Can you pursue money and do game as well - when you're 25-35 or it's only one of the two?


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2023
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I'm 28.5 years old. Been thinking about this for a while now, from the poem " To the Virgins, to make most of time" - written quite literally for the virgins in that time to make the most of their youth in regards to sex -

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying"

It seems nature has a sense of irony, because the best time to achieve your potential in terms of money, physically, influence also happens to be the best time to get laid and game and date.

Now i've rarely come across the guy who manages to do both, the guy who is a rare beast who is kicking ass at work and raking in the dollars, is ripped as hell and is also banging hot women.

It's often either the guy is banging hot women or the guy who is making the money big time. Managing both of these things seem to be hard for most of the male populace.

Then again, age is also a factor, spend too much time making money and you regret not dating/having fun.. spend too much time having fun/****ing around , you regret not making money.

What should a man pursue in this age from 25-35? Money or babes? Or both ?

If you are one of those guys manage to do both - make money- achieve your physical, financial potential AND date or bang hot women - how do you do it? How do you manage both of these things togethar without falling deep in one or the other?


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Generally chasing @$$ and developing yourself are mutually exclusive. Do you need to listen to RP marketing and be a billionaire before you are qualified to chase women? Absolutely not! However, if you do find yourself questioning your position in life, taking a break from women to get yourself in to a stable or path towards stability is completely recommended.

The other kicker is maturity. After a certain age, being a bachelor loses its cool factor and society starts to judge and label you with the Scarlett S. This can affect your career progression or mindset forward. I will say that I agree with the sentiment, but every man is a free man in my opinion. Older single men just have a certain vibe to them that can be a turn off to a non single man. Same with single women too. Our priorities are just different and the vibes contrast.

Last, you don’t need money or game to bang hot women really. You just need to be able to provide them the fuel to their insecurities. Yes, there’s a lot of hot women gold diggers out there, so the money route can help you. However, you do need emotional & fiscal stability to find and maintain a woman that will be beneficial to your life going forward.


New Member
Feb 9, 2024
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Balancing the grind for that paycheck and wanting to enjoy life, it's like walking a tightrope sometimes. Personally, I think it's possible to pursue both money and babes, but it's all about finding that sweet spot. I've been lucky to work in a field I'm passionate about, and that makes the grind less of a grind, you know?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Balancing the grind for that paycheck and wanting to enjoy life, it's like walking a tightrope sometimes. Personally, I think it's possible to pursue both money and babes, but it's all about finding that sweet spot.
One part of Game is money. Pursuing money is pursuing Game. However, pursuing money could get into your in-person approaching time, your sending DMs on Instagram time, your time on apps, or your time available to go on initial dates.

I agree that it is possible to find some sort of sweet spot.

you don’t need money or game to bang hot women.
This is true. A lot of men under 35 are banging hot women based on looks. A 6'0"+ man with muscles under age 35 is typically successful with women based on looks rather than money.

When men reach 35 or so, women start to judge them more on money. This is true of a 22 year old considering a 35+ man or a 32 year old considering a 35+ man. A 40 year old man probably isn't going to have sex with a 22 year old woman without having possessions that reflect a solid income or solid net worth, in addition to keeping some elements of good looks. Women in their 30s are looking more for money as a means of evaluating a man as a husband and potential father.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Before I was 30 it was women, yes I cared about money but just enough to party go to clubs etc
In your 30s I can assure you don't wanna be stressing out because you only have a $1,000 in your savings and now your car broke down and it cost $999.99 (this actually happened)

My advice is to focus on money, at least until you have a decent savings stash (10K minimum) women will always be around that's not to say you can't date and meet women but they should not be your primary focus, if you don't have a 6-month salary or 10K (whichever is greater) you should not be dating. I know people say you don't need money to get women. DUUH I know that from firsthand experience the money is for you, so when something goes wrong (which it will) you have a nest egg to fall back on.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
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As someone who's almost 7 years older than you, my advice is also what I wish I had done when I was at your age:

Only invest maximum 20% of your resources (be it money, time, mental energy...) to the pursuade of romantic relationships aka gaming women.

You MUST invest AT LEAST 80% of your resources to pursue your GOALS, be it education, career, making money, hobbies that are beneficial to your wellbeing and growth (doing craft works, painting, playing the piano, writing a novel... etc, not drugs and booze and hoes)


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2023
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