Recent content by Obsidian

  1. O

    Men smv peak at 30s is kind of bull..

    She's hot. I'm just not a fan of the piercing or the tattoo. I think bigneil solidly debunks the stupidity of the opening post.
  2. O

    Men smv peak at 30s is kind of bull..

    The main problem why guys have trouble getting younger girls is because our society stigmatizes the phenomenon. And we even invented a crime called "statutory rape" to help stigmatize the phenomenon further. Naturally, there should be greater age differences than what we see in our feminist society.
  3. O

    She's blocked me

    How do you know that she didn't just disable her facebook account
  4. O

    How to respond to girl that texts you her feelings about you?

    I'm telling you what: It really does seem impossible to casually date a girl these days for more than a month. They always want to make things serious. It happened to me lately, and I've read on the internet that this phenomenon has become common (whereas in prior decades it was not common).
  5. O

    Text messaging vs calling to setup up a date ?

    I like texting because it eliminates the problem of nerves. I think it works just about as well as calling. But if you're really good with phones, I guess you can call if you want.
  6. O

    Finally got a girlfriend... now what?

    Personally I think chubby girls are often kind of hot. So I can sympathize with how you got into this situation.
  7. O

    How much would a brand new sport/luxury car improve my game?

    I would stick with the car that you have.
  8. O

    two girls, which one?

    Blonde is better because she is younger, and likes you more. Don't understand why you didn't get any contact information, though.
  9. O

    Doesn't saying when you free sound like your too avadadible ?

    In my experience so far, the best way is just to give her two options. If she doesn't accept either option and if she doesn't make any counter-offer, then she isn't interested. Heck, I've had girls with what later turned out to be fairly MILD interest still give me counter-offers. So you don't...
  10. O

    I think I'm in love with 45 year old co-worker

    She is married. Quit being a bastard.
  11. O

    What's the best text to send after you get a number to set up the date ?

    Just suggest a date idea, and give her two calendar dates to choose from. If both those dates are bad for her but she still likes you, she will counter-offer with a different set of dates.
  12. O

    something different

    Get her number and ask her out. Don't be stupid.
  13. O

    flake or no flake

    You don't text a girl before the date. Major fail.
  14. O

    Girls who don't want boyfriends

    Low sex drive / Mental disorder / What Dhoulmagus said And I've been saying this all along. It seems like the vast majority of women that I come across don't want to get married.
  15. O

    Finally got a date... now what?

    You may want to brush up on Anti-Dump's Machine, which is part of the DJ Bible.