Accomplishing This is Important to Me

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud 9
I've been interested in a girl for awhile now. We had a pretty strong connection at one point, but our rapport eventually dissolved for reasons beyond my understanding. Anyway, I've been unable to reinitiate with her and we haven't talked in over a month. Some of you may call me a pvssy, but I haven't approached her because it just doesn't seem natural to me to randomly walk up to her, plus I'm unprepared for this.

In the past we had good moments and we had bad moments. Not relevant right now. I'm sure that if I learn how to probably excecute my game, and do it the right way when the time comes, I will have no trouble building a relationship with this girl.

I want to do this simply because I like who she is, and she's able to make me very happy. To me, it's worth the try and the outcome doesn't matter, whether being friends or escalating towards sex (of course I'd take sex over being friendzoned.)

What I'd like you SS men to help me with is:

-How do I reinitiate with her in a natural way?
-What should I accomplish from this reinitiation in terms of attracting her?

If you guys would like some information on what type of woman she is to aid your advice, please don't hesitate to ask.

I think it's important that I follow through with this rather than dropping the matter.
On the side, I will continue looking for plates to spin.
Thank you.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
You pretty much answered your own question. She's not a mind reader so you'll have to step the fvck up.

Next time you see her, walk up to her say hi see what she's been up to, make small chat, etc...

Then ask her out

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud 9
GuanYu said:
You pretty much answered your own question. She's not a mind reader so you'll have to step the fvck up.

Next time you see her, walk up to her say hi see what she's been up to, make small chat, etc...

Then ask her out
From small talk to directly asking her out?
Ok no offense man but she'd have to be a prettttttty damn good small-talker to make me want to ask her out on the spot like that.

I was thinking more along the lines of:
-Reviving our "ghost rapport" from the past
-Developing a social/emotional connection
-Getting her into a comfort zone with me (just with conversation for now)
-Attracting her

It may seem like im overthinking, because this is kinda like a brainstorm for me. Let me rephrase the second question from my OP:

What techniques should I use to persuade her to open herself up and possibly enjoy talking to me in the future?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
This isn't rocket science.

And you want this chick so why would she have to re-qualify herself for you to ask her out? Your first post indicated you were already interested so there's only one way for you to find out for sure if she's what you want. Go out with her.

You don't have to do much "to open herself up and possibly enjoy talking to me in the future" just don't be lame and initiate conversation.

Ways not to be lame...

-Don't ask a bunch of questions that aren't open ended
-Don't talk about yourself too much
-Don't talk politics
-Don't be like every other guy. Do something to distinguish yourself

If you want more specifics, read the DJ bible but conversing isn't hard. Just allow yourself to do it.

And asking her out shows you're a man and not some chump that only wants to talk to her in class. You do want to sex this girl right? If not why bother analyzing shyt? It's a waste of your time. Time that could be better spent jerking off if you don't want pvssy.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
I'm in the Mood said:
From small talk to directly asking her out?
Ok no offense man but she'd have to be a prettttttty damn good small-talker to make me want to ask her out on the spot like that.

I was thinking more along the lines of:
-Reviving our "ghost rapport" from the past
-Developing a social/emotional connection
-Getting her into a comfort zone with me (just with conversation for now)
-Attracting her

It may seem like im overthinking, because this is kinda like a brainstorm for me. Let me rephrase the second question from my OP:

What techniques should I use to persuade her to open herself up and possibly enjoy talking to me in the future?
No no no no no!

If you just chat her up for a month you will permanently find yourself in the friend zone. You chat with her for a little bit and then asker out... lunch, coffee... something light and not too serious on the weekend. It really IS NOT rocket science. Talk to her after class and then just ask her out. The entire point of the first date is to actually see that if this girl is right for you to continue persuing her.

When I met my current girlfriend... just about 7 weeks ago, we probably spoke for 5-10 mins total before I formally asked her out. We had coffee that next weekend, saw that we really dug each other on more than just the surface and it's been smooth sailing ever since.

But in the end, don't get too hung up on this chick, wasting time trying to get her to go out with you... because at your age, either you 100% click or the relationship will eventually end.