Search results

  1. Dash Riprock

    The Obligatory Pre-First Date Phone Call

    Gents: So I jumped back into OLD after about a year off. Just doing it for fun with low expectations. Actually have been pleasantly surprised at the number of hits from decent looking women. Chatting a few up and will likely meet a couple this week or next. One thing that a few from my last...
  2. Dash Riprock

    Article: Dating apps and a drastically changing relationship landscape

    Not sure if mandatory therapy is the answer, but a good read. Good confirmation as to what is often discussed here. The Rise of Lonely, Single Men Dating apps and a drastically changing relationship landscape.
  3. Dash Riprock

    Anyone else finding politics in US are affecting relationships and friendships?

    This is NOT a politically charged post about red or blue states so please don't take it in that direction. Thank you in advance. I'm curious if anyone else has experienced strain on certain relationships over the current political climate in the US. I have 6 close friends, inner circle if you...
  4. Dash Riprock

    For the formerly or currently married guys

    Judgment-free poll. Question is self-explanatory. Feel free to leave a comment below if you'd like. Thank you for your vote. Ciao. ~Dash
  5. Dash Riprock

    Anyone here from Russia?

    I live in the US. I'm curious what is being broadcast in Russia regarding the Ukraine crisis.
  6. Dash Riprock

    "Scenes From a Marriage" on HBO

    Anyone else check this out? I have nothing to binge watch right now outside of Saturday and Sunday (college football and NFL). Watched the first two episodes last night. I'll give it 3/4 stars. Kind of like Blue Valentine but on fast forward. The acting is genuinely superb, especially Jessica...
  7. Dash Riprock

    My Movie Review: Blue Valentine

    I saw a few posters talk about this movie recently on SS. Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams are both good actors, so I watched it last night. My thoughts and review: The movie is quite good and was up for many awards. Both Gosling and Williams were also nominated multiple times. I won't go...
  8. Dash Riprock

    Interesting OLD observations the past 4.5 years

    So I've been single for about 5 years after ending a 9 year LTR. I've been dating off and on for about 4.5 of those years. So I was out of the game for almost 10 years before jumping back in. Here's what I've noticed regarding my dating efforts: - It is exponentially easier for me to get dates...
  9. Dash Riprock

    When dating a single mom--works.

    I'm a single guy over 40 and chose not to have kids. I have no regrets. I enjoy my freedom, flexibility, independence, and the fact I can adventure anywhere at any time as I also own my own business. I do date a lot of childless women quite a bit younger than me but most are flings, STRs, or...
  10. Dash Riprock

    Dispelling the Myth of the Perpetual Upgrade

    I honestly think there's way too much emphasis put on women's quest of the perpetual upgrade in dating, marriage, life, etc. If the guy turns out to be a loser, geek, irresponsible, addict, gets fat, then ok. And there are some women, but not the majority, who are really f*cked in the head and...
  11. Dash Riprock

    Solid example of IDGAF and maintaining frame...

    Yeah, Good grief. Man tops off helicopter proposal with five engagement rings
  12. Dash Riprock

    Landing a steady gf, LTR, or even someone who is wife material

    SS Team, This is for the guys, young bucks, and newbies who are looking for a steady gf, LTR, or even someone who is wife material. Nothing wrong with that. Given the over saturation of the dating-advice market with new "gurus" popping up every day (99% who don't know their head from their...
  13. Dash Riprock

    If you **really** want to get married, these things can boost your odds of success

    To get married or not is always a common debate on SS. If a man were to choose to get married, here are a few things that would increase his chances for a successful long-term marriage: Verbal communication skills: Can she communicate (can YOU communicate??) or does she play passive-aggressive...
  14. Dash Riprock

    Ok, you asked for it: My Workout Regimen (98% of you won't do it)

    My Brothers in Arms: I think we're all in agreement women of practically all ages are attracted to a man who takes care of himself physically; good muscle tone, some size, low body fat, definition, slim waist. Women know men like this are far more likely to be good in bed, have better stamina...
  15. Dash Riprock

    I got "banned" from Hinge

    I’ve been on Hinge for maybe two years. I wasn’t in love with the app but compared to Match, POF, Bumble, I liked it the best. I’ve communicated with a fair number of women on the app (had to message a lot though just to get a few hits), but only met 2-3. One girl I did see for about 2 months...
  16. Dash Riprock

    Develop the courage to make CUTS when needed

    I was talking to an old college friend the other day. He asked if I ever hear from the crazy dog park girl. For more info, read my post from July 2017. I said, no I haven’t—and I never reached out again either. His reply was, “Dash, you know I’ve known you for over 20 years and one thing I...
  17. Dash Riprock

    Are You a Man?

    We all know that women do not like wimpy, milquetoast, lazy, unmotivated “men.” As matter of fact, they despise them. The problem (for women anyway) is that there are more and more “men” of this caliber for them to choose from. This is actually good news though for the actual “men” out there...
  18. Dash Riprock

    Need a volume EQ app for my Samsung Galaxy S6 phone

    DJs: Looking for recommendations on a good equalizer app for my Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ for leveling out the volume when I play Pandora, Google Play, or Spotify. I created a playlist on Google Play a few days ago and some tracks were much louder than others. Annoying because I'm always turning...
  19. Dash Riprock

    Dating gets much better for men as you age. Read on...

    I was going to post on @MatureDJ thread about A 30 something comes to a harsh realization but just decided to start a new post as what I have to say is important to the younger guys. I know a lot of you guys are young, but your dating prospects don't dry up and the world doesn't end at 30. It...
  20. Dash Riprock

    Poor quality Western diet kills sperm count and lowers male testosterone, study says

    I say this with brotherly love of course but -- Get your collective fat asses off the couch, ditch your dumb as f*uck video games, put down the chips, beer, pizza, and ice cream and get out and MOVE! Poor quality Western diet kills sperm count and lowers male testosterone, study says