Do you think this chick is the wife of a Passport Bro?


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Yes, it turns out she was a ballerina that had already moved to the USA.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2022
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She's hot & Russian, and has married an American man.
ст. 276 УК РФ -- Espionage.

"Transfer, collection, theft or storage for the purpose of transfer to a foreign state, international or foreign organization or their representatives of information constituting a state secret, as well as transfer or collection on the instructions of foreign intelligence or a person acting in its interests, other information for use against security Russian Federation or transfer, collection,
theft or storage for the purpose of transferring to the enemy information that can be used against the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies of the Russian Federation, committed in conditions of an armed conflict, military operations or other actions using weapons and military equipment with the participation of the Russian Federation , that is, espionage, if these acts were committed by a foreign citizen or stateless person,

It's 10 to 20.

Obviously it is not about $51 dollar donation. Since February 2022 she collected money for purchase of equipment, ammunition, medicine for the enemy.

She first got arrested for cursing in public, received 14 days in jail -- excessive. Men receive 3 days for beating a woman up, women usually let go with a fine. Then as soon as she exited, she was picked up right at the jail, and charged with espionage.

One thing I can say, on my own experience, you can not beat charges in Russia. You sit in that jail, they throw spies in your cell and you don't know who is a rat and who is legit. Each cell has a camera with a mic. Then when it comes to meet with a lawyer they bring you into this room about the size of cubical, and on the sealing there are a dozen cameras to record you from different angles. You can't say squat. It's all a show, with the lawyers I mean. If they got you, that means you will do time, unless charges are dropped, say you compensated the victim or something (which is legal).

Which means this, she will do time. How much time depends on how much she did. If it is just $51 donation, she won't do much time perhaps even let go with a 30,000 ruble fine $300 bucks. But they are alleging a lot more. They saying she was collecting money. 10 - 20 years. They are alleging espionage. Premeditated murder has less consequence.

As far as if she married for passport, everything is possible. Why not. I would marry for passport myself. I know a girl who married for passport and is now in a happy marriage with two kids. The real QUESTION to ask here what was she doing back in Ekaterinburg? What was she doing cursing in public near a theater in Ekaterinburg? She came back with an agenda? We have freedom of speech in Russia, so long as we watch what we say, and she knew that.

It's like freaking Navalny situation. He knew allegations against him and he still come back. What was he expecting?


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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As far as if she married for passport, everything is possible. Why not. I would marry for passport myself. I know a girl who married for passport and is now in a happy marriage with two kids. The real QUESTION to ask here what was she doing back in Ekaterinburg? What was she doing cursing in public near a theater in Ekaterinburg? She came back with an agenda? We have freedom of speech in Russia, so long as we watch what we say, and she knew that.
Apparently, she went back to Russia to visit her parents. As for swearing in public, she portably figured that she would get away with it because she's hot. It seems that she has lived in America long enough to forget that things don't work like that in Russia. I have also seen pics of her at some demonstration holding up signs says "Send military help to Ukraine". If those pics are not fake, they will bolster the treason claim.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2022
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@Bokanovsky Holding a sign "Send military help to Ukraine" will not get you a charge.

There is this youtube channel, bald and bankrupt. Dude was in Ukraine when the thing began doing videos that all this is crap, Russia won't attack. He got kicked out of Ukraine because he traveled to Russia, and in Russia he got kicked out of Russia because while in Ukraine he said some things against Russia. British citizen. (by the way, PUA, he's on Roosh-V forums) If anything, that girl would be kicked out of Russia for holding a sign.

It takes something concrete to be charged with espionage. It wasn't holding a sign, and it wasn't donating $51.