Big Rush in Mid-20's; Becomes a Man's World (For Us, Not AFC's)

Genghis Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
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Boston, MA
I was at a girlfriend's going away party awhile ago and couldn't help but notice the behavorial difference in the girls of different ages. Keep in mind, the difference was just a few years, 21yo versus 26-27yo. The college girl was easy going, care-free and really playful. She eventually dragged most of us out (most of us were older) to a nightclub in town. I would have considered her...hmm an 7 or 8.

The older girl (granted, only a 6; not much to look at), was in the midst of a conversation. I walked over to participate, and to my horror, she was discussing MARRIAGE, and how her friends are getting married...people asking her about its hard...lots of baggage and anxiety. Needless to say I backed out of that shyty conversation.

Its scary to see how a girl can suddenly change from carefree at college age, to paranoid/panicky once past the mid-20's. I am purely talking on average, there are girls who screw around anyways.

I look around at girls in my family and circle of friends and it seems that soo many of them get married around that time (25 to 28 or so), like bulls running for a heard of unsuspecting men.

I've recently had a couple of burn-outs in the dating scene lately. My state of mind is a little vindictive with women. I was thinking though, now its MY TURN TO STRING YOU ALONG BYTCH!! I remember those clueless days when women in their late teens and early 20's had the world by the balls, acting aloof and taking all the attention for granted. Acting like *****s. Now they think they are just going to settle down with some AFC who will do whatever they say. I just feel this masculine coldness growing in me, I want to be in total control now!! I feel this sense of complete joy when a woman complains like that. I can see the desperation in their eyes now. The AFC veil I had on just a year ago, is finally gone. I see women for what they really are; nothing special, just vulnerable people like everyone else.

My cousin's wife (now 35) was really hot when they married at about 27. As soon as she got past around 30 or 31, she hit a wall, her face looks skinnier, she just lost the tightness. My cousin on the other hand is about a 9. He is literally model goodlooking and built (though a complete meat head, thats ok cuz his wife is a ditz), and he gets hit on all the time by younger girls.

Another cousin (26yo) was going to be setup with a girl in her early 20's. His mother (idiot) said that he should date a girl around his age. I suggested that a man should always date a woman a few years younger. You should have seen the reviled looks of the women in the family.

Have any of you guys brought home a young hottie to your family just for the pleasure to see the older women in the family cringe with jealousy? I don't care what feminists say, if a man reaches his full potential, it really is a MAN's world. A Don Juan is always eligable. Hot babes don't even intimidate me anymore. I was out with a HB9 blonde bombshell last month. I totally didn't give a crap! I just sat there're being fair-skinned, you only have a few good years left....too bad. Looks used to be so high in my priorities (and still are), but now I see how fleeting they are.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
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You have the right mind set.

I have discussed dating younger women around some women my age. They get really p1ssed! It is because they know they are past their prime and hate it. They also know the amount of available men who would date them is minimal. I was talking with an UG4 about 40 years old on my last ski trip (She was with a group of friends) and she told me she was engaged.... for 8 years! Obviously the AFC boyfriend was at least smart enough not to take the final step to his doom.

And yes, after women have had thier fun in their early 20s, they are ready to find a poor AFC to settle down with, have kids and get fat...on the AFC's paycheck, of course!

It happens so often that I cannot believe the AFCs don't see it coming!

Am I the only one who sees this?


Austin Allegro

Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
True dat.

It's a balance of power. From puberty until, say, 25-30, it's the women, hot or not so hot, who hold most of the power. This is why being a DJ is more tough for guys in that age group. Girls of this group tend to go for older men because they have more money, status, and often don't take their BS.

But by age 25-30 most women's looks are starting to go, and if they haven't already snared a husband they start panicking.

Men, on the other hand, are just coming into their prime - around 25-45. If they look after themselves they'll still look good (eg Pierce Brosnan etc) and will have young hotties much more interested due to their increased money, status, and (hopefully) DJ skills.

elvis aint dead yet

Senior Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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People change.

A guy at 21 years old and in college should be a lot different when he's 26, 27 years old and making decent money developing his career.

Same goes with a female.

After you reach a certain age, you normally don't want that 21 year old lifestye anymore.

A 21 year old female who goes out to clubs and parties till 5am is great, but at one point in your life, you'll come to the conclusion that, I don't want this.

As you grow older you gain more responsibilities. Even if you remain single and childless, male or female. Job promotions, aging family members, brothers and sisters having kids, more responsibilities at work. Rent, mortgages, insurance, pension plans, 401k, stocks, business ventures, and the list goes on.

The fact is, a 30 something year old man will not fit with a 21 year old party animal female.

yes its great to date once in a while or have a ONS or have a young hottie to show off, but the reality is, a 21 year old female who parties all the time till 5am aint gonna work when you have to wake up at 5am for your job and career.

It's a simple truth.

You grow up. While you don't need to start talking about marriage or settling down, you are different.

If your 35 years old and still acting like a 21 year old, then you never learned anything in your entire life. Or you did, but you just threw it all away.


New Member
Mar 23, 2004
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London, England
I have to say I think you are right about the age thing and priorities, but there are exceptions to the rule in all walks.

I am 31 and have lived the life of a cross between a party animal and old husband for the last 10 years or so. Neither one or the other.

I have to say I've had a great time but women were never really a part of it.

Now I realise that I have missed out on a certain part of life but saying that I have made quite a lot of money and I have known many, many people. This has made my life very rich for the experience.

I will soon be travelling around various places as this is something that I always wanted to do but never really had the chance to do and I will be using this time to get more comfortable around women and also (the main priority) seeing parts of the world that no-one ever gets to see.

You may wonder what the point of this is? Well, quite simply I believe that just because you are a certain age it does not mean that you will act a certain way. There are 21 year olds who act like 35 year olds. There are 35 year olds who act like 21 year olds. Age ain't nothing but a number.

Sure you have to be lucky as a 30-something to meet a 21 year old who will give you what you need, but that does not mean it won't ever happen.

As this site keeps telling us, live your life a minute at a time. Why restrict yourself just because you don't think it's appropriate? That's what the media is there to promote and it's all BS.

Life is what you make it, but sadly most people just fake it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
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i think the magic age for women is 25. by that age they either "get it" or they don't. the ones that don't, probably never will, and they get lumped into the category that we're talking about here and they actually get worse (bitter) as father time passes--from

Gold ==> Silver ==> Bronze ==> Pewter

that's what happens to chicks over time.

i am (have been) definitely with Genghis on this one: I HAVE THE ADVANTAGE NOW!!! HA BYTCH!!! this is true with the washed up chicks my age, but also with the 25 year olds who do get it.

as to the latter, we have a tremendous advantage, because these chicks are really looking for a quality guy--one who already has HIS shyt together, style, life, career, worldly charm, the father of her children, etc.

imagine: these 25 y/o's have seen nearly everything by this age--all that is AFC. the ones who do get it i'm sure are sick of "men" their age--i've heard it countless times. it is a fact, men don't really "mature" until they hit 30ish, especially career wise.

compare the chances of a 35 year old DJ to a 25 year old AFC (or wannabe DJ) and the choice is very clear. i'll win! sorry, but your typical 25 year old male doesn't know squat about sh!t. even the above average 25 male doesn't know squat.

this is the crux of it...

this 25 y/o has the choice between a man her age who MIGHT become all of these great things, or the man who ALREADY IS all of these things. since her clock is ticking, she doesn't have the time to waste in figuring out if her 25 y/o "potential" prince will in fact become him.

so, shoot the three pointer? or feed the ball to Shaq in the low post for the slam dunk? the chicks that want to feed it to Shaq are the ones who "get it". they're not going to take 1/3 chance on the three pointer with :42 seconds left on the clock!

therein lies the beauty of the situation. a guy my age, who does have his sh!t together in spades, is in high demand for these 25 y/o's who do get it. and they know it because they get it. this is why i rarely get blown out or stood up on dates. this is also why i'll NEXT a chick so fvcking fast it'll make her head spin, because there's another one right around the corner who won't play stupid games (e.g. risk me next'ing her).

all of this is 100% dependent on the kind of "man" you've become. you have to put yourself in this position. i think the chicks that do get it, realize subconsciously that you have done exactly that--career, style, charm, etc. then they turn around and compare YOU to the dipsh!ts they are dating? there is no comparison.

for the man, father time is also ticking. if you are 40 and you want to get your sh!t together, i'm afraid it's probably too late. it takes years. i always tell the younger guys whom i take under my wing (career wise), to really work on getting their sh!t together, at least top 10% in THEIR demographic not on average, knowing that a 7-10 year timeframe is what they're looking at. they'll hit their stride in their early to mid thirties, and the chicks cometh. (DON'T YOU DARE GET MARRIED).

really, the only major problems with myself are

1) filtering out the gold diggers: this is easy, actually.

2) keeping the pipeline of 25 y/o's filled: i always try to have three in the pipe, but it's challenging because i work 60-80 per week. i'm talking about quality 25 females, not your typical bimbo. i'll rent one of those and be done with it.

3) figuring out if we have the chemistry to go forward, and to what extent.

proof? don't recall where i got this info, but men who marry for the second time on average marry a women who is 11 years younger!

refocusing on 23-27 year olds, college degree, good career and moving up, smart, funny, nice bod, HB7 body and face, and enthusiastic about life. there are a lot of them out there! go get 'em!


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2004
Reaction score
54 are 110% correct. If you have your life together you have a total advantage. It took me about a year of being single to figure that out but one morning I had a revelation and it's been wonderful since. You have to believe it though it isn't something you can fake.

You really did a great job of explaining it. Thanks.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
I have a weakness for 19-23 year old pvssy. I love it, take the broad to Wendy's, rent a movie, and have a bottle of white zinfandel chilling in the fridge its such an easy formula. Once I lay my 30 year old pipe down she's mine. Younger women require much less work. They are also disposable the minute she starts acting crazy I stop calling her and I get another chick.

I find sex with younger women is soo much better. If you can last longer than 10 minutes shes shocked and never had it so good in bed. Only problem is she wants you to bang her several times a night. Im getting old,so once is usually enough for me. I can hit it twice if shes really good, 3 times if shes truly a keeper and im into her, and 4 times in one night OMFG this could be the one.

Older women tend to be a lot more selfish in bed. They focus on themselves and expect sex to be some major happening every time. THey don't wanna just drop their pants and get it on they wanna be held and made love too. They want you to do it slowly while kissing and paying attention to their bodies. They wanna be held in your arms naked and talking. At this point im usually thinking, please get out, shut up and let me fall asleep.

Women over 26 have too much baggage. Their minds are polluted with too much feminist crap and they have too much emotional baggage. Plus older women tend to make you wait longer for sex. I say the younger the better.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2003
Reaction score
i just wanna add f-ck the haughty bltches I had to deal with for so many f'ing years .. who's your daddy now, ho?

that's right. so go clean my cumm out of your hair wench and hurry up back w/the beer. you are 23 years old and there is one thing you can be good at. but you still need a LOT of practice.

first you learned to crawl, then to walk, and after that being a biatch just seemed to come naturally. nowyou need a man to teach you how to get back on your knees again

man I love being 30
