Recent content by Caveman

  1. C

    Nice guys don't finish last.

    The whole concept of the term nice guy on these boards should be changed to ACF. The overall nice guys are meant in the way of being too nice to girls and trying to do everything the girl wants them to do. Stop calling them nice, call them AFC. Because that is what they are. The term nice guy...
  2. C

    Text message recovery. What do you guys think? Friendzone or no?

    I hate to tell you this but... You ARE in the friendzone. She texted you to tell you she was seeing someone. With this line she was telling you goodbye. She was ready to give you up for good because she knows most guys don't want to just be friends. But you came back and let her know you...
  3. C

    Silent but deadly! Man died from fart...

    Wow! I always knew cabbages weren't good for one's health!
  4. C

    Difference Between Friendliness and Flirtiness

    Worship is right. It's best to always assume she is attracted. Other than that, no doubt you can tell if the smile is genuine. A waitress for example has a professional smile. It's been taught to her by her boss. She is dependand on customers tips so she'll do her best to be friendly and...
  5. C

    HELP Please give me advice.

    Walk away. No, RUN away from this girl! You haven't even made it clear that you two are exclusive and already she is trying to change you! Even if you love this girl too much to walk away: She will never get off your back and you will always have to defend yourself and explain to her why you...
  6. C

    Help. How do you get girls attention? What if you're ignored godamn it?

    Say what you want, you are insecure. It doesn't matter how you got to be that way, but at this point you are insecure. This proves once again that you are insecure. People that haven't talked to you but still claim you have a bad attitude, might be prejudice. They can only be that if you...
  7. C

    how unfortunate am I!? (depressed!!!)

    I remember feeling like that every once in a while. Everyone has an off day sometimes. I can also imagine, a feeling like this can linger for an extended time. Just remember that, relationships come and go. Everyone is shopping around in this big meat market. I don't know your age but I'm...
  8. C

    How to successfully cheat on my girlfriend:

    So the condoms will be in your car in case you intend to emotionally cheat on your girl by blowing those condoms up and make condom animals out of them??
  9. C

    What to do here please?

    My thoughts exactly. Seems to me you are contradicting yourself. If even guys over the internet can read this, she might have also picked up on something like this and therefor told you not to get any romantic ideas. Now why would you need to have 'power' in a platonic friendship??
  10. C

    I am at my wits end.

    I know looks don't matter as much as some people might think but.. seriously, on this pic, you look like you have one eyebrow only. To tell you the truth, I asked my girl what she thought of you. Don't take this too hard but she said you come off as a creep. This is mainly because of the hair (i...
  11. C

    Spinning Plates while in an LTR

    Well, my honest opinion is... if you feel the need to screw these girls, get out of your LTR. I am not one to cheat or anything like that. Are you? You say you are in your prime, but with the right mindset, even of you get out of a LTR in 10 years from now, you will still be able to 'spin...
  12. C

    Spinning Plates while in an LTR

    I agree with just one side note: Don't expect your LTR to be perfect. No one is perfect, just be aware of her negatives and weigh if this is something you accept of her or not. Other than that... Yes I am in a LTR and no I am not spinning plates. I don't feel the need. However, I am not...
  13. C

    developing confidence

    Nice! I really hope you will keep it up and be happy with yourself for every little ounce of improvement. Focus on the things that go well and try to notice the overall upward spiral. Don't be too hard on yourself if you fail now and then. Everybody does. Just be thrilled with the...
  14. C

    developing confidence

    The road to confidence is a tough one, with lots of setbacks. I was kinda like youu when i first came here in 2001. Since then I can say that I've grown a lot and overall feeling very confident. But even today, there might be times that I feel a little less confident. I think this is only...
  15. C

    I am pretty fvcking great

    Good. But no need to be humble though. Selfrespect is what should always keep you from being walked all over. Other than that I wish you the best of luck with your mindset and you´ll know you are on the good path when your arrogant mindset changes into a confident mindset. ;)