Anyone currently on or going on cycle?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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Just curious.

I'm gonna get on some dianabol in a few weeks for a 6 week cycle. Just wondered what everyone else has in mind for themselves.

Yes, ive done research and I know the risks, so please no "holier than thou" comments about shrunken balls, gyno and heart hypertrophy.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2012
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living in the middle of effing nowhere
try propadrol

ive never used it
, but my friends in rugger take that sh!t and they are satisfied.

dont know anything about dianabol

no problem with using steroids IMO. just remember that steroids are like a wild can only use it once.
once you join the dark side,there is no going back ! muwahahhahhahaha

:D anyway how much are you paying ? just curious.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
500 10mg tabs for £100. on wholesale deal.

otherwise its like £60 for 100. Get in lots and share with friends :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
Don't do roids man, your balls will shrink, heart will enlarge, and you will grow man boobs.

Haha just messing. I don't plan on ever doing a single cycle of anything, but anabolics are still fascinating to me....there's a guy on youtube (IceCreamFitness) who has some great info and advice on the subject, and just for a kicker he's in the UK too.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
I plan on staying natural for life. I Have no desire to join any competitive sports (Powerlifting, bodybuilding) so I don't really need AAS.

Let us know your results Purefilth. Are you going post comparison photos?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
[S]alvatore said:
I plan on staying natural for life. I Have no desire to join any competitive sports (Powerlifting, bodybuilding) so I don't really need AAS.

Let us know your results Purefilth. Are you going post comparison photos?
yeah shall do


Senior Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
NSW Australia
I have no problem with steroids IF and I mean IF you use them properly.

but my question to you Purefilth is where are you in your training? as in is this your first year of proper training or have you been doing it for 5+ years? and where is your body at? do you have a considerable amount of muscle mass or are you still quite fat or skinny?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Filth... I`m an experience user. I`ve been using stuff for almost 10 years and have around 15 years of lifting experience. Please feel free to pm me if you have any questions. I`m also a health care professional and have 2 degrees in related fields.

I`d personally advise you against using a dbol only cycle. Dbol is reasonably hepatotoxic and quite a `dirty drug`... In my experience gains are kept when you do longer gentler cycles with injectable drugs. I`d just advise you to go with a bit of test for 12-16 weeks while concurrently running low dose hCG to avoid HPTA suppression. For your PCT you can do a SERM like clomiphene or even tamoxifen and take LOTS and LOTS of tribulus!

I`m on HGH and anavar now at low doses. 2.5 units HGH per day x 5 days a week and 25 mg anavar daily. I have virtually no side effects other than needing only 3-4 hours of sleep a night to feel good. I`m also looking into using SARMs... Traditional Anabolic steroids are old school drugs. They have side effects and coming off is a *****. This is the 21st century, so why would you use old drugs when newer, cleaner stuff is available? I don`t think I`ll ever go back on injectable anabolic steroids unless I`m competing in physique or bodybuilding.

Again feel free to PM me if you have any questions.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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Fuglydude said:
I`d personally advise you against using a dbol only cycle. Dbol is reasonably hepatotoxic and quite a `dirty drug`... In my experience gains are kept when you do longer gentler cycles with injectable drugs. I`d just advise you to go with a bit of test for 12-16 weeks while concurrently running low dose hCG to avoid HPTA suppression. For your PCT you can do a SERM like clomiphene or even tamoxifen and take LOTS and LOTS of tribulus!

Again feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
Hey fugly -
I have read a few people saying a dbol only cycle is crap, but I also personally know people who have been on Dbol only and they had some decent gains and no sides - just have tamoxifen on hand and take liver meds during and after.

I see it set as an advised beginners cycle too on several sites.
So - For the price of it in comparison to other roids and since i'm not really up for pinning yet - ill see how this goes.

I thought tribulus had been disproved at actually raising test levels?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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Stort_Brød said:
I have no problem with steroids IF and I mean IF you use them properly.

but my question to you Purefilth is where are you in your training? as in is this your first year of proper training or have you been doing it for 5+ years? and where is your body at? do you have a considerable amount of muscle mass or are you still quite fat or skinny?
Ive been lifting for a while, last year I had to basically restart after recovering from broken ribs and the n shoulder trouble. I have posted progress piss now and again, but I am currently at 210lb (roughly) and 12 -13 % bodyfat(or thereabouts - abs are on show when tensed :D)

I have a decent amount of muscle - definitely not fat and FAR from skinny ;)


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
So the two of you think you're going to shoot your body up with designer chemicals without there ever being adverse consequences? And you don't think that's just a little naive? When drugs are new, no one really knows the long-term effects, because no one has been able to do them for a long term. That stuff isn't even legal to use on cattle, but you want to use it on yourself.

If your life or livelihood depended on having muscles, then maybe that would be a halfway decent excuse. But if all of this is so you can look good for the other guys at the gym, then you're taking a stupid risk for a stupid reason. Just because you don't see the risks, doesn't mean they aren't there.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
NSW Australia
@ Purefilth - you have a long way to go before you even need roids. Personally I would keep going for another year or 2 until about 240+lb when lean. by all means it is totally up to yourself when and how to take it. but from my point of view is to take your natural body a lot further then worry about the gear when you are trying to get bigger than big. just look at people like C.T Fletcher and that is what you can achieve within reason of course on a natural body.

@ Bible Belt - I have never used gear and never will, but being the curious mind that I am, I have put many hours of research into the use of steroids as it is a subject that intrigues me. yes you are correct that no one knows the long term effects of new drugs but there are many people into their 40's and far beyond that have been using them for well over 20 years without any adverse side effects. do you know why? because they know how to use them and respect them in the fact that if used incorrectly they are very harmful. It is all these young blokes pumped up on the need for self image and being accepted in the eyes of the public that are ABUSING the gear and are creating the problem for everyone else.

and as far as looking good for other blokes in the gym even the ladies for a matter of fact, it all depends on the person. for myself I am 100% natty and train for the fun of it, to see how far i can push myself, how strong I can become to realise how weak I have been. I can legpress 600kg so thats 1322lb for 3 sets of 8 reps... and that is only 2.5 years after breaking both my tibia and fibula. do you know why I can do that? because after my doctor said to me that I will be lucky to be able to walk properly in 6 months after the accident let alone have much strength in that leg i looked at him and said "you know what doc F**K that I am going to prove you wrong"

so not everyone goes to the gym or uses gear to look good. for many yes but for some it is all about proving something to themselves and to push themselves past anything that they thought was possible be it physically or mentally. plus most people think u take roids and you get big... well i have a wakeup call for them it takes even more hard work to make the roids work properly than it does to train naturally. all they really do is speed up the recovery time so you can then tear that muscle fibre more and build it faster.

BUUUUUUT what would I know, I'm just some random bloke on the internet. take it how you see it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Bible_Belt said:
So the two of you think you're going to shoot your body up with designer chemicals without there ever being adverse consequences? And you don't think that's just a little naive? When drugs are new, no one really knows the long-term effects, because no one has been able to do them for a long term. That stuff isn't even legal to use on cattle, but you want to use it on yourself.

If your life or livelihood depended on having muscles, then maybe that would be a halfway decent excuse. But if all of this is so you can look good for the other guys at the gym, then you're taking a stupid risk for a stupid reason. Just because you don't see the risks, doesn't mean they aren't there.
No drugs are without risks BB... However, SARMs, and peptide hormones, such as HGH definitely have less harsh side effects relative to anabolic steroids. If you look at the primary literature on HGH adverse effects, there really isn't anything super conclusive... some studies have found a slight decrease in insulin sensitivity, and another has found increased mortality in ICU patients...however, there really isn`t that much definitely primary literature on effects on healthy people. I personally love how I feel on HGH and my wife is even commenting on how ì look younger...

As far as SARMs... they are in phase I and phase II clinical trials. Here`s a recent article if you wanna check it out... its actually really cool!

There should be some clinical date sets present in there...of course you won`t have access to the full phase I clinical trial data as some of it will be propriatory. SARMs are much more specific than AAS, and therefore, give you a much cleaner therapeutic index and/profile.

I realise that these drugs are not without risk, and that there is limited data on their effects in the long term. However, with my career aspirations, it is difficult to get to my fitness goals (I wanna be 210 lbs at 5`8" with a 600 lb deadlift), without a little bit of help. I`m not a lay person... I have 8 years of university education in relevant fields, have been training for close to 15 years, have been a high performance athlete, and have made tens of thousands of dollars off my body. I`m also employed as a healthcare professional and will be going back to school soon to pursue my MD. In my professional opinion the risks posed by these drugs outweigh the benefits that I am getting from them...

In the end it is a personal choice whether or not to use a drug. Just make sure your choice is educated and prudent.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I agree. Thank you for the mature reply.

Ignorance is undoubtedly the real killer. About 2-3 times a year nationwide, some kid will drop dead after an amateur mma fight. The autopsy takes several weeks to come back, but almost always the cause of death is massive steroid abuse. It's like drugs in general. They themselves might not be stupid, but stupid people sure are drawn to them.


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
Listen to Fugly, he knows his stuff. Ive been in the game for about 6 years with the stuff. On right now. If your going to do anything use a test base or a test only cycle. If you want any advice feel free to PM me and ill guide you through the process.