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  1. N

    Renting is now cheaper than owning in all of America’s 50 biggest metro areas

    Dumb question.. not interested in homeownership personally but just curious. Let's say that these interest rates do come down. Is it then possible to refinance your mortgage like any other loan?
  2. N

    Favorite Pull Excuses After Dates?

    I agree that first date pulls can be more difficult. I need to set up more second and third dates. Although you could argue, the best way to see her again is to sleep with her on the first date haha. I was reading my old FRs, and I realized a mistake I’m making is that I need to ALWAYS go for...
  3. N

    Favorite Pull Excuses After Dates?

    I have a few more dates coming up soon. I was curious to see what pull excuses you all are using to get the girl back to your place(or pull to her place) these days. When I’m Nightgaming, the excuse is always “an afterparty.” My wing says that his are excuses are to “chill and watch a movie,”...
  4. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    Yeah, we hit a lot of topics lol. And you're correct. I'm digging myself out of this hole, then never again.
  5. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    This is a very good question. I'm a good bit away from paying off my student loans, but I wonder if the same applies to those? The student loan is my oldest account.
  6. N

    Think it's worth investing in dating apps?

    Yeah.. you also have to include parking, gas, and maybe even a hotel room. Drinks are also very overpriced. Nightgame definitely costs money.
  7. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    I've heard some people say that if you've ever been charged a cent of interest in your life, you are not a "credit card person." I wouldn't go as far as closing the accounts though. That would decimate my credit. I would just put some groceries on them and instantly pay it off, or something...
  8. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    Totally agree with this take. I think the personal loans need to go right after the credit cards(they are pretty close interest-wise) and then that alone alleviates a ton of payments. Once that's gone, I can build up an emergency fund very quickly.
  9. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    A hell of a lot cheaper than renting :rofl:
  10. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    I slept on it a bit, and I wanted to specifically talk about this sentence on your post. I think that this is a very good point to make. By that logic, you could make a strong argument that it makes more logical sense to abandon any side jobs because both my pay, and level of responsibility...
  11. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    I do like the idea of being debt free a lot, but I wonder if I can get there. I don't want a mortgage tying me down, so the biggest issue would be the car. Cars, even used cars, are so expensive nowadays. I can definitely reach the point where the only debt I have remaining is a low-interest...
  12. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    It seems like everyone has to learn this lesson once, and then never again haha. I’ve learned my lesson about abusing credit cards. Once they’re paid off, I wouldn’t be against putting everything on them and then paying them off at the end of every month just to take advantage of rewards/points.
  13. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    The key is gonna be to have zero derogatory marks. As long as I can keep doing that, my credit will be in an excellent place to bounce back.
  14. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    I just checked my credit score as well. Looks like it’s slowly rising. That’s good news! Good credit will be very important for me being in a good place financially.
  15. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    The 1-2 years would be to be completely debt free. High interest debt would take less time to crush. Once I have that first $10-12K, and all I have is my car loan, student loans, and a decent credit score, my money worries will go away. That way, when an emergency comes up, all I have to do is...
  16. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    Those credit cards are on the top of my hit list. If I had better credit, it's more likely that I could refinance the other debt and save myself a lot of money on interest in the future. Based on the responses, I think that starting a debt snowball with the credit cards is the way to go, if that...
  17. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    Yes, this is correct. I can order the debts from highest interest rate to lowest: Credit Cards Personal Loans Car Loan Private Student Loans(Sallie Mae) Federal Student Loans What is really irking me is the credit cards and personal loans. They are high interest and have to go. Once those are...
  18. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    Yeah, if I didn't clarify, my credit cards are basically maxed out due to some very poor spending decisions that I made in the past. That is really hurting my credit. Once I've aggressively paid them off, I doubt I'll have any issues getting my credit score back over a 700. The only other issue...
  19. N

    Emergency Fund Destroyed. Back to the Side Hustles?

    Was watching some finance vids today, and I'm realizing that there are many many steps that I need to take before we can even start talking about financial independence. A lot of them have already been mentioned in this thread: 1.) Get the max 401K match from my current employer now that it is...
  20. N

    What are some goals an incel should have in life?

    How early is retiring very early to you? The only issue is that reaching FIRE(Financial Independence Retire Early) is that it would either require an exorbitant amount of time at work to achieve, and/or living on an extremely lean budget. They would have to make those sacrifices while young...