A Don Juan Tale: The Legend of Glenn Taarnes


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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For those of you who feel like your constantly striking out, just can't get it in, I have a tale of encouragement for you.

When I was 14, I got a job at a gas station; we would serve propane, gas and diesel. We were in an industrial area, meaning we rarely got through traffic, but rather customers who had accounts with us, you'd typically see the same faces each day of the week, you'd expect Larry from Accounting to show up every Monday for example.

One day, I was sitting with my manager, having a coffee as we waited for the next familiar face to walk in, but instead, an unfamiliar face walked in.

"Hey man, you lost?" I asked, which was typically the case for any unfamiliar faces in this winding industrial area.

He walked into the building and I got a better look at him, guy looked like he just broke out of an old folks home, had to of been at least 75 and looked it. His skin was devoid of any smoothness, it was wrinkled and weathered like an old leather duster... His eyes had this pale yellow tinge in the corners.

"No" he said, "I'm actually looking for a job."

Me and my manager exchanged looks; her name was T and she had a great big heart, I knew there was no way she'd turn him away even though we had a full shift schedule already.

"Go train him" T said plainly, "Its slow today anyways" She approached him, introducing herself as T.

"Im Glenn" he said, "Glenn Taarnes"

I introduced myself to Glenn and we walked into the yard, his clothing was beat up, he had on dress shoes that were visibly too big... He drove the oldest Audi I've ever seen in my life, but even still, he had pride.

We get to talking and he explains to me that he's got a 35 year old girlfriend... I mean, to say I was skeptical would be an understatement.

Glenn got on well, worked well with everyone and pretty soon he was accompanying me on my after school shift. I used to work out with a big dumb bell there during the time between customers, well every time I finished a set, Glenn would be right behind me ready to start his own set, it was Friggin unbelievable, this old guy had the heart to keep up with me most of the time.

He told me one day that his girlfriend worked at Arby's and that he was gonna bring in sandwiches tomorrow and sure enough, he did, there was more meat than bread on them, covered in cheese, fugg those were the best Arby's sandwiches id ever had and this became a staple, he'd get these sandwiches every day, more than enough protein and carbs to get a wicked workout and recovery in. I also couldn't believe his story was true, at least so far.

Then, at the Christmas dinner, I met Judy, his girlfriend. She was a toothpick, smaller chest and her hair was a vibrant red, far too bright to be natural. I couldn't believe it, Glenn was a fricking player!

After this, I was totally enamoured with Glenn's tale, I had to know how he pulled her and kept her around, so he tells me that he stole her away and convinced her to divorce her husband at the time which just floored me, like what? YOU STOLE HER? YOU? He said her ex husband was just a couple years older than her.

As we're getting on, I notice he's using the air pump every day, we all chipped in at the gas station to get him new tires after we saw him doing it before and here he is doing it again. I asked him about it.

"I think it's her ex-husband, somebody keeps throwing shrapnel around my vehicle, it's cutting into my tires"

I suggested he get a video camera and so he did and a couple days later, he caught him on camera, unfortunately the camera was at vehicle height so it only caught his mid section, but he showed me the video and sure enough, there's a guy with a great big pot belly throwing metal shrapnel down, you can clearly see it.

This went on for months before it ended, I think I patched his tires a dozen times at the height of it.

Then one day Glenn had to leave, I was supposed to make it in to say bye to him and that day I just never made it in, so I never got to say bye.

Ive talked about Glenn before on here, but the fact remains that he was old, broke, targeted and still managed to pull a broad, so what's your excuse?