Ch. 5 The Cruise! Sect. 1 Jersey


Senior Don Juan
Apr 27, 2000
Reaction score
Tyler, TX, USA
I was lucky enough to go on a cruise about 3 weeks ago from Miami, FL to Nassau, Bahamas to Cococay, Bahamas to Key West, FL and back to Miami. I traveled on the Royal Caribbean Majesty of the Seas cruiseline for 4 nights. This was the best vacation I have ever had by far. I am going to tell you guys about a girl from New Jersey named Cara and how I got her to like me even though she had a boyfriend back home. I will refer to her as Jersey like as in coyote ugly from now on

The first night I was walking around with Lee(Dj's Lilpimp) scoping out the ship and checking out the ladies along with our competition. I was pleased to find out that there were many many hotties and hardly any competition(No Don Juans except us) There was also a dance club thing for teens every night from 10:30 till 2 which was perfect for us to show off our skills.

I was taking a break from dancing to go outside somewhere around 12 to look for my friend when I saw an incredible good looking girl across the pool deck talking with her girlfriend. She had blonde hair, good body, very tan and I was gonna ****** this one. I headed over there way and asked them if they had seen my friend. They said they saw some guy with a girl, but they didnt know so I started in with some small talking asking them where they lived etc. I was smiling and looking deep into her and her friends eyes, making them laugh etc. I was basically charming her and showing her I had confidence. After 15 min. or so I departed to look for my friend and told them it was nice to meet them and I would see them around.

Ok now its the next night and im chillin talking to some ladies in the club and my friend comes in and tells me that he just saw jersey outside. He said that him and the girl he was with told jersey that I was interested in her and asked if she would want to talk to me. She said sure, but she has a boyfriend back home that means a lot and that she would come in the club later. So I'm going hmmm oh well ill get her anyways. I was talking to 2 chicks when I notice her walk in looking around. Then we made eye contact, I smiled and she smiled back. I knew I had her now and I walked over to her to ask if she wanted to go outside to talk(It was very loud in there). She said yes and I went out to talk to her along with her friend and younger stepsister. I am doing the same thing as before with my Juanism and by this time a lot of people knew me on the cruise. They were coming up to me and talking to me. Jersey said that I was like the "Social Director" because I knew so many people and I was talking to everyone that walked by. To make a long story short I was being a master on the top of the game. By the end of the cruise, I had Jersey telling me that she was tired of her boyfriend instead of a boyfriend that means a lot at the beginning
She gave me her email and screen name with hearts all over the paper and asked for mine also. I ended up staying "out" with her till 5:30 that last night.

Now that I look back on it, I did everything right from the first impression to the goodbye hug and I did it without even thinking about it. If you have the carefree attitude and the confidence/charm, you will succeed almost every time. Have patience my friends, it has been a slow process for me to become natural at being a Don Juan. Believe me it is well worth the work when Juanism becomes naturally part of your personality.

To be continued...


New Member
Dec 11, 2000
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Ive been on like 5 cruises and every single time i have had the same situation occur with the ladies. The reason it works so well on a cruise is that everyone starts with no rep and they can create whatever image they would like to portray. Cruises are definetly the easiest vacations to get laid by several different carefree ladies. just make sure you go on a holiday cruise thats when theres the most women. But thats cool what happened to you and ill be on my next cruise dec 23rd so wish me luck. Im definetly gonna work on my NLP and some other techniques.