BPD Women Treat Their Men Like Christmas Decorations


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
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West of the Mississippi
BPD girls are extremely hateful and selfish. The only reason that she will re-contact you is because of herself, not because of you. BPD girls only re-contact ex boyfriends or old f*** buddies when they want or need something from them. It's never about you, its always about her, just like it was during your relationship that she wanted everything from you, because she wanted it for herself. I bet she is not getting enough comfort or sympathy from the current boyfriend or f*** buddy, so she has turned to you, maybe even some other boyfriends too, so she can get what she needs. You are not her boyfriend anymore, so there is no need to talk to her, your words of "sorry" won't help her at all, because she can never be happy, she will always be in pain, she will always hate herself, so your words can't do anything, except to make you vulnerable to her, and ruin all the good progress you made trying to forget her. Let her boyfriend or f*** buddy comfort her that is their job, after all, she thought they were so great in the first place, and didn't want you, so let her get what she needs from them, that is not your obligation. Think about it, if something didn't happen to her current relationship, she never would even contact you at all. She would of never even given you a thought, and you never would have heard from her. Again, she is only contacting you because of what she wanted and needed at that time. It wasn't about you, it was about her. If the roles were reversed and you needed something from her, you can bet she would either ignore you or answer the phone in a cold tone. It is only about her, it was that way during your relationship, and it will always be that way after, only when she decides she wants or needs something from you, is when you will hear from her.

BPD girls hold and treat people like objects or possessions. They hold them close like an object they need, then when they lose them, they panic and need them back again. When she loses something in her life, that was a possession to her, an object, and now she lost that, so she feels a loss of that object. She associates you with her loss, because it reminds her of you. She feels the loss of you out of her life, so that is why she will contact you, to get back that other lost feeling she has

BPD girls fear abandonment, that is why they act the way they do. She feels abandonment on both ends, and now is trying to get in touch with you to get rid of her pain, it is all about her, nothing about you, so don't fall for it.

They also treat their boyfriends and f*** buddies as objects and possessions as well. They need them there with them for a short amount of time, then after they served their purpose, they get rid of them, or don't use them, until they need them again. This is the perfect way to look at it. When a girl sees a new outfit, purse, or a phone, they need to have it. Right? They will do anything to make sure they have it. So when they get it they are thrilled with it, they use it a lot, then after it serves it's purpose, or gets old for them, they discard it, or put it away for a new one. Just like they do with their men. They are so into them at first, then will get rid of them at a moments notice for a new guy, who she thinks is better than you, after she was telling you for all those months how great you are, and nobody was ever as amazing as you. Just all lies to get you trapped in a relationship with her. She will be telling the new guy the same exact thing as she told you.

I also like to use the Christmas decorations analogy, because it is the PERFECT example of how BPD girls are, they treat guys like Christmas decorations. After Thanksgiving, you take all the Christmas decorations down, and you set them all up in and outside of your house. Then after they served their purpose, after New Year's Day is over, you take them down, and put them away, until you need them again next year. This how they treat the ex boyfriends. They used the boyfriends for the short amount of time they needed them, then they got rid of the guys, they became the ex boyfriends, then they put the ex's away until the next time she needs them again, just like decorations. BPD girls won't contact the ex's until they need them again for something, when they need them for some particular use they need them for. Ex boyfriends always serve some purpose for BPD girls for when they need them, remember it is not about you, it is about her, as it always will be.

Another reason why you shouldn't re-contact her is because she is liable to be mean or hurt you again, these girls are crazy, and are always out to get revenge on ex boyfriends. She is probably mad you ignored her for all those months, so she will wait to turn the knife into you one more time. After you served your purpose for her again, she will turn on you in a blink of an eye, she will act like you don't exist, just like before, and she won't need you again, until the next time that something comes up, that she wants you for to serve another purpose. It is a never ending cycle, but you can end it by ignoring her. These girls are crazy, they can be so sweet and nice one minute, and the next minute they are complete monsters. They can be this way with the same guy, or be nice to one guy, then be a monster to the boyfriend just a few minutes later. They are actors that can fool anybody and conform to any situation. You can be fooled by their mask, but when you see them for what they really are, they are bad actors, and the mask falls right off their face. I was gaming this one BPD girl, she was so awesome and amazing to me, and a few minutes later with her boyfriend, she was this horrible monster that terrorized the guy. The same girl with two different personalities acting her role, with two different guys, in just a matter of minutes, a total Jekyll and Hyde routine, that she can use on the same person, or different people at any time. That is how they operate so watch out for women like this.

I just co-authored a book on BPD women that will be out very soon. There is a lot of valuable information in there for people to learn and understand who went through this awful experience. Maybe you just want to learn about these types of women, so you can avoid them if you ever encounter one. The main focus of the second portion is about getting better. Getting over the traumatic events that you went through in that relationship. What you can do to restore normality back to your life and how to get over the shock and pain. You will learn the 5 technique steps of getting over your BPD. How not allowing her to still control you, will make you a better man and get you thinking with a clear mind. It isn't healthy to re-live that experience, and there is a chapter that is dedicated to how you can move on from your BPD, so you can focus on new women without that fear.of "her" ruining your next relationship.

Hopefully, this helps you out a little, but don't answer her texts or start anymore communication with her. This is all about you, trying to get over a horrible experience that she put you through. You need to keep getting better and remove her from your mind and your life. It was her actions that made it what it was. Don't revisit any of that again by starting communication, or all the good progress you made will go right back to where you started last year.

Guys make the critical mistake of texting back, and it ruins them because they find out what I've been talking about. The only reason she contacted you was for her, not because of you. Then she will hurt you again, just like all the times before, and these guys will have more pain to get over. She is used to pain, you can't help her, she doesn't want help, so your words won't do anything to help her You probably tried to help her during your relationship, and you can see how far that got you.

Be smart, stay in control, ignore the text, stay no contact, and move forward and better your life without her in it. Otherwise, you will never get away from her if you text back, she will always come back, and you don't want her or that pain in your life.

Johnny Alias

Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
This is true... amazingly true...

Remember that once your purpose has been served and she has broken you she will find or already has found a new shiny toy. This toy worships her as you once did. It doesn't criticize her irresponsibility, infidelity, substance abuse, inability to communicate rationally, or give advice on how to improve her life.

It worships her without reservation... just like you once did... but at some point it too will have issues with the way she is abusive to it and others and this will come when she realizes this new toy has its own set of problems. Even if it doesn't say a WORD and gives her whatever she wants she will find fault with it... or grow bored with it... either way...

My ex Cluster B used to say we were best friends... that I was the love of her life... and when I finally broke up with her after growing tired of her drunken abuse and CRAZY levels of irresponsibility she moved in with a new guy immediately... who I'm sure she had in her back pocket.

My BEST male friend in the world died shortly thereafter... I reached out to the woman I had dedicated four years of my life to... and she wrote the coldest text back ever "Be strong... hang in there."

That was it. That was all I got. That was the broken toy in the back of the closet begging for support and all it got was an obligatory line of crap.

Since then most of her friends have deserted her. Most people make fun of her. Most people DO NOT like her... and in truth I don't think they ever did. They just tolerated her because she was hot and with me...

Don't talk to her again. I know if she called me up I'd have a hard time saying no... but I must because she is a toxic user of people who only needs me because she's been abandonded and can't stand to think of who she really is.

They really do hate themselves... AND THEY SHOULD. When those looks run out there is NOTHING left.

Mine's 43. It's almost over for her. Thank god. No more pain and misery on others. God I can't believe the havok she wrought.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Awesome thread.

These BPD's will scar you for life. That's why it is best that when you break up with them THAT YOU RUN AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE. Because they will come back to burn you. It doesn't matter if you initiate contact or they do, once they have painted you black, they WILL try to destroy you in some way.

They are users. You may wonder what they see in their new guy they replaced you with. He might be poorer, uglier, etc. The answer is nothing. You are no more special than your replacement and he'll be discarded as soon as she shuts down. It will be nothing he did.

They are so empty inside. Loneliness kills them. They suck so badly as people they need others to get through life.

I got great revenge on my BPD ex-wife by rebounding with a successful woman with no issues who is prettier and actually cares about me. My ex saw us together one evening. It was beautiful karma.

I then went on to write a nice Facebook post explaining how amazing she is to the world. Sounds beta? Not really, she EARNED my respect. The BPD never did, she was too busy beating me down. And you can bet my BPD read my post (they do keep tabs on their "victims") and I hope she cried her f**cking eyes out about it. Well, she had it coming after 5 years of pain.

Move on and live well. That is your revenge. It's something they'll never be able to do!

Johnny Alias

Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
You've just been repped expos.

Nice work. Takes some time to find a quality one but it's worth it when you do.

These women have nothing to look forward too... and as a matter of fact they can't even look forward. They just have this moment and getting pleasure out of it no matter who they abuse or fvck over.

I've noticed a tendency on this board for guys to assume that we're calling women BPD or Cluster B because we got dissed and for that reason only.

On that I call total Bullshvt and hope they have the displeasure of running into one of these bloodsuckers one day. It's not difficult to diagnose one. Just look up all the symptoms and if they match a high percentage odds are that's what you're dealing with. It's not rocket surgery and yes a higher percentage of hotties fit this bill.

In my case as I've already stated I broke up with mine. I did. She did hook up with another dude soon after but she was ready as she knew i was ready to toss her out on her ass. My therapist has also confirmed my suspicions that she's a Cluster B.

Like it or not many of the men on this board actually want an LTR... but with a woman of dignity, respect, loyalty, and still has great cans. Spinning plates is a means to an end for some of us. We have a goal. I don't feel like many so called DJ's on this board have any concept of an end game.

Oh and mine was 4 years of Heaven and Hell. I'm right there with you bud.

Polish Rifle

Don Juan
Jan 28, 2014
Reaction score
This was a timely post for me because I just had my ex-BPD contact me after probably almost a year of not talking. It's a tricky situation because she has a daughter who I am very close with so her daughter put my ex on the phone and I believed that the talk was going to be purely logistical, regarding the child.

She went on for about 5 minutes about how sorry she was for how she treated me for 3 years. I just let her go on and didn't respond. Later that week I heard from some of my friends, "Hey, you and your ex are talking again?"

They need validation. They try and paint a pretty picture for the world to see. I know she wants me back, but only as described, to be that object. She's on and off with her current boyfriend and she wants me during those off times. Love these boards because they help me stay grounded.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Johnny Alias said:
You've just been repped expos.

Nice work. Takes some time to find a quality one but it's worth it when you do.

Thanks. She has renewed my faith in women. If anything, my BPD ex hardened the hell out of me. Now, my new girl knows that I do not f_ck around and I take no ****. She knows I tolerate no BS, and in turn, I respect her. This is how it should work. I spoil her REAL GOOD when she's good.

Johnny Alias said:
On that I call total Bullshvt and hope they have the displeasure of running into one of these bloodsuckers one day. It's not difficult to diagnose one. Just look up all the symptoms and if they match a high percentage odds are that's what you're dealing with.
You will know when you get with or break up with one for sure. I've dated my share of crazies (girls who are clingy, girls who are tough, girls who are just weird), but nothing compares to the bi-polar/BPD/Cluster B.


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
You are 100% right on that when they contact you it is all about them.

Ive been extremely limited contact with my BPD ex, still need to have some because of kids. A few weeks I ago I sent a text to her alluding that I have found someone new. About a week later she sent me a drunk text in the middle of the night. Shortly after a second text was sent that obviously her new man. She used my text as bait to piss him off. The next morning she sent me another one that she had to talk to me ASAP. Like five days later she called.

Her big pressing thing that she had to talk to me about was that she wanted to claim the kids on her income taxes. She tried to manipulate and guilt me into agreeing. I told her no.

A week later she started calling again. I answered the fourth time she called in two days. It was back to the whole she needs to claim the kids, she is entitled to because she always had in the past, if she cant claim them she has to pay in 1600, blah blah blah. I told her to have her new "man" that doesnt work get a job and have him help pay her bills now.

Eff the cluster B women. They are straight from another dimension. Their world view is completely skewed and warped. They are completely selfish and only think of themselves.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
Not all BPD's are the same, that is a myth that most people have about them. Not all of them are cutters and are into the mutilation like the more extreme BPD's are. Not all of them will contact you after certain amount of time goes by. Some will wait weeks to contact you, while others can wait months or even years until you hear from them. The best thing is to do is to ignore them and not reply. Don't feed her narcissistic ego by returning the message or call. It will just set you back and ruin all your good progress.

You will get a strange feeling when you hear from her, but let it go and don't take the bait. She is only contacting you because of her needs and wants. Just like it was when you were together. She will be even more hurtful to you this time, so don't go there.

Don't try to get revenge on a BPD because you will be the one who suffers. Getting revenge is not worth it, because you are playing a game you can't win.

Also, there are a lot of women and some men that have Borderline Personality Disorder that aren't diagnosed. So, in reality there are more people with this than you think. The actual percentage shows a low number, that is because there was never a full diagnoses.

Let's say a person develops cancer in their life. The reason that we have the statistics on cancer rates, is because that person went to a doctor and got diagnosed with the disease. Otherwise if they didn't, that case would go undiagnosed. Same with a BPD, not going to get a diagnoses. If the BPD case is not diagnosed, then the numbers won't show up in the statistics.

BPD's will never admit to having a problem, their fragile ego won't allow that to happen. So, they won't get diagnosed. Also, most doctor misdiagnose them as Bi Polar, so it doesn't show up in the national statistics.

Another thing to remember is that BPD's are very insecure and have self esteem issues. They don't like to go out and meet new men in public areas. So, they contact their ex's because they are familiar to them. Just like an old shoe that they can wear as they please and throw out when it gets too old. A lot of BPD's are active in online dating . They prefer the men to come to them, so they can reel them in without having to meet face to face at first.

She will tell you that you are the greatest guy on the face of this earth. She will tell you that you gave her the best sex she ever had. She will tell that to all of the men in her life and will do so again when she contacts you out of the blue.

The best thing to do is to ignore her and don't get sucked back into her web again.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
papawapa said:
Shortly after a second text was sent that obviously her new man. She used my text as bait to piss him off. The next morning she sent me another one that she had to talk to me ASAP.
haha! She couldn't handle it that you've moved on.

Same thing that happened to me! As soon as I had some sort of contact with my ex a few months after divorce, her new man stalked me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and his IP address showed up on my web tracking log attached to my site.

She knew I was banging a few girls during my last contact with her, which pissed her off, and her boyfriend was feeling the heat because of it. As in "you better get your act together and spoil me, otherwise I'm going back to EXPOS". He then became her lap dog. hahahahahah!

Like always, they are USERS.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Playpen, Chicago.
Are there levels to a woman being BPD - I had a 5 yr ltr with a bomb shell that had all the possible BPD red flags and she drug me through the mud years ago before I was DJ certified. At times it was absolute pure bliss. In the end, it was a nightmare. Alot of it may have been my AFCness at the time which caused my demise however there are some resemblances to the women I hear of and in stories.

I was not as burned as some of you may have been but I am convinced that some of those characteristics are there. Can there be a 5 or 6 on a raging BPD 10 spectrum or is it all or nothing?

On an unrelated note - she is bewildered by the awesome guy I have become nowadays and she is nothing but another chick to me. Feels good man.

Johnny Alias

Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Heh. It should be stickied.

It's true that not all of them cut. Mine drank, drank, drove drunk, made a spectacle of herself, attacked everyone who cared about her. BPD HPD whatever.

The thing to remember is the extreme narcissism. These are the women who post a stream of selfies. These are the women that go to great lengths to get attention and pity because of their messes and illnesses many of which aren't real. These are the women that think the world owes them a living. These are the women that attack you for wrongs done to them when they were young that have nothing to do with you.

They do not forgive. Ever. That's why the recycling lasts shorter and shorter periods. You become devalued so much faster. Believe me I've been there. Out of nowhere you're ripped apart for things that happened years ago.

These are the women whose thirst cannot be quenched. These are the women who drive men to suicide after they've taken it ALL and moved onto another victim.

Just ask my ex. She cheated on her husband who had just gotten over cancer with me... For a year... And then divorced him for a payday... And then drunkenly attacked me every two weeks in rages that were beyond comprehension.

Unfixable. They will die old and alone. Stay away. That lure is too strong to risk.

Mine? Ex playboy model. Serious. As for whether or not the rages are constant or not I cannot say for each person. All I know is that if you're close to getting arrested because you want to smack the shvt out of her or because she's throwing shvt or pushing, poking, slapping... RUN.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
I will add a little more in my personal experiences...

1. Everything they do is means to self satisfaction and never about others. That Christmas card they sent to a relative or to your family members was not because she cared about them, it's because it makes her look good and she wants something in return. A normal functioning person does something out of the sake of honest love rather than a self-serving gesture.

2.Here's a classic one-liner from my ex, when I told her I was leaving our marriage.

"I can't believe I'm going to be divorced!!" The correct line should have been "I can't believe WE'RE doing this - I love you!!"

Notice how she didn't want to labeled "divorced", but could care less if I died in a fire. Really, it was all about her appearance and nothing to do with me.

3. Emotions turning like a switch. They will lay into you the whole car trip, but the minute you get to your destination and they will completely change within seconds. They need to keep up their appearance by acting happy, cute, and positive - then RESUME beating the crap out of you once you leave. WTF.

You'll see the same stories over and over again...they all follow a similar path of destruction. Idealize, Devalue and Discard.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Playpen, Chicago.
Bump On My Questions

Dgwizdal said:
Are there levels to a woman being BPD???

I had a 5 yr ltr with a bomb shell that had all the possible BPD red flags (daddy issues, princess complex, etc.) and she drug me through the mud years ago before I was DJ certified. At times it was absolute pure amazing bliss what we had. In the end, it was a nightmare. Alot of it may have been my AFCness at the time which caused my demise however there are some resemblances to the women I hear of and in stories.

I was not as burned as some of you may have been but I am convinced that some of those characteristics are there.

Can there be a 5 or 6 on a raging BPD 10 spectrum or is it all or nothing????

On an unrelated note - she is bewildered by the awesome guy I have become nowadays and she is nothing but another chick to me. Feels good man.
Bump on my questions


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Dgwizdal said:
Bump on my questions
All cases aren't the same. This isn't a one-size fits all disorder. Some are high functioning and can hold jobs, others are such a mess they can't do simple tasks.

Like i said earlier, they all follow the same path. They love bomb you and tell you that you are the best thing on the planet, then they devalue you and make your life miserable, then they discard and try to destroy you.

You'll know the difference. I've had a ton of breakups - the one with BPD will always stick out amongst the others.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
Dgwizdal said:
Are there levels to a woman being BPD - I had a 5 yr ltr with a bomb shell that had all the possible BPD red flags and she drug me through the mud years ago before I was DJ certified. At times it was absolute pure bliss. In the end, it was a nightmare. Alot of it may have been my AFCness at the time which caused my demise however there are some resemblances to the women I hear of and in stories.

I was not as burned as some of you may have been but I am convinced that some of those characteristics are there. Can there be a 5 or 6 on a raging BPD 10 spectrum or is it all or nothing?

On an unrelated note - she is bewildered by the awesome guy I have become nowadays and she is nothing but another chick to me. Feels good man.

First of all, you need to know that all BPD's are not the same. There are different types as well as extremes. In order to answer your questions, you need to be more specific as to what lead you to believe that your girlfriend has this disorder. What stands out in your mind as major factors in the relationship? What specific behavior patterns did she have before and during the relationship? Some people mistake BPD for Bi Polar disorder or even severe depression. So, give some examples of her behavior and what was going on to get a better idea of things.

I really enjoy all the input you guys are providing in this thread. It's very educational and gives the reader a good idea of what you went through in your relationships. Keep up the good work and the awesome insight.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
OP is feeding you idiots what you want to hear, and everyone just swallows it without question. Nothing in any of his posts indicates any knowledge of borderline personality disorder. He's just preying on your bitterness toward women in general by giving you an easy excuse to hate them. And the sosuave crowd devours that bullsh!t like dogs being thrown poisoned meat.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
This is all about you, trying to get over a horrible experience that she put you through. You need to keep getting better and remove her from your mind and your life. It was her actions that made it what it was.
Remember that line - "It was her actions that made it what it was."

That's right. They did this to the relationship. They dropped ball. Take control and make them accountable for their actions. Leave them.


Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Bible_Belt said:
OP is feeding you idiots what you want to hear, and everyone just swallows it without question. Nothing in any of his posts indicates any knowledge of borderline personality disorder. He's just preying on your bitterness toward women in general by giving you an easy excuse to hate them. And the sosuave crowd devours that bullsh!t like dogs being thrown poisoned meat.
Bible_Belt, could you please explain why you think this is bullsh!t? What the OP said about that dual personality is so true. I remember my BPD ex would act really sweet to me when we first started dating, then I read her gmail transcripts that was open in front of me on my computer and found out she was arguing with her -ex simultaneously. She would call him on the way over to hangout with me telling him how much he sucks and how awesome I am, and then be a goddess towards me. I remember reading that and being confused as to how this amazing girl could even sound like this on the gchat transcripts. Also, when the guy she was hooking up with before me started dating others, she went back to that same -ex, hooked up with him, and then dropped him again. Again, confirmed what the OP said. I've had other non-BPD exes, and they did not do these things... Sure enough, the same things happened to me when she started devaluing me, she quickly moved on but wanted to b!tch-slap me in the process, I went NC.