Chinese PUA

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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I kind of have mixed feelings about this. Above all it's an absolutely brilliant marketing scheme. Where else in the world could you find such a high concentration of single, desperate men? Well done Juggler, well done.

That said, lets also not forget that in a country like China where the male to female ratio is so skewed, and intergender relations becoming more and more distorted, you're going to also get violent responses to this lack of female empathy, such as the rash of killings of daycare kids in China last summer. Most of the perpetrators spouted of George Sardoni type reasonings for their actions. I would imagine that seeing fellow Chinese PUA and an American with the swagger of a Juggler being even modestly successful with women in clubs would enough to make their 'student's' failing even more pronounced.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Rollo,
"Where else in the world could you find such a high concentration of single, desperate men?"but if you go there,you would say,Where else in the world could I find such a high concentration of single, desperate Women? can't use Western values to judge the Chinese,they are soo different....And don't think that by overlaying their Culture with American or try Australian birth,education and values you change them...You wont...they are different,give them a conjunction of personal happenings and events,they draw a completely different conclusion,will react completely differently to us...Perhaps this is the secret that has enabled them to absorb and subsume other Cultures and imprint them indelibly with their own...


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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That's a good point. While there are obviously many things we bear in common in the human experience, they are philosophical, idealogical, and cultural aliens to westerners.

A guy in my Shrine unit has a mail order bride from a "small town" in China. Population: 5,000,000

It might be interesting to see what happens with this.

DJ Logic

Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2003
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The dude they interviewed should probably work on his acne problem and poor posture before trying to sort his game out. You can spew the best lines in the world but if you look unhealthy the odds are not in your favor.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Chinese women have money/security on their mind first and foremost when it comes to relationships. If you have lots of money in China women will be the least of your problems. It's quite common here(I am in the mainland now), almost standard for wealthy, old men to have not only a wife, but also a girlfriend or two in their early 20's or teens. Since, I started coming to China four years ago, I have never seen so many young HB's dating ugly old men. And I don't just mean ugly by western standards, I mean universally ugly dudes.

There is a whole lot of societal factors that come into play and basically make it nearly impossible for a young Chinese guy to get and/or hold on to a woman of the same age. Parents put insane amounts of pressure on their kids to succeed in school. So much so that young Chinese have almost no time to socialize with the opposite sex until after they graduate university.

If that weren't enough for the young ones to deal with, until recently it was actually an expellable offense if you were found out to be in a relationship. Although the rule has changed now, young Chinese couples (in HS and Uni) still have to travel outside their city if they want to have any privacy. If they don't, they risk getting reported by the hotel to their Uni or HS, who will then inform the couple's parents. Obviously this would be a huge loss of face for the couple and their families.

Once they are finished with school, Chinese men are under a lot of pressure to get married, have a child, provide for not only the his family, but he'll also have to provide for his parents AND her parents in their retirement. Given the loose labour laws and the blatant favoritism/nepotism in Chinese business practices, this has created an environment where you either have to a)be brilliant and have good business sense, b) come from a wealthy family c)related to someone who is high up or owns a company d)work long, long hours and hope for a promotion. Out of those catagories, D is the most populated. Since the average Chinese has to has to work such long ass hours for such little pay, it doesn't leave a lot of time for socializing.

Another element that I think comes into play is that there are simply no places to socialize in China other than work activities(ie team building sessions), night clubs (which are way to loud and have no dance floor), and internet bars(yes you read that right(ironically that's where I posting this from)). Gyms are far and few between and not to mention expensive, finding a basketball court is hard, a soccer field is impossible, most restaurants and coffee shops are just unwelcoming, and finding a good bar to just sit down and chat is not very common either.

What does this all mean? It basically means that China is more built for economic productivity and much less so for personal ventures (such as dating).


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear SharinganUser,
This puts it all in a Nutshell,at base is the reverence for Family....lose face or the respect of your family and you are finished....However insightful and interesting,as your post is,it really doesn't explain why an Ethnic Chinese whose ancestors came say to Dig Gold in North Australia in the 1870's still behaves like a Chinese.What are your Thoughts?I have been hanging almost exclusively with Chinese for maybe six Years....Their personalities are as Onions,as you peel one layer of mystery,you are confronted with another enigma,containing yet another puzzle surrounding What?


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2010
Reaction score
Scaramouche said:
Dear SharinganUser,
This puts it all in a Nutshell,at base is the reverence for Family....lose face or the respect of your family and you are finished....However insightful and interesting,as your post is,it really doesn't explain why an Ethnic Chinese whose ancestors came say to Dig Gold in North Australia in the 1870's still behaves like a Chinese.What are your Thoughts?I have been hanging almost exclusively with Chinese for maybe six Years....Their personalities are as Onions,as you peel one layer of mystery,you are confronted with another enigma,containing yet another puzzle surrounding What?
I reckon it's because the Chinese place a lot more emphasis on culture than the average non-Chinese do. Traditions and philosophies are actually passed down from generation to generation.

I've seen Chinese adopted by Western parents, and they're as Western as any white person, as you could imagine.