Attention *****s


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
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Ok i dont know if there is already a thread on this but i would like people to tell me how u can detect one and how to deal with one.

Also another question- if a girl is writing to you all the time and showing High IL is it ok to respond the same or not? I am very confuseddddd as u can see


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I spot AWs by how they dress.

Typical AW fashion:

1. Big sunglasses
2. Highlighted hair
3. Excessive tanning
4. Very revealing clothing
5. I L o v e P i n k labels
6. Big furry snow boots when it's not snowing outside

This is not an exhaustive list by any stretch.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
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At clubs, happy to grind on you but never dance face-to-face. Whenever I notice this I keep it moving.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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Happy to hang as the only chick in a room full of guys.

Watch her work the room to grab attention - she will kino the fvccck out of everyone, take turns sitting on their laps (whether theyre singe or not)

oh and she may well have naked pics of herself on her phone (including dildoing ones - one of the lads told me she showed them off later on).

main course of action for this one is to NEG and IGNORE.

I dont mean to pull her I mean for your own sanity and satisfaction.

One of these I said "You gotta lot of verbal - but i judge by actions, Not words" she went red,looked slightly worried, Her reply was - "youre just trying to make me fvck" (not quite her words but smth to that effect) I laughed and said "see, more talk" and turned away, back to my conversation.

she was trying to get me to ask her out by the time I left, even started showing pics of herself in thongs, lingerie and a french maids outfit, but I have self-respect and just cos you look like a 9 don't mean you get a meal from me.

A younger purefilth wouldve orbited like a bvtch - but we grow and learn not to play with these wh0res:D


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Mike32ct said:
I spot AWs by how they dress.

Typical AW fashion:

1. Big sunglasses
2. Highlighted hair
3. Excessive tanning
4. Very revealing clothing
5. I L o v e P i n k labels
6. Big furry snow boots when it's not snowing outside

This is not an exhaustive list by any stretch.
Totally correct! May I add:

7. Drives a new BMW, Audi, or Lexus (usually white)
8. Nails done to a T, always, no excuses
9. Looks at her latest model smart phone every 2 mins. in case she has to chime in on a convo on Twitter on Facebook.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
VladPatton said:
Totally correct! May I add:

7. Drives a new BMW, Audi, or Lexus (usually white)
8. Nails done to a T, always, no excuses
9. Looks at her latest model smart phone every 2 mins. in case she has to chime in on a convo on Twitter on Facebook.

I might do a separate thread sometime soon called AW Traits or something like that, so guys, please remember these. We might be able to hit 50 or 60 traits in total.

10. Can't go to the club with less than four people.
11. Only dances in a large group of girls.
12. Limited English vocabulary: hot, not hot, omg, tall, short, creeper, text, ifone, bar, club, drunk, hookup, cawk, etc.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
Peg an AW the same way that a psychiatrist diagnoses a disorder. It's not necessary that she presents with every symptom and behavior described, but if four or five of the shoes fit then it's a smart bet that she's an AW.

Also keep in mind that some isolated AW traits can be present in decent girls without anything to worry about. For example, having a gazillion FB friends is usually a red flag, but once in a while you'll meet a perfectly non-fvcked up girl who just happens to friend everyone, and it's harmless.

1. Regularly, all the time, photographs herself in hot outfits in the bathroom mirror and posts the pics on FB.
**Bonus if the same crew of dudes always like and comment and she chimes in to answer them with throwaway compliments: "xoxo"; "thanks sweetie"; "that was beautiful :)"; "you just made my day" etc.

2. Mentions anything about other guys she sees/used to date (unless its relevant to a funny story or something).

3. Frequently updates her FB with melodramatic posts, especially her 'poems'.

4. She's often under the weather with a mysterious illness, or something with no visible symptoms, and constantly informs you: "woe is me."
**Bonus if she frequently rallies just in time to go out clubbing.

5. She goes out to dinner, movie, etc. with three or more different guys in the same week.

6. She explains that she's very careful about who she sleeps with and that she never sleeps with someone until she's ready to commit to him.
**She says this to all of the many, many guys she's possibly considering banging and to none of the guys she actually screws.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
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4. She's often under the weather with a mysterious illness, or something with no visible symptoms, and constantly informs you: "woe is me."
**Bonus if she frequently rallies just in time to go out clubbing.

HAHA as if u said that!!! The girl i wrote about here did just this. She was always ill. One day ( saturday) shes at home in bed not feeling well. I have a friend around that weekend to visit so i am busy but i tell her that i will make time for her even so. I ask her that i can skype her to keep her company and cheer her up as shes not feeling well. She says no dont worry i will rest and i will write you later. 11PM that night she says shes on her way out to the city to go clubbing. I ask her i thought you were ill. She says yh but i rested and get better so now i go out.
Would you have NEXT this girl then cos i stupidly and AFC'ly carried on haha


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
This one isn't just an AW its a full blown histrionic, I've seen it many times.
Same... *****es are nuts. Good thing I tried saving / marrying them. :cuss:


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
The way I see it, all look, all talk, all kino, all tease, no action for you.

Many girls who advertise don't put out. Most girls who put out don't advertise. If such a girl comes along to me, I'm indifferent. I don't give them all the attention. I'm about business. I don't feed the ego. If it's all about her, I'm ghost. It's all about whether or not she wants to see me outside of the current setting or not.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
With these types of women, you can never really connect with them on a meaningful level. They're usually all over the place, they have a short attention span, and any affections they show you are meaningless and of no value because they throw the same affections around to every man.

They usually have hordes of sexually frustrated men hanging around them like flies on sh*t but these poor saps aren't getting any type of action. Usually these women will either ask every guy in the place to buy them a drink or every other guy will foolishly offer her drinks in an attempt to either win points or get laid.

It's really a big show. She loves the huge displays of affection she shows to every guy in the room and at the same time, she eats up the attention showering in every direction from the hordes of desperate men who keep buzzing around like flies. Many of these women are unreliable. You can't count on them for anything. She usually can't connect with people on a deeper level because she is very superficial.

She thinks the world revolves around her and she's most likely NOT having sex with any of the fools who swarm around her like desperate losers. She might have a man on the side, off the scenes, who is having sex with her now and will probably dump her in short order, as her affections can't be taken seriously and she's definitely not girlfriend or wife material.

If one of her male worshippers happens to "get lucky" and they have sex, it's at the expense of his self esteem and the investment wasn't worth it. And he's probably more into her than she is into him. He'll probably write her a love poem or do something to profess his undying love, only to have her seem indifferent and only mildly reciprocate. In other cases she will simply ignore him.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
Random question.. Has anyone met a girl 18-25 that doesn't have Facebook? Personally I haven't.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2012
Reaction score
New York City
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
This one isn't just an AW its a full blown histrionic, I've seen it many times.

Yeah right these histrionics are no joke. I got oneitis for one.I keep seeing most dudes on here talk about BPDs but ya'll forget HPDs. They are the epitome of attention wh0res. They're dangerous too and once u get hit by one u get hit HARD.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
If she doesn't make a choice, either you or someone else she's just a tease. She's not out looking for anyone or responsive, she's just fishing for attention.

Mike32ct said:
Typical AW fashion:

1. Big sunglasses
2. Highlighted hair
3. Excessive tanning
4. Very revealing clothing
5. I L o v e P i n k labels
6. Big furry snow boots when it's not snowing outside
It's their uniform but doesn't mean attention wh0re.

SamTheHobit said:
Random question.. Has anyone met a girl 18-25 that doesn't have Facebook? Personally I haven't.
I don't ask and don't want to know. But yeah most people do.

floydb25 said:
Same... *****es are nuts. Good thing I tried saving / marrying them.
What is wrong with you? When I do something nice for someone it's a gift. It they like it or hate it that's their problem. It's a gift from me. I don't expect anything in return.

But you do. Why?

I'll tell you why. Because you're trying to be a white knight. You can't save people from themselves. I try all the time and it rarely works. When it does, they hate me. But I don't care and don't take it personally. It's necessary. Good deeds are rarely rewarded.