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  1. P

    What are you reading? (Books)

    I've just finished reading the Ender quartet by Orson Scott Card, and now I feel empty; I need something to read. I'm looking for some ideas on what to pick up next. I'm not looking for something self-improvement related, but just something to read for the hell of it. What are you all reading?
  2. P

    "You don't like me."

    Girls say this crap ALL of the time before I get to know them well. I'm a fairly quiet guy, but I always assumed that I was approachable and gave off a positive vibe. Anybody else get this from girls? It's no big deal, I just realized the trend tonight when a girl said it, and I was like...
  3. P

    Bah, Humbug. Christmas sucks.

    So I was at work, and one of the countless renditions of "Sleigh Ride" was playing on the satellite radio. I walk over to grab a bite to eat at a nearby restaurant during break, and I hear another rendition of "Sleigh Ride" within a five minute period. All throughout the day, i'm being...
  4. P

    Shaving - Razor bumps/burn on neck

    I've had this problem ever since I started shaving regularly. I can shave my face itself fine for the most part, but when I shave my neck, I tend to get bad razor burn. I use a Mach 3 Power razor. I've tried other razors, expensive shaving gels, shaving in the shower, using cold water...
  5. P

    Frequent Masturbation & Testosterone

    In numerous posts throughout the forum, I see people posting things like "Don't masturbate often, it will raise your testosterone." and etc. Not masturbating often definitely increases your sex drive and makes you go nuts, but i've never read anything outside this site about the testosterone...
  6. P

    Fear of cold pickups worsened after today

    Yeah, so I'm a recovering AFC, getting into the DJ mindset more every week. I haven't attempted a cold pick-up yet though. I still have a lot of work to do. I've seen some people's field reports or whatever of their pick-up attempts and how win or lose, it always goes civil and respectfully...