Advice for whoever finds it useful


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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Back in Sept 2019 I was trying to hit 69 women before New Years because I thought being able to sleep with 69 and say I did was hilarious. I hit 45 before Covid ended life as we know it. Some of my sex knowledge comes from high school because I started young and hung out with a hedonist crowd. The book below is knowledge I already have for the most part, however, it organizes it better into a functional system. It's more or less the same of everything I know. I'm going to assume there's people here who've read the book or know better info. I'm new here so I'm just providing what I know works for me. Highly recommend memorizing the whole book and applying it.

Also knowing basic massage anatomy works well. I got tackled by a girl just from releasing stress in her neck and released tension in specific body points. You can make a woman horny if you can get her body relaxed. That's a big issue I've run into. Most women are horrible at taking care of their body and that's why they won't sleep with you. Not sure where you can learn the trigger point releases. I learned that info from a massage therapist friend. Another one that works is design the place you live in specifically to evoke eroticism. My place is entirely designed to stimulate eroticism and when asked I dismiss it as it's just my style. Lot of the women associate my style from the dude from 50 shades of Grey. I've never read the book. Only know what the women told me. I use my ability to cook to stimulate scent in the house which are aphrodisiacs. Anything food or drink related I make sure the base is mixed with an aphrodisiac for stimulating primal senses. The whole point of doing all this is cause women talk and word spreads. I almost hit my quota straight up just from women talking. The only part you need to be careful is alot of women associate the above as boyfriend material. That's the deception you sell them on. You need to be very aware when one of the plates get a lil too attached because that plate can become a liability issue for whatever quota you're hitting.

You can use any occult knowledge you have on women. They eat that stuff up like candy. My old roommates were convinced I'm a vampire because the act takes practice. I've been called Lucifer and had a girl saying she was my demon mistress. Women dig those fantasies. It's all an act. A couple magic tricks here and there. Some displays of knowing a "mysterious" amount of info and they're hooked. . I was heavily involved in several witch covens in my city specifically for sex. Had it at one point where I convinced some the witches I was a demon from hell. I can make their dreams come true only under some sexual conditions. Occult community is a goldmine for gaming women. Be advised you will run into some weird sex cults depending on who you're gaming.

Women are always looking for an escape from their suffering. Yes women do suffer. If you create a magical world where all their problems will disappear and convince them you have the keys to this place it's easy money. You're basically putting the woman in Disney nostalgia by giving them the idea you have the keys to Neverland. They'll never see Neverland yet you can capitalize on this pretense. You find a way to appeal to the little girl inside a woman and you have the keys to their soul and heart. You own them fully. That appeal is the loophole in hypergamy. You know how to lock on the little girl in the woman no amount of hypergamy works.

Here's the book:

Women's anatomy of arousal by Sheri Winston
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Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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I have no idea how to edit my post. My wording is a little off at the end. Meant to say they feel worthy of you on a level. Losing you will end them. They no longer see any other guy. Heartbreak is not the word for what happens to them. The women will fall in a deep depression after you leave. When a woman meets me her entire world shatters and she can't live without me being in her life. My Demon persona is on cue to create this result.

The big selling point with the demon persona you need to be able to make yourself seem not human. I have the ability where I can look straight through someone. My friend described it as when you see a bear both of you acknowledge the other's presence. When you see me, you see me, however, you don't feel me seeing you and it's unnerving. My friends call it feeling like being around a corpse. Very anxiety inducing. According to them it's terrifying.

The idea for this ability is to show the face every now and then to the girls you're gaming. When they say something about the face act like you have no idea what they're talking about. This face is an irresistible mystery they have a strong desire to solve. I've showed some women it's a deception and regardless of showing the evidence they still believe the lie more than the evidence. It's a dog chasing it's own tail. This deception is ruthlessly efficient.
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Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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ignore it all. I have split personality. That's the other me talking.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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Good post. Im currently redoing an extra bedroom and I want it to have a lair feel to it. Im married but i dont allow the Mary poppins look into my house.

Its egyption, history, knights castles
Renascence and some modern black and white mixed in.
Good. That's the only thing you should takeaway from that post.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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kinda wondering the same thing. Not sure i like the "quota" philosophy concerning women.
From what I remember my alter's idea behind it is to remove emotional attachment towards the women I slept with. To feel absolutely nothing towards them. It's a super selfish approach. The less you think about the people you're with the more you can take what you want. If you just remove yourself from them they'll feel the need to prove themselves for whatever reason. To add on it keeps your goals aligned. It's a one night stand mentality where you only enjoy her for the night and she does the work for you by wanting more of you later because you already moved on. From my experience women Hate it if you don't text them, don't communicate with them, don't give them any attention of emotional attachment. They biologically will get attached to you regardless of what they'll say to you. That's scientifically proven. What the quota mentality does it allows you to void any biological attachments and ruthlessly maximize the amount of women you can get in rotation. It pays for itself because the women will keep coming back on their own. A woman's power to move on from you to the next guy is having the acknowledgement that you are attached to her. All that requires is one text msg, one phone call, anything. If you never send anything and don't acknowledge it all she can never move on. I don't know exactly how yet women instinctively know if you already have a new girl. When they rotate back they sense it and they realize you already moved on. You can sleep with that same girl as many times as you want as long as you never give her the acknowledgement. So if you're new to game. You start with one girl. Then you get two on board. You keep one for consistent rotation to enable the other girl's instincts and you rotate them. Keep the carrot in front of them out of reach.
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Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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Good post. Im currently redoing an extra bedroom and I want it to have a lair feel to it. Im married but i dont allow the Mary poppins look into my house.

Its egyption, history, knights castles
Renascence and some modern black and white mixed in.
Since you're married ever thought about getting your person into Polyamory? Be very slow about introducing it. Put your person's hobby magazines in the house advertising polyamory. If you can't find magazines on it make the magazines using Lucidpress. Have a couple friends talk about this great new thing "polyamory" and how it's made them even closer in their marriage. Make sure the friends mention how polyamory has cured all the problems that you have in their marriage. Get a netflix or something subscription on polyamory. Sign up your person discreetly to a polyamory mailing list. If they ask if that's all your doing play stupid act like you have no idea what they're talking about. The key is to propagate polyamory everywhere your person is and use keywords. The theme needs to become any problem in the marriage can be cured by polyamory. You CANNOT have this conversation with your person. The idea needs to be floating around them. Where friends of yours or fake friends are the social proof that polyamory is a cure all. The magazines as social media proof of it being great. If you can convert your person's friends to the idea of polyamory even better because they are going to be your biggest adversary to making sure your person is dtf for polyamory only under the condition they're not open to it. If they are all the above is totally unnecessary.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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What the heck did I just read??
My alter's game which I have to control 24/7 so it never gets out of hand. My Alter is a Machiavellian so try to take what I post with a grain of salt. The switches happen back and forth all the time. I'm basically a walking contradiction.
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Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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Man im 46 now and i will say that I have seen many couples go down that road and it ends in disaster.
Not saying it cant work but the numbers dont lie.
I dont believe women are wired this way. Mostly
If your girl is sleeping with other dudes than yeah I understand that. That's another proven thing. You can sleep with as women as you want under the condition you return home to her. But if she starts sleeping with other dudes you lost her. Whatever attachment she had to you is gone....Which I realize this goes back to the selfish mentality. Polyamory is for you not for her lol


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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I would entertain the idea if she confessed being bi but not the other way around. Hypothetically speaking
Be careful with that she might like women more than you and go full lesbian. I know a couple people in their 40s and I've seen it happen. That's playing with fire. You need to be 100% sure she's loyal to you if you go down the bi route. This might be a little extreme yet if you can get her to record a recording of declaring absolute loyalty to you: "I declare loyalty to stringpuller" and you keep the recording I think you'd be good. Remember it's not about the recording. The recording has no value. It's about the simple act of submission. That act is the Last thing any woman I know of would be willing to do. They'll fight you and misdirect your attention do everything to make sure those words don't leave their lips. It needs to be in the exact format of the quoted above. It cannot be whatever version she comes up with. If not and you have nothing to lose go for it

Anytime you want a woman to do something out of context for you. Whatever statement or phrase you're using needs to be your words said out of her mouth. It cannot be the variation that she offers because then they become her words and the act loses value. This applies every where not only women yet people in general. If you're the leader of a group you need the whole group to speak your words out of their mouths to ensure absolute submission.
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Sep 10, 2014
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My alter's game which I have to control 24/7 so it never gets out of hand. My Alter is a Machiavellian so try to take what I post with a grain of salt. The switches happen back and forth all the time. I'm basically a walking contradiction.
Sounds more bipolar than Machiavellian.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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Sounds more bipolar than Machiavellian.
Well I am getting help for what they think is either bipolar or borderline personality so probably. I go from having morals to no morals. I had one of those super complex messed up childhoods that kept going into adulthood. Didn't stop till about two years ago and still random traumatic stuff happens so like I said take what I post with a grain of salt. Everything I do works on the women. The only drawback is it's extremely toxic in the sense that you get whatever you want she walks away from it kinda destroyed...
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Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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Another thing I've noticed that works. If you make everything into a joke. Never take anything seriously. As in sarcastic and don't believe at all anything a girl says to you. Take everything with a grain of salt and over-exaggerate on a ridiculous irrational level what you want from a girl. Make sure to frame what you want in the form of a joke. She'll do whatever it is. For example I tend to make jokes and not believe at all in what I'm saying that there is no way said specific girl would ever want to do a hookup. I'd say never going to happen in a very non-serious tone. Add a laugh to it. Like having the words come out of your mouth already sounds like a joke. Few days later banged whatever girl I said it to and acted surprised told her I was joking.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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You need to frame it with a bigger sell so full on banging her and then pull her leg with oral and then call it the dumbest decision on the planet and then act like it wouldn't happen in a million years and but find it amusing to play with the idea. For some reason they basically want to prove you wrong.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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The more disbelief you have in something happening the more people want to prove to you it will happen. The more you believe something will happen the more people want to make sure it doesn't happen. It's contradicting yet it works.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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The more you frame whatever you want as insignificant, unimportant, a practical joke the more others will put importance on it because in their minds they feel it's their duty to make you understand how serious and important the situation is. At that point they'll do everything in their power to try to convert you to their opinion.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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If you communicate to someone that you'll be taking everything they do and say with a grain of salt. That you completely doubt their abilities to get anything done nor commit to anything. That their intimacy is a literal joke yet you'll stay just to amuse yourself. They take it all personally and make it their mission to prove all your judgments wrong and show you that they're to be taken seriously. Never take them seriously.