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  1. Rollo Tomassi

    Rollo Tomassi Live Tomorrow

    Just a quick heads up guys, I'll be on live with Obsidian and Alan Roger Currie together tomorrow at 1pm PST (4pm EST). This was kind of spur of the moment so I’m not really sure what the topics will be, but we’re likely to be all over the Red Pill map. So if there’s anything you’ve ever wanted...
  2. Rollo Tomassi

    The Relational Equity Fallacy

    OK, take a deep breath, now watch this video: The first rule every Beta-Herb chump needs to beat into his head is this: Hypergamy doesn’t care about relational equity. I think...
  3. Rollo Tomassi

    London Real

    I thought maybe I'd link this since Krauser lifts more than a few pages from my blog and Game ideology: It's well worth the hour you'll spend watching it, but if you've got ADD you're still in luck since he drops my...
  4. Rollo Tomassi

    Beta Provider to Alpha Bad Boy

    Beta provider to Alpha Bad Boy inside one song. A lot going on in this video.
  5. Rollo Tomassi

    Boromir = Alpha

  6. Rollo Tomassi

    A Cherished Memory When watching this video, or any similar to it, notice how you feel physically before you hit play and then compare it to how you feel after viewing it. Is your heart rate elevated? Did you get a little fight-or-flight adrenal rush? We laugh to...
  7. Rollo Tomassi


    A post in another thread by ZEKKO got me to thinking about men feeling validated in their lives by means of sex or achievement, or any number of other contrived ways to rationalize feeling good about themselves. I have never understood this want of validation in sex. At 42 I can honestly say...
  8. Rollo Tomassi

    Chinese PUA I kind of have mixed feelings about this. Above all it's an absolutely brilliant marketing scheme. Where else in the world could you find such a high concentration of single, desperate men? Well done Juggler...
  9. Rollo Tomassi


    I read an article this morning about the 5 stages of grief and how they apply to coming into acceptance of a previously rejected truth. I was curious about how this might apply to an AFC coming to grips with unplugging from the Matrix, so I did a bit of searching and what did I find on my blog...
  10. Rollo Tomassi

    Would you remain a Nice Guy if...

    Be honest. Let us say, in a strange alternate world, women would LOVE you if you were a Nice Guy. In this world, you could do all the things you wanted to do. You could be sappy. You could write her poetry and SHE WOULD LOVE IT. The more of a Nice Guy you were, the more women in general would...
  11. Rollo Tomassi

    Breakup Predictability

    Oddly enough, Spring Break is the biggest precursor for a breakup. It's always funny to me when I have a guy ask me for advice about his suspicions that his GF is cheating, or something "just doesn't feel...
  12. Rollo Tomassi

    The Future of Game - Flaking

    The Future of Game Interesting (and probably upsetting) predictions here from Roosh. Considering the amount of "how to deal with flaking women" threads I read here, this is really going to set the frustrated guys into a tailspin:
  13. Rollo Tomassi

    Women & Sex One of the single most annoying tropes I read / hear from men (more so than women) is the "Women are just as / more sexual than men" canard. Nothing stops me in my tracks more abruptly than reading this line parroted back in some form by a...
  14. Rollo Tomassi

    The Meta-Game

    AsRecently I've been contemplating the last 6 or so years I've spent on SS. Every time I consider the things I've written for the 'community' I always need to put them in perspective of where I've come from and what I've learned in that time. I just related a single mommy story in an other...
  15. Rollo Tomassi


    From Roissy's most recent post: This is the take-home message. A woman's imagination is the single most useful tool in your Game arsenal. Every technique, every casual response, every gesture, intimation and...
  16. Rollo Tomassi

    Single + Hot = Crazy

    I heard this theory come up on a local radio talk show this morning. The idea is basically for men to be wary of exceptionally hot women who are chronically single. The point being that a hot woman ought to be more likely to be monogamous by virtue of her easy ability to attract guys, but if she...
  17. Rollo Tomassi

    Radio Breakup

    Came across this today,... Anyone care to dissect this with me? Before you listen to this, be aware of the chemical reaction percolating in your bloodstream as the inevitable end comes. Then be aware of how you physically feel afterwards.
  18. Rollo Tomassi

    Beta Game

    Before I launch into this proper, let me define a few terms in the fashion that I interpret them. With the recent popularity of Roissy in DC's blog and a few notable others, there's been a new push with regards to using the terms Alpha and Beta (and sometimes Omega) when describing certain...
  19. Rollo Tomassi


    Since it appears that SPEEDAWGS infidelity thread has about run it's course, an interesting topic really paraphrased the whole discussion, and this was one of Honor amongst Men. With the constant reoccurring theme of moral perspectives and their bearing upon advice being tossed about, I thought...
  20. Rollo Tomassi

    The Ugly Truth

    This just ruined 300 for me: It actually looks pretty funny, but I guarantee you it ends in the same tired formula - "tough guy discovers something deep inside himself and lets down his machismo while falling in love with the only girl who could bring...