Trend growing in UFO discussion and sightings?


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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If I'm not mistaken, most people believe there are aliens visiting the earth in UFOs. Believing that the government is in possession of alien bodies and crashed craft is a whole different thing though. For me, if multiple governments have alien bodies and crashed ships, it makes me wonder just how reliable the aliens' technology is?
One of the interesting answers received from my tarot card reading trying to pry into Alien hierarchy structures last night was this answer.

"The aliens that control earth lie, manipulate and scare the ruling elite into doing their bidding. with threats of not giving us technology, revolts that will destabilize their power, threats of higher level beings coming to attack unless their bidding is done. They are purposely leading us in multiple directions confusing us in a way where we don't know difference between lies and truth."

There is so much conflicting view points based on many different interpretations of the same information. If the answer is actually correct, the controlling force of 2 species of aliens are really doing a good job as confusing us and sending us running around in circles.

Since we don't have a sufficient way to ascertain the truth atm, seems more beneficial for society to focus on developing the skills we need to understand what the truth is, and I believe that is to focus on spirituality, learning about channeling energy, and then next, how to harness it. This seems to be a huge factor in understanding of anything from advanced technology, to traveling in the astral plane, healing, to "magic", communication, etc. Once we can actually understand some of these supernatural occurrences, then seeking the truth would be more plausible of an initiative. Basically, we build a solid foundation of knowledge of the basics, before we approach more complex problems, so that when we do, we have something firm to ground us and build on top of.

currently at the moment, while digging for the truth, i'm being pulled in many different directions, all having some truth to it, making some logical sense when deducing possibility of truth/meaning and finding answers, but at the same time, these answers also conflict with another truth. Can the answers i'm seeking all be true, equally, while still be conflicting with each other? potentially. Hard to tell what's real and not real when the deceiver is a master of deception.

The image for our alien overlords was depicted as a fox.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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There is so much conflicting view points based on many different interpretations of the same information. If the answer is actually correct, the controlling force of 2 species of aliens are really doing a good job as confusing us and sending us running around in circles.
Some of the the things you say go along with one theory, that these aliens are actually spiritual beings. For instance, you talk about two species of aliens, that could go along with angels and demons. Also, if they were from another planet, one wonders what they would have to gain from running us around in circles? Aren't we confused enough? Do they fear our progress? We're nowhere near interstellar travel.

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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UFO simply means unidentified flying object. It doesn't mean it's a space alien.

"Extraterrestrial" UFO sightings and anecdotes didn't become widespread until after the mapping of supposed canals on Mars in the late 19th century and the rise in knowledge of neighboring planets and galaxies around the same time. Before then people were more likely to have encounters with the supernatural. The rise in mania over extraterrestrials coincided with the rise in UFO sightings. Not to mention there are simply more things in the sky since the early 20th century.

If we make contact with other worlds, it's not going to be via a flying saucer or spaceship coming to Earth. Radio transmissions are more likely.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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This guy is the real deal



Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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Some of the the things you say go along with one theory, that these aliens are actually spiritual beings. For instance, you talk about two species of aliens, that could go along with angels and demons. Also, if they were from another planet, one wonders what they would have to gain from running us around in circles? Aren't we confused enough? Do they fear our progress? We're nowhere near interstellar travel.
what i've been learning is that we are all spiritual beings. currently large part of western humanity shuns spirituality, psychic, energy type of stuff. Eastern, latin american, and african are more in tune that the west is with spirituality. from what I have learned, in order for us to understand anything about aliens or actual space travel, we'll need to learn to harness cosmic energy which is freely available. This likely is tied to spirituality.

Exploring this concept more though.
UFO simply means unidentified flying object. It doesn't mean it's a space alien.
yes, but arguing semantics. For the sake of discussion, I just go along with it instead of turning this into an english class.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
One of the problems of faster than light travel is that if you hit a piece of space dust at that speed you would explode. Based upon our current understanding, there would need to be wormholes where spacetime overlaps onto itself. In that case, travel across a galaxy wouldn't technically be faster than light. Otherwise, without wormholes, it would make the most sense for a far away species to send out a lot of drones, like a shotgun blast. Some would make it, others would not.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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If we make contact with other worlds, it's not going to be via a flying saucer or spaceship coming to Earth. Radio transmissions are more likely.
Radio? Can't they afford wi-fi?