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  1. J

    Body Language In real Time

    In this video, an expert reveal how to know if two people are actracted by each other. Cool fact is, How do you know this in real time? I mean, anyone could film the two person, and then judge the video by going slowmotion and commenting it, but how do you manage to do it, if you are one of the...
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    Romance Novels or *orn?

    "In our love-starved culture, both men and women are desperately looking for a connection with someone. At our innermost core of self, we are relational creatures. We crave a deep and lasting bond with another human beings. Someone we can trust, with our deepest secrets, and our scariest moments...
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    Elevating Your Social Status and Demand

    How to hack society and your status to make yourself in demand? We all know that we live in cities with defined social circles structures. So, if there is something that could make us "in demand" both in terms of attraction to the opposite sex and in society in general, what could it be and...
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    "He's too short it sucks"

    I heard this phrase many times, in different context. It could be work, it could be women gossip, it could be at the bar. It make me think about how the brains of women, even the most polite ones, are practically designed for this thing.. Are there exceptions? Yes there are. For example, women...
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    body language of fondling phallic objects

    It happen usually, when women talk with me, that I find them touching something, sometimes it's a pen, or my parked bike handlebar, or something else which is round. Of course this means that a women could find you actractive, and somehow it's showing her desire, but what else could it mean...
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    Independent from the results

    I found a very interesting post, about being stoic Have a good read
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    Keep being social

    A very good post i found! Nice reading! Which are the best social circles to "make" or "enter"?
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    How to make women fall in love

    He is just showing a valuable skill, bringing excitement to a stationary mood? What's happening there?
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    Emotionally weak

    Which is the right amount of "Emotion" a man should feel? How do you know you're emotionally strong, or weak?
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    Being sexy, as a men.

    We can figure out the image of a sexy women, but how could we figure out the image of a sexy men? Which is the image of a sexy men for a women? This is a hard thing to do for an hetero men, because in our imagination we don't have a sexy men, but a women instead.
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    We've been told to not have a relationship with a oneitis, but instead, search for a women which have qualities we want. Are the most of the relationships out there working well because there is no oneitis partner btw the two? Do you know about oneitis realtionships that actually worked?
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    Understanding this "21st century" women behaviour on social media.

    Hi there These days there are some married or LTR women, some which I know, some which I just follow on social media, which share a common thing: With a frequency of 1 times a week, they post a quote, or something which refer to their relationship or emotional status. To give an example: An...
  13. J

    Chaos in LTR: Why a serene LTR will end?

    HI! I have to mention this speech because I have found many truths in reality, in couples of friends/acquaintances and couples of family members. Could you explain what it depends on? Why is it that the more women are treated badly, then immediately well, then badly again, then well again, in...
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    Redpill and ExRedpillers

    Hi there! There are entire communities about Redpillers and EXRedpillers. Where is the sosuave threshold? Just curious about it
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    How did you know it was love?

  16. J

    What's going on inside a women head?

    I just stumbled upon a book some women friends were talking about. (Book here) I just read it for mere curiosity.. We know women want to be dominated/penetrated by a man, and reading the book you just can understand and prove this. I had my experiences, but I never went or had a "nymphomaniac"...
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    The way to deeply connect to woman emotions.

    It is well known that women will "conquer" the difficult man, who doesn't give her too much validation, who imposes his dominant frame, who will pass the **** tests, etc etc... We know how it works.. A woman will not chase a man who give her validation, or which do anything to turn her off, but...
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    Zeitgeist and Archetypes (The men after 30)

    source As society changes, archetypes also change. It's no more about the "chad", "quarterback", etc, but at this age, it's more about the qualities of a man who shape the image of his person. It would be nice to have a list of the archetypes of a men, based on the LMS scale, like we have...
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    8 MAJOR Green Flags in Guys

    We need to translate this video in sosuave language, because to me, it's seems 100% Bluepill
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    when she start to read "romance" novels....?

    Hi there! A friend of mine asked me to find a way to help. His 6 year girlfriend really like reading. She is mostly into romance novels, the ones without sex scenes on, which tells about love, the bluepill love we all know. But 3 months ago She suddenly started to read romance novels about...