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  1. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    depending on the woman and how she was raised, she many never gain that respect back. that's her choice and up bringing (and the culture she was raised in). in the past, in some societies, if the woman was not a virgin, the man could divorce and get his dowry back. if a man expected that...
  2. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    marriage is trying to achieve something that is difficult. To harshly penalize the man to the point where he loses his kids, loses his financial well being or at a point of him contemplating suicide because he failed. BUT yet allow women to just walk away because her husband got depression and...
  3. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    yeah, if this is so.. if you aren't going to even try, then I agree. don't marry. just cohabitat.
  4. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    men in general do not go into marriage expecting to cheat. men try their best not to but they are only human. It is like a suicide mission, people still hold out that miniscule hope things will work out. it would be shame if everyone "gave up" trying to be committed because failing would...
  5. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    John F Kennedy, Nelson Mandala, Franklin Roosevelt, etc... Society call these men "great". Guess what? These men have cheated on their wives.... and the woman that they cheated with. They weren't coerced or forced. It was consensual. Their lovers were active and willing participants...
  6. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    It's a cautionary tale for sure. This is why marriage rates are going down. Remember guys, if you can't keep it in your pants. Don't marry. Do what is trending now. Have kids out of wedlock.... don't marry. PERIOD. If you are not 100% sure (and according to scientific studies, most of you...
  7. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    sometimes its the genetic material that she subconscious wants.. the looks, the muscle, the confidence. etc... that is something... but let's be honest, we are talking about edge cases at this point. on average most girls don't cheat for a guy with "nothing".
  8. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    that's true :) dirt bags can certainly give off that illusion of resources, protection in the short term.... the tinder swinder got laid quite a bit. in a world where there is no accountability... no "history" between people.. dirtbags do get an upper hand. in a society where people are...
  9. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    . sooooo women sleep with providers.. that's what I just wrote :) logically, women sleeping with guys who cannot not provide goes against the biological imperative of reproduction. without resources babies die... and ultimately so does her genetic makeup; out of the gene pool...
  10. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    women don't sleep with men who cannot provide. frequency of sexual intercourse goes down when times are bad - wars, famine, diease, etc.. when people are weak, are sick, don't have enough food, etc.. etc.. the last thing in these people's mind is having sex.
  11. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    I blame lack of a male role model. imagine if blacks did not sleep arround. with crime, murder, etc... the black population would plummet. according to evolution, the black population is doing quite well compare to whites (declining population to the point of extinction?). Hispanic according...
  12. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    true.... but how many women have THAT many options? men will and have dated down... if a man is one out of a thousand... he wouldn't mind sleeping with just an average, attractive young woman. this has been the case throughout history. in general a man with options is a lot more "valuable"...
  13. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    That is what you think. People are sneaky... What happens behind closed doors will amaze you. Also, people like to lie to themselves. There are "red flags", signs, etc.. but if it goes against their world views, they (maybe even you) will just discard it. It was only after the advent of DNA...
  14. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    In the past, cheating by powerful men, successful men, meant more offspring... more progeny. These women were given protection and resources by these men so in the past (and some may argue it happens even to this day), "cheating" is evolutions way of producing more "life" and for a lot of...
  15. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    Biology is a big part of character. When girls "mature" quicker than boys, is that biology? or just "character"? aggression in males. is that biology? or just "character"? when a spike goes to a men's head, and his personality changes. Biology or "character"? being a male or female...
  16. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    for the whole of human existence it's been like this..
  17. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    No, women and men are different it's biological.
  18. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    it's a trap... you will be back :) women are good at these types of things. she will use what you did against you. it's only a matter of time. men serve and protect - that is our vice and our virtue. women are mercurial- that is their vice, and their virtual. life is not logical. we...
  19. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    times have changed... women are now equal to men. they can also get jobs. work as plumbers... ditch diggers... brick layers.. etc... with the advent of big government (women voted for this), being a "ward" of the state isn't a big deal. most people who are wards of the state are well feed...
  20. S

    Dissolving My Marriage

    As a generalization, women are fickle and are easily influenced by people who may not have your best interest in mind or the relationships best interest in mind. They are unreliable. Men in general are more loyal and less inclined to be illogical. Yes, we do have bad men.. but usually, men...