Call or Not Call


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
In the last year or so have done some dramatic changes. Lost a ton of weight, got really fit and am very relaxed around women. I got relaxed by just talking to anyone and everyone.

I found the best way is to make a comment about just anything and the next thing you know they are talking up a storm. I am well rounded on a variety of topics so I never press, I am just friendly and if they want to talk - fine, if they dont, thats fine too. I am self confident and dont care either way.

I guess the women dig it because they always tell me how much they loved talking to me. I realized that you have to drive the train, you have to ask for the digits, the woman is not going to do it.

Anyway I was out shopping last Sunday. While I was browsing I noticed really this cute fit woman. Hispanic with a tiny gold chain peeking out above her jeans. Did the guy thing and looked and than went on my way. While looking at the ski gloves the next thing you know she was standing next to me.

I joked with her and said these brand gloves are very warm. She turned out to be somebody I kind of knew (casual acquaintance) but was not really friends with at another gym where I used to go. She is telling me how fabulous I looked since I lost the weight. She can see the change in my face and its dramatic. We talked about where we where working and living as I have changed both since the other gym. I was standing there helping her dig through the gloves while talking to her.

At one point I said to her I thought she had gotten married (which I did) and she just laughed and said nope. At the end I just said we should stay in touch.

I was just joking and the next thing you know she was giving her number to text her which I did. Than she reminded me of her name (she has a very different name as she is Hispanic).

It just shows that women really do notice whether men are fit or not. When I was at the other gym she would barely give me the time of day. I am not bitter about that at all as I understand it.

She is exotic, fit and beautiful and quite honestly intimidates me a bit. I have been hemming and hawing on this the last few days whether to contact her or not.

I am bad on this follow up stuff. Was she really being friendly or just interested?

It will be 5 days since I saw her, is it too late now?

Input is appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Dude its not that she never gave you the time of day before; you never tried to talk to her before.

Now you obviously look better which is always a plus, but it looks like your the same guy on the inside.

Always assume interest and in this case she gave you her number and was enjoying your company. There's a big difference between giving a guy a number just to get rid of him and giving him the number because she's interested.

Why are you waiting so long? CALL HER and set up a date. In any case you have to call to find out the answer, otherwise you'll just mentally masturbate reasons why you shouldn't.


The Experience

Don Juan
Jun 16, 2010
Reaction score
Don't put your focus on the her, it's hard not to suddenly be consumed in one thing right away however you must know that later on your feelings will change.

Ask yourself, do you want to call her? Do you want to go out? If so, then do it.