Are Supplements Required?

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
I tried to get some of that whey protein stuff, but my parents are all about natural no white bread...only wheat/grain, which is good, but they want me to get all my nutrients from fruits and actual food rather than supplements.

So is it still possible to get lean and fit and strong without the supplements? Are they just optional?



Don Juan
Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
up north
yeah, its possible, you just to have to eat a lot.


Senior Don Juan
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
South Eastern MI

Supplements are just that supplements. They supplement an already healthy diet.

That said its pretty hard to get all you need from food, so i definately recommend a multi-vitamin

what does your diet look like now? if your diet isnt sufficient whey isnt going to make a difference anyway


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mansfield, Notts
I have the same problem with my parents at the moment. I find myself looking in the mirror thinking 'holy mother of christ, my left bi is lagging!!!' etc, only to turn around and see my mum or stepdad raising an eyebrow at me. Not to mention when I turn around to them and say 'I'll be off into town tomorrow, I'm getting some more 5/10KG weights.. want anything while I'm there?" .. they somehow think I'm going to 'do myself in'.. cant blame them for not seeing it the same way as I do though.

Also, it's been tough to negotiate my new diet with them. If you want to get everything from food, the shopping bill will go up a fair amount. fact. You'll need to get some cheap canned tuna in, drink a bit more milk than you already do, make sure you've got brown rice/pasta/oatmeal, not to mention the steaks and eggs.

The diet I'm on at the moment gives me 120g of protein [eating like a damn horse]. I could do with a protein shake here or there, but I personally think that the best thing about whey would be the convenience... I wont have to ram egg whites, tuna and stewed steak down my throat, day in day out.. it'd give me a good break from the eating *feels full thinking about it*


Supplements are just that supplements. They supplement an already healthy diet.

That said its pretty hard to get all you need from food, so i definately recommend a multi-vitamin

what does your diet look like now? if your diet isnt sufficient whey isnt going to make a difference anyway
can you say textbook? nice one Mr Fitness :)
Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
manila, philippines
No. Supplements are not required.

You can get your protein from tuna, chicken and steak...

Can't get enough protein? Overload on Milk.

Whey protein is gotten from dairy products such as milk or casein(?) anyway. (Or so I read..)
Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
manila, philippines
Originally posted by DJBen
I have the same problem with my parents at the moment. I find myself looking in the mirror thinking 'holy mother of christ, my left bi is lagging!!!' etc, only to turn around and see my mum or stepdad raising an eyebrow at me. Not to mention when I turn around to them and say 'I'll be off into town tomorrow, I'm getting some more 5/10KG weights.. want anything while I'm there?" .. they somehow think I'm going to 'do myself in'.. cant blame them for not seeing it the same way as I do though.

Also, it's been tough to negotiate my new diet with them. If you want to get everything from food, the shopping bill will go up a fair amount. fact. You'll need to get some cheap canned tuna in, drink a bit more milk than you already do, make sure you've got brown rice/pasta/oatmeal, not to mention the steaks and eggs.

The diet I'm on at the moment gives me 120g of protein [eating like a damn horse]. I could do with a protein shake here or there, but I personally think that the best thing about whey would be the convenience... I wont have to ram egg whites, tuna and stewed steak down my throat, day in day out.. it'd give me a good break from the eating *feels full thinking about it*

can you say textbook? nice one Mr Fitness :)
120g of protein? How heavy are you? You should be consuming 1-1.5 x your bodyweight (If you're bulking)...

I consume 170-200+.. i'm 165 but then, i'm really near my goal of 170. :)

elvis aint dead yet

Senior Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Supplements are a quick way to eat or drink something.

ANd in the long run, it is a lot cheaper.

Steak is not cheap.

Eggs are relatively cheap.

Milk has gone up to $4.50 a gallon where i live. ANd a gallon does not last very long.

So if your drinking 5 gallons per week of milk, thats around 25 bucks. NOt bad but add that to everything else plus bills and living expenses, it adds up.

Chicken can be cheap. Rice can be cheap.

But you have to make all these things.

Not everybody has a kitchen and 2 hour lunches at work. Hell, most of us get less then 30 minutes.

Making a whey protein shake consists of mixing the powder with milk, water, juice or whatever and shaking it up.

Quick, easy, not much clean up.

You have to eat real foods, thats a gimme.

BUt people who blast others for using supplements obviosuly aren't paying for the food or are independently wealthy.

Protein powders can run about 25 bucks for a month long supply. And thats at 3 protein shakes per day around 70g of protein per shake if made right.

I know buying steak that is actually good and not all fat can cost around 10 BUCKS or more per steak.

I love steak, but i dont have 100 bucks per week just for steak.
I dont have 2 hours to prepare my food all the time either.

DO what y ou must, just dont listen to those who chastise you for taking protein shakes.

Dont make them your centerpiece, as nothing replaces REAL FOOD, but dont not take them because others will call you, "STUPID OR NOT A REAL MAN"


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
Reaction score
dude, you're gonna get ripped the fukk off if you go to GNC.

My local gym is even cheaper than them.

sneak a credit card and go to

heh, it'll only run you 30 bucks for 5 lbs.

#1 P.I.M.P.

Don Juan
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Trinidad & Tobago
Originally posted by AFK Protector
I tried to get some of that whey protein stuff, but my parents are all about natural no white bread...only wheat/grain, which is good, but they want me to get all my nutrients from fruits and actual food rather than supplements.

So is it still possible to get lean and fit and strong without the supplements? Are they just optional?

Ok supplements are excelent but they are not compulsory. Wether or not u take suplements isn't as big a deal as if you are eating properly in the first place. When trying te get fit or put on size the place where most people fall short is in their protion diet, u need to get atleast 1gram per pound of bodyweight a day. Meaning, if u weight 200 u should eat atleast 200 grams of protien per day. All the other nutrients usually fall into place but as a guideline, the ratio is 40:40:20 Protien:carbs:fats. since u already know how much protien u should be etting it should be easy to calculate the rest.

If anything i would advise u to use atleast a multivitamin, it would help with digestion, appitite, recovery, and warding off illnesses. Animalpack from universal or a cheaper alt would be centrum performance. When u think your ready for the hard stuff try creatine which is really good, zma, whey protien, tribulus, sterol complex HMB, Acetabolan and Genisis, to name a few. Just remember they are only icenin on the cacke that should be your workout skedule and diet habits.

Lastly, YOUR PARENTS DON"T KNOW JACK. Do they have rock hard abs or eighteen inch arms, i think not. Your parents will not only start *****in bout suplements, but later on when u start eatin right by your definition and that of thosuands of Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiast around the world, and not their definition, they are gonna stat on how your eatin toomuch egg and meat and tuna and a bunch of crap. They were however right on one thing, white bread and white sugar are white death...


New Member
Jul 28, 2004
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whey protein and vitamins are perfectly healthy. there is absolutely nothign wrong with them. they are both pretty important in a diet, but not essential. other supps, while useful, are overrated.


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mansfield, Notts
Originally posted by playa in trainin'
120g of protein? How heavy are you? You should be consuming 1-1.5 x your bodyweight (If you're bulking)...

I consume 170-200+.. i'm 165 but then, i'm really near my goal of 170. :)
Yeah I know... unfortunately I dont have the money to constantly go and buy steak, loads of eggs, etc. To be fair, I dont even have the money to go out for a few drinks right now, so I'm having to sacrifice protein in order to stay where I am, get some sort of food in my body, and pay for clothes and stuff. :p

What I was basically saying with the statement that I made about me, is that yeah, you can get a fair amount of protein from just foods. But it's a bastard to ONLY get it from foods, and the wallet suddenly gets a hell of a lot lighter, assuming you didnt sell it to get another lean cut of steak...

Sure, I'm not packing on loads of mass or getting huge strength gains every month, but I really dont see it as a race, so I'm not concerned with it. Slow progress and a steady financial situation is a LOT better than fast progress and struggling to find the cash for rent ;)
Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
manila, philippines
Originally posted by DJBen
Yeah I know... unfortunately I dont have the money to constantly go and buy steak, loads of eggs, etc. To be fair, I dont even have the money to go out for a few drinks right now, so I'm having to sacrifice protein in order to stay where I am, get some sort of food in my body, and pay for clothes and stuff. :p

What I was basically saying with the statement that I made about me, is that yeah, you can get a fair amount of protein from just foods. But it's a bastard to ONLY get it from foods, and the wallet suddenly gets a hell of a lot lighter, assuming you didnt sell it to get another lean cut of steak...

Sure, I'm not packing on loads of mass or getting huge strength gains every month, but I really dont see it as a race, so I'm not concerned with it. Slow progress and a steady financial situation is a LOT better than fast progress and struggling to find the cash for rent ;)
I understand... But I don't think "slow" progress is tolerable. You actually need to lift heavy means having to get nourishment from food to help your body recooperate or heal in order for it to grow. So basically, your lifting/efforts are wasted somewhat because it is not being nourished too well.. You get what i'm saying?

Well.. that's just what I wanted to say. But ofcourse I respect your way of doing things though.

It's just that I used to be in your position once... But yea, to each his own priority. :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mansfield, Notts
I understand... But I don't think "slow" progress is tolerable. You actually need to lift heavy means having to get nourishment from food to help your body recooperate or heal in order for it to grow. So basically, your lifting/efforts are wasted somewhat because it is not being nourished too well.. You get what i'm saying?

Well.. that's just what I wanted to say. But ofcourse I respect your way of doing things though.

It's just that I used to be in your position once... But yea, to each his own priority.
Slow progress isnt really tolerable to be completely honest, but right now I'm having to do ronnie coleman style days to get a load of cash together :D

I'll be buying whey in two weeks [paid fortnightly] so all will be fixed! woo!


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
This reminds of me of the time my folks thought I was jacked on steroids when they saw my 10lb tub of whey protein.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
Reaction score
This reminds of me of the time my folks thought I was jacked on steroids when they saw my 10lb tub of whey protein.
LOL, I know the feeling

elvis aint dead yet

Senior Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
"It's just that I used to be in your position once... But yea, to each his own priority"

I dont get this statement.

Are you saying this guys priorities should be more concerned about getting bigger and stronger then for rent?

That makes no sense to me.

Yeah i see tons of bodybuilders living out on the streets as bums. NOT.

If you dont pay rent, your gonna get kicked out.

Living on the street usually results in a loss of a job.

That means you wont be going to the gym because you cant afford it. It means you wont be eatign anything because you cant afford it. IT means you wont be too h ealthy cause you'll be on the streets.

having a roof over your head and a job is priority number one in the real world.

Not everybody has sugar parents to rely on when things get rough.

I'd say stick with what your doing until your financial situation improves.

There are always "the IDEAL" goals for lifting and eating.

But sometimes those "ideal" goals aren't realistic when rent costs $1000 bucks a month and your making barely more then that per month.