actually doing this consistently is alot of work and this is why I respect all the guys who bust there ass to get good because majority of people aren't willing to go that hard.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
DonJuan11 said:

I'd rather the girl has slept with 8 guys but make each guy wait a year than a girl who has slept with 3 guys but makes the decision in 30 seconds.​
i like that. i feel the same way as you. it feels like u would be a jackass to spend $, time on some girl who fcuked other guys who didnt give a flying fcuk about them

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
DonJuan11 said:
I can't agree with that. If she was attracted to me like she was to the other guy, she would have slept with me in 8 seconds. Not make me wait for 9 months.

Just having sex and being in a relationship and having sex are mutually exclusive. We could have slept together on the 1st date, but still have a relationship. I'm doing something completely wrong since I'm not turning her on enough to have made her want to sleep with me sooner and I'm going against everything this site preaches.

At least I'm not angry and bitter.
Well obviously you haven't played all your cards right, otherwise you wouldn't be 9 months in and still trying to sleep with her. I usually end up sleeping with someone around the third date (I'm done with that part of life where I just want to bang a whole bunch of chicks. So if she's made it through the third date and I still like her I'll sleep with her). I can wait longer if I really like her, but 9 months is pretty excessive.

I don't have enough information to know for a fact if what I said wholly applies to your situation. Since there wasn't THAT much info in your original post, I had to assume some things (IE, you're interested in a real relationship). Maybe you aren't. But if you aren't you've officially put WAY too much effort into this girl if all you're looking for is sex with her.

Yea, you could have slept with her on the first date and made a real relationships out of it, but you didn't, so it's kind of a moot point. I personally don't like to sleep with a girl on the first date because then I just assume she's a ***** and I don't want to date her anymore. If she makes me wait I ultimately respect her more.

What it comes down to is WOULD she sleep with someone on the first date now. Just because she did it in the past doesn't mean she would nowadays. That's one of those things girls change about themselves. How promiscuous a girl is isn't the most constant part of her personality. However, if she WOULD sleep with someone she just met, and won't sleep with you, you definately need to figure out what it is you're doing wrong.

Either way, that's in the past and will do nothing but piss you off, so it would serve you best to not get upset about it.

Lord Shinra

Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
I just can't believe if you've been courting her for 9 months, you'll actually go for something that IMHO she's selling nothing more than "To keep you around sex"

My proof:
I know she's not innocent, but I've courted this girl forever and have spent alot of money on her.
Sounds like she's just gonna bang you ( thats if she even does) just to keep you around.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
The Forms said:
Well obviously you haven't played all your cards right, otherwise you wouldn't be 9 months in and still trying to sleep with her. I usually end up sleeping with someone around the third date (I'm done with that part of life where I just want to bang a whole bunch of chicks. So if she's made it through the third date and I still like her I'll sleep with her). I can wait longer if I really like her, but 9 months is pretty excessive.

Either way, that's in the past and will do nothing but piss you off, so it would serve you best to not get upset about it.

You DJs who decide when you want to sleep with the girl amaze me. I really don't know how you do it when she has the stuff we want, and I'll probably never will understand. I have to say I'm jealous.

It's hard not to get pissed about it. Ignorance is definitely bliss when it comes to a girls past.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
Let's get this straight. NO MAN can sleep with 100% of the women that he wants to (women he sees walking down the street, women at work, women with boyfriends) but the more you practice, the better you get at it. It's just like anything in life. You'll get there.

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
DonJuan11 said:
You DJs who decide when you want to sleep with the girl amaze me. I really don't know how you do it when she has the stuff we want, and I'll probably never will understand. I have to say I'm jealous.

It's hard not to get pissed about it. Ignorance is definitely bliss when it comes to a girls past.
Yea she's got stuff you want, but you have stuff she wants, IE, a relationship with an awesome dude. I like to de-emphasize the importance of sex with a girl in the beginning stages. I know a lot of guys here think that the litmus test of being a DJ is if you can meet a girl and bang her the same night. That's just not that important to me (anymore). I've had enough sex to where sex with a new girl isn't that big of a deal anymore. When I was younger I thought that would give me confidence of fill some sort of hole. It didn't do either.

I show interest without coming off like I'm trying to bone her right now, tonight. I'm classy. At the end of the first date I kiss her/probably make out with her for awhile, then I leave. Second date pretty much the same. By this point she's usually intrigued that I haven't been trying to get into her pants ("He's so different! He's interested in me as a person, not me as a vagina!" Who knew women would respond to this? There's a fine line between doing this right, and being an AFC, but it's worth learning where that line is). If I'm still digging her, then I'll actually take her home, or go home with her on the third date(ish). This whole time I'm just hanging out and being the most fun guy she's ever met. That's pretty much the majority of my game. Of course she wants to sleep with a guy like that. Why wouldn't she? I'm not even very smooth. I'm just really fun, and I have the balls to make a move when it's time.

In general you want her to be more into you than you are into her. Even if you're really into her, you can show interest without seeming like a puppy that would do anything for her.

Important distinction: The whole "I decide when and where a girl gets to have sex with me" thing is largely a croc. There might be some guys who can pull this off, but I don't want to be one of them. The girl herself and her attitudes and readiness to start up a relationship (of whatever nature) with a guy is a big variable. This is out of your control. There is no formula that will work with 100% of women 100% of the time. People who say there is such a formula grossly underestimate women. Full stop. I look at it like this: if I meet a girl and she's ready to start a relationship and I might be her type, I know what to do to get her where I want her. That's about the level of game a guy should realistically expect of himself.

AFC Savior

Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
why is this chump on a site called sosuave and is CLEARLY doing the exact opposite of what he should be doing to improve???

you are a total idiot to spend $$ on a girl and to "schedule" sex wtf, you are the biggest loser on this whole site!