A Civil Rights Group Is Now Criticizing Random Jerks For Not Calling Women Back After


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
man i am telling you the ***** middle class is going to vanish. you are going to have a select few of guys who "get it" and the rest wondering why they can't get laid a ALL from anyone. this is why.


Nov 4, 2010
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so if you use a hooker, you have to ring her up the next day and give her feedback?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
It's all about raising money


I feel that the Law Center is essentially a fraud and that it has a habit of casually labeling organizations as “hate groups.” ... In doing so, the SPLC shuts down debate, stifles free speech, and most of all, raises a pile of money, very little of which is used on behalf of poor people.


In 1996 USA Today called the SPLC "the nation's richest civil rights organization", with $68 million in assets at the time...

In October 2010 the SPLC reported its endowment at $216.2 million.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2008
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Too many places at once
You know one of the most interesting things I read was in Jared Diamond's book Collapse, discussing the Rwandan genocide. He attributed it in part to demographic pressures. Family farms would be subdivided among the next generations. Unfortunately with an exploding population it got to the point where there was simply no longer room to live, and all the adult males simply ended up living at home unable to marry. Powder keg anyone? Hate speech was an issue but external conditions need to support it. The nazi's came to power during hyperinflation in Germany, it was not a healthy society. What's the lesson? Hate-filled people get laughed off the street in healthy societies. People need to have some kind of psychological tension for it to stick.

I'm sure a smart person can make their own inference here. I certainly don't want to get sucked into it. I'd rather find love than conflict and this gender war stuff seems to poison everything it touches.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
wait_out said:
You know one of the most interesting things I read was in Jared Diamond's book Collapse, discussing the Rwandan genocide. He attributed it in part to demographic pressures. Family farms would be subdivided among the next generations. Unfortunately with an exploding population it got to the point where there was simply no longer room to live, and all the adult males simply ended up living at home unable to marry. Powder keg anyone? Hate speech was an issue but external conditions need to support it. The nazi's came to power during hyperinflation in Germany, it was not a healthy society. What's the lesson? Hate-filled people get laughed off the street in healthy societies. People need to have some kind of psychological tension for it to stick.

I'm sure a smart person can make their own inference here. I certainly don't want to get sucked into it. I'd rather find love than conflict and this gender war stuff seems to poison everything it touches.
i could write a (pretty sh!tty) book on the Nazi regime. It was much, much, much more complex than that. Germany at the time of the Nazi regime was the most well schooled country in Europe they weren't stupid hillbilly racist dummies. Also the argument falls flat on it's face because there are too many examples of "hate filled people" who did not elect a Hitler to exterminate an entire population of people. This was much more than just some pissed off white broke white people. There have been pissed off broke white people throughout the ages of time, hell the dark ages is synonymous with pissed off broke white people and hell they did the exact opposite, turn to church. You honestly could have left that one out.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2008
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Too many places at once
You may be reading too much into my intent from a casual sentence. The link that poverty=terrorism has been refuted, or we'd have terrorists from places like Turkey, and it's not true. Just being poor doesn't mean you can't be well-grounded. But look -- if you're a member of the most well-schooled country in Europe, isn't it a blow to the ego to be carting off money in wheelbarrows, paying foreigners reparations, and scraping to get by when you always expected to be comfortably middle class? Isn't it tempting to have someone to blame for your situation? It lets you reassert psychological control. Just like if you expected to marry, have a house and a loving family, and it all evaporated before your eyes, right?

I may be off on the history, but I'm pretty sure this is a true human response in dealing with psychological stress.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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White Knighting on a macro level.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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The root of the matter is collectivism. It is the unwillingness of many people to face reality as they truly exist--as individuals--that creates the balkanizing social rackets of collectivism, such as "civil rights", feminism, egalitarianism, etc.

Collectivism is the virus that humanity has to exterminate from itself.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Julius_Seizeher said:
The root of the matter is collectivism. It is the unwillingness of many people to face reality as they truly exist--as individuals--that creates the balkanizing social rackets of collectivism, such as "civil rights", feminism, egalitarianism, etc.

Collectivism is the virus that humanity has to exterminate from itself.
Agree 100%

Can you outline step by step how this could actually occur


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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I don't see how collectivism is the root of this.

Rather, this is the "witchfinder general" effect. Witchfinding is all he knows, what he's paid to do and where he gets his social status from. So for those reasons, he will always find witches, even if he has to make them up. Because if he fails to do so, the King will get rid of him, and for someone who has made lots of enemies and now is without power, he's very vulnerable.

The SPLC, like various feminist or socialist groups, used to have valid hate groups to rail against, but since such issues got resolved, they now have to make up enemies to justify their existence and get paid.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2011
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Burroughs said:
Agree 100%

Can you outline step by step how this could actually occur
Haha, I'll answer for Julius:

Read Ayn Rand.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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AlphaWhiskey said:
Haha, I'll answer for Julius:

Read Ayn Rand.
Rand's views are admirable but amount in the end to an adolescent fantasy..Howard Roark in our current world would starve to death


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Hyperbole? You decide.


RooshV said:
When I first found out that I was on the SPLC list, I laughed. I accepted all the congratulations from my readers on Twitter and on the forum, but at the end of the day I felt depressed. I felt depressed because I know that my ideas will never be widely accepted in my lifetime, that as long as I write I will be constantly attacked. I was attacked in Iceland, I was attacked in Denmark, and I was attacked by neo-Nazis in Estonia who called the police on me for having a drink at the club. And now the establishment in my own country is on the verge of declaring my writing and ideas to be illegal. I don’t know exactly how I got here, but I have a feeling that this is just the beginning.

If I knew years ago that blogging about getting laid and travel would put me on a hate list by a civil rights organization, I would have stayed anonymous. Too late now. I will be silenced at some point, but until then I will go on with my big head held high. I’m far from done.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Burroughs said:
Rand's views are admirable but amount in the end to an adolescent fantasy..Howard Roark in our current world would starve to death
i don't think hat's necessarily true. you can find a lot of roark's in the business world today. Mark Cuban has stated more than once that the fountainhead was the most imoprtant book he ever read in his life. he turned out pretty well.

the times may have changed, we may have more stuff at our disposal, but human nature has been the same way that it's been for at least the last 10,000 years give or take.

also, roawrk is synonymous with the my way or the high way mindset the guy who does not bend his character, that's not necessarily a fair nor accurate assessment. Rowark, routinely, swallowed his pride and did things he did not want to do, but only when all other means of survival were exhausted. He took money from his friend when he hit real hard times at the beginning of the book who was doing better than him, when he told the people who wanted him to alter his designs and it meant a big contract to shove it, he knew he had to shut down his office and went to work in construction.

Alot of people misinterpret his character, such as you did when you said "he would starve to death". he would neve rstart to death becuase he's too pragmatic to allow that to happen. he would never hit his goals if he were dead. The true nature of rowark is to simply not to settle for being avg. Rowark was talented, he had chances throughout the book to take over the small archtieculre firm, he was given a job at the big shot firm at the beginning of the book, he could have made a nice honest living doing that. he was willing to struggle doing something he wanted to do than to not struggle to do something that he does not want to do.

and as far as today, i see post week after week on this forum stating pretty much the same thing about guys who have "good jobs" but hate their job. i don't see how that's any different at all.

well before my business took off I had what.... 3 jobs.. i sold cars, i was a tech at best buy and i a tech for GMAC.. **** i had to eat and pay rent somehow. I just never allowed myself to get comfortable enough in those jobs tlose focus of why i was there. and the DAY i thought i could support myself with my business i left. lol at lunch actually.

to work for something you want you are going to have to make sacrifices. sometimes pretty heavy sacrifices. you are going to struggle. to say that Rowark would not survive in 2012 is tantamount to saying you can't be successful, and i don't agree with that stance.

Now lol, if you want to say that a well off smoking hot woman would be attracted to a very avg looking yet unsessful inn life (yet) man, that's another story lol


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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from Roosh:

Instead of banning game, an Orwellian task, your elite masters will attempt to neutralize its effects by giving women a “put him in jail” card that she can use at the beginning or end of the process. Don’t like your approach? “Officer, he assaulted me by touching me on the shoulder.” Feeling regretful for slutty behavior? “Judge, he raped me while I was intoxicated.”

It is clear that gender hate is now a one-way street. Men can hate women but not the other way around. Men can rape, women can’t. Men can be abusive, both physically and emotionally, but women can’t. Men can be misogynist, but women can’t be misandrist, a word that is unknown to most of the American population. Men can be described as lazy slobs who play video games all day, but women are perfect as-is in a country where there are organizations trying to convince you that being fat is both healthy and beautiful. Male teachers get sent to pound-me-in-the-ass prison if they have sex with a student, but female teachers only get a slap on the wrist. If you’re a man, you’re likely a perpetrator of hate, violence, and abuse to innocent American women, even if you don’t yet realize your thought crime, but never the other way around. If an American woman is being “strong” and “independent” by criticizing you, you best stop whining, man up, and accept her masculine behavior as the new normal in today’s glorious utopia.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2011
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backbreaker said:
Having read the book and her other works numerous times, I agree with you completely. Also, people tend to forget that Rand described her writing style as "Romantic Realism". The Romantic means she took things to the extreme to illustrate her ideology and drive it home. The Fountainhead is not a textbook for life (as some readers consider it), it's an inspirational work to change your world view. For me, discovering her work as a young man was instrumental in my conscious decision to become a motivated optimist, instead of the cynical bitter pessimist I had been. This was the best thing I ever did for myself.

And Rand was aware of a lot of Blue/Red pill concepts before most of us were born...


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Also, Howard rowark is probably the most "natural" DJ I have ever seen. and not only that, you notice how it was 100% natual. That was just his mindset.. i'm going to take what i want..and yeah Dominque i want you some come here. There was no game, there was no C&F.. just an unmistakable uroa of badassness about him that she couldn't help bu be attracted to, depsite how "below her" she was. she HAD to have him.

notice when she left, this "dream woman" who any guy ont his forum would rate an HB 9 plus she was loaded to the brim, he said "welp, there goes that.. back to work.. .la la la ho hum"

now that i remember it, doesn't he leave her TWICE? When he had to go back to the city, or she had to go I don't remember at this moment, he didn't moan about it. when she got married, he didn't ***** about it he just did what he had to do. not once did he alter one morsal of his "plan" to revolve around dominque.

the interesting part of the book, the real interesting part of the book to me was the unspoken understanding that they had with each other. not only did Howark know that Dominque had to get married to the guy, he didn't ***** about it, he knew it had to be done for reasons out of his control. she knew on the other hand, that he could not chase her and she also knew that she didn't want him to not because she didn't like him, she was crazy about him, but because it was the fact that he would not chase her, that made her like him. she knew all this.

also the guy in the book that married dominque, had a "plain jane" girl he was engaged to for a long time that was crazy about him and loved him very much and not only left her for dominque, rotfl, left her on the DAY THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO GET MARRIED.. dominque asked him to marry him it just so happens on the same day he was supposed to marry the other girl and the dude didn't think twice about standing her up. that goes to show the real nature of the nice guy. everyone wants the best they can get. everyone. that book did more to open my eyes to the game than just about anything.

if you haven't read that book read it like naow. it's a great read. IMHO Rynd knew more about game then 95% of the DJ's or alpha's in the world. she nailed it to a T.

everyone talks about "what books are there out there i can read on my game" I can't think of a better one honestly. Rowark would be a super duper DJ in real life.

Also, and this is just what i personally took from the book, you can disagree or disagree, being, unyielding in what you demand out of life, and determined to make that happen and being a DJ with the opposite sex, are synonymous with each other. you can't have one without the other.

it's been a while since i read the book who was the other guy the dude that married dominque, his "friend" he lived iwth at the beginning of the book? you can't be the super duper suck up guy do waht everyone thinks you can do yet go home and be just this cool alpha male. life doesn't work like that.