Went through her phone.... - not good

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Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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Actually, I believe you f’d up back when you thought telling her that you’d spent time in the hoosegow and that you’d “kill” someone was a way to elevate your thug credibility. At that point any marginally sane woman would put you in the “recreational use only” bracket.
I swear to god @Pierce Manhammer at that point nothing went smoothly anymore. Everything was a issue, we didn’t date anymore suddenly she was more busy when I suggested to do something fun. She talked to her parents about that and she became more distant. I just hanged on and it turned into a fwb from that point. She’s also a psychologist…

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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I swear to god @Pierce Manhammer at that point nothing went smoothly anymore. Everything was a issue, we didn’t date anymore suddenly she was more busy when I suggested to do something fun. She talked to her parents about that and she became more distant. I just hanged on and it turned into a fwb from that point. She’s also a psychologist…
I cannot believe this is the same woman
You have been exactly categorized as Pierce said
I think you probably had a legitimate chance early to demonstrate emotional stability. Would have been a long shot and slow but maybe. But from flipping the script and trying to plate her, you had no chance with her being serious


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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I cannot believe this is the same woman
You have been exactly categorized as Pierce said
I think you probably had a legitimate chance early to demonstrate emotional stability. Would have been a long shot and slow but maybe. But from flipping the script and trying to plate her, you had no chance with her being serious
well then nothing but nc right? We made out in the morning when we left so obv there’s still attraction. Like I said it is what it is @Divorced w 3

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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well then nothing but nc right? We made out in the morning when we left so obv there’s still attraction. Like I said it is what it is @Divorced w 3
This woman is going to have sex with other men most likely if you were to reconnect. I hate to say that but if you want to keep banging her I think you just need to keep going and hope you fall into the not let a good thing go camp. Maybe you guys end up bonding. Don’t cut her off. Stop being retarded


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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This woman is going to have sex with other men most likely if you were to reconnect. I hate to say that but if you want to keep banging her I think you just need to keep going and hope you fall into the not let a good thing go camp. Maybe you guys end up bonding. Don’t cut her off. Stop being retarded
So if I consider talking to her what would you text and when?
She will reply with.

“ I thought we quit talking? Texting eachother”


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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Here we go again...
obv BPH is right. My value is low now in her eyes and if i text complete respect that there was will vanish. He’s right man. I would suggest anyone myself to go NC and move on. @BPH
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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My value is low now in her eyes
Trust me, it was never very high. Any psychologist would see you as no more than a toy. You'd have to grow up a bit more before any self-respecting woman would consider you relationship material.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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So if I consider talking to her what would you text and when?
She will reply with.

“ I thought we quit talking? Texting eachother”
I don’t know, try asking her how her day was. Over eight months you must have bonded at some level, say something nice to her


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Reads like a very good example of the modern " situationship"

A lot of nonsense , everyone out for themselves and next to no substance aside from the physical sex

I've been there with girls who I've had a lot of attraction and sexual chemistry with but the problem is these girls who are sexually provocative tend to have this chemistry with a lot of other men too

Ultimately it is the females who start the dance of seduction by luring men onto them , some girls will do it just for the attention others go to far and end up constantly sleeping with a rotation of men which as you say isn't particularly appealing for a man

Women do a relatively good job at keeping this curtain closed from both men and wider society , a lot of the debauchery is done behind closed doors and during late night escapades.....but make no mistake it is happening

This is a tell tale sign she's been a naughty girl ..... women as tactical and devious as they are struggle to mask their true emotions

When they've done something wrong they will always withdraw emotionally and this is what was off even if on the surface she was pretending every thing was fine

It's a mess OP ...... I would end it .
Spot on , Bingo ( as usual)

I will cut OP some slack; its seems like he simply likes a girl and due to that he lost frame yadiya.

But honestly it's just sad. A man can't fall in love with a woman anymore. Soon as be does..see my profile picture!!

The girl is a slvt. So yes, she can bust a nut left right without getting attached.. this is the farthest you can go with this woman. If she becomes you gf she'll cheat on you and she basically announced it upfront.

Actually, to ME it's clear OP saw her as his gf, so imagine the thread would be " my gf told me she'll date another dude although she's been waiting for his text for a week or something ".

It's ugly. But sometimes the fagina makes a man fall in love..
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The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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tbh I fvcked up when I said I want something serious. She got me in her web then. I should’ve stfu when I said I’m done two days Ago and she kept texting. Should’ve been unavailable and let her work. It is what it is man
You fuhked up well before that. Your ego just won't allow you to comprehend that.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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Thanks for all the input everyone. I learned a lot. I will stick to nc. Now I’m even going to hit the gym harder, eat even cleaner, be more on my grind to attract a better woman and when I bump into her I will be my best version, even more secure of myself with better framework and start fresh with a better woman. Then if she tries to contact me I can politely decline, if not also good. We live in the same city and go to the same bars and restaurants so I will bump into her in a month, or a couple. Always. I run into Every “ex” or plate from this city at some point.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Look @TheGambino you know I'm pulling for you over here but the guys are correct. You've already blown yourself out with this girl. She's smart, smarter than you are about relationships with the opposite sex, and you were a good fun lay. That's IT.

But she is NEVER going to LTR you. You have consistently been "Fine for now" until she finds a man who meets her criteria and wants a relationship.

You've been a placeholder she is using to meet her sexual needs until she finds Mr. Right.

Brutal I know, but probably what is going on here.

Let her go. If you want a GF, be straight up about that earlier on as you see how things develop with someone. You've played yourself here my dear, much as that sucks.

A man must always be honest with himself about what he wants. You didn't do that here.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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You fuhked up well before that. Your ego just won't allow you to comprehend that.
no you are right
Look @TheGambino you know I'm pulling for you over here but the guys are correct. You've already blown yourself out with this girl. She's smart, smarter than you are about relationships with the opposite sex, and you were a good fun lay. That's IT.

But she is NEVER going to LTR you. You have consistently been "Fine for now" until she finds a man who meets her criteria and wants a relationship.

You've been a placeholder she is using to meet her sexual needs until she finds Mr. Right.

Brutal I know, but probably what is going on here.

Let her go. If you want a GF, be straight up about that earlier on as you see how things develop with someone. You've played yourself here my dear, much as that sucks.

A man must always be honest with himself about what he wants. You didn't do that here.

Yes, 100%. She also was honest. She told me months ago, that she was doubting, but then she said a couple of times that she made up her mind that we should stop because she is looking for a serious ltr. But then misses me after going out, late at nights or when she was home alone. So yeah it’s the truth. She even said yesterday that she broke off her fwb before me and told that guy she was going to date someone new (me). And that is what she is trying to do with me now.

She also said we have different opinions and values. But everytime I try to let her chase and she misses me and contacts me. It was more then fwb but your right.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Spot on , Bingo ( as usual)

I will cut OP some slack; its seems like he simply likes a girl and due to that he lost frame yadiya.

But honestly it's just sad. A man can't fall in love with a woman anymore. Soon as be does..see my profile picture!!

The girl is a slvt. So yes, she can bust a nut left right without getting attached.. this is the farthest you can go with this woman. If she becomes you gf she'll cheat on you and she basically announced it upfront.

Actually, to ME it's clear OP saw her as his gf, so imagine the thread would be " my gf told me she'll date another dude although she's been waiting for his text for a week or something ".

It's ugly. But sometimes the fagina makes a man fall in love..
Love is a Disney fairy tale for women and children to believe in

Men can't afford to be sentimental . Society does not respect nor honour a mans feelings or emotions it's just seen as weakness

And some people will scream from the rooftops this isn't true .......but in the harsh light of day everyman who has been through any kind of truama will know deep down NOBODY really gives a fvck

MAYBE some close friends and family will sympathise but really everyone is just thinking " get the fvck over it"

A woman's love and a mans love are diametrically opposed ...... Women can just go soft men cannot it's as simple as that

A man must love with caution and retain his mental state at all times

Learning Curve

Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2023
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Im still seeing a girl (fwb/plate) for 8 months now. I wrote a thread about her months ago. We started dating, hooking up but it turned into a fwb. I didn't put in the effort to date her properly the first months and she became distant and fed up. I feel like she doesnt see me as bf potential anymore.

I made some mistakes, by telling her a thing or two about my past which resulted in her not seeing me as bf potential. We don't go out on dates ever, we only visit eachother houses and hook up. (I tried to date her again, do something fun but then she tells me shes busy or some excuse, she only wants cex imo) So she reaches out most of the time when shes lonely and horney in the evening. We tried to talk a couple of times to solve things and she also tried to end it with me for a couple of times! I started texting her twice and the other 8 times she always dm'ed me again after saying that its better that we dont see eachother anymore. Anyhow I say, okay no problem then she says, but I miss you... and I go fvck her.

So 8 months straight weekly hooking up. When she becomes distant or complains about her feelings, I just listen to her (open her up) then I dont chase and then she keeps coming back, the cex is a 10. We also have a lot of fun, we argue almost never. I think the cex and attraction we really have (sky high) is what is keeping us going back.

Anyhow, I just don't want to fvck her when she is fvcking someone else, it's disgusts me, then Id rather quit, but shes only a plate/fwb.

I went through her phone last week (told her im just scrolling through her pictures) and didn't see something weird. I know this come off as insecure but I don't care, I just act like im checking her pictures. I had my jacket at her place so I texted her yesterday and she told me she was home later so I told her I come by to see her and get my jacket also.

She told me last week that her (girl)friend will sleep at her place (friday), my buddy saw her downtown with her (girl)friend so thats true. She told me she made her breakfast on her bed, and that they slept together which she does with her friend. Okay.. I just have a weird gut feeling, idk.

Ofc, things escalate, we end up in bed, we have cex yesterday. But she is a little distant, not as normal and she feels guilty that she can't be her ''normal self'' today.

Next morning she goes shower and I go through her phone (she knows it, just saying Im scrolling true her pictures) but she says ''I know your checking my dms, and messages''. Ok I dont care, I want no std's and it disgusts me to lick her when shes hooking up with other guys.

I read message from the girl she was with friday (her best friend).

Texting went something like this:

Girlfriend: ''hey we had fun yesterday''
myplate: ''yeah so much funnn''
myplate: ''that guy was so wow *shy emoticon
Girlfiend: ''good, did he text you already??''
myplate: ''No... I can't wait until he texts me....I literally can't''
Girlfriend: ''Hopefully he texts you''
myplate: ''Yes....not yet''

myplate: ''Oh btw, Guyo (probably other dude from past or so) added me in Instagram, o my god..'' (It looked like she didnt like this guy though''.
Girlfriend: ''ohh good that he did that!''

Checked her IG and he added her yesterday but she didnt accept his offer to follow her. I don't know this dude either.

Thats friday. Didn't see a text from a guy or phone calls though.

Ok, she told me she drunk, she told me her friend slept at her house, she told me she was home at 5, she told me she was in the street after the bar closed for an hour. It could be that a guy number closed her, made out with her or worse she lies and he fvcked her and didn't text yet.

For me, well yes obv, I write this thread so I care. But, I dont know how to go about it because if she really fvked him, I just want to end it, done, it just disgusts me

I didn't confront her in the house, didn't feel like it. But! She opened the text with her girlfriend in front of me when we were laying in bed, then went shower. I ask for her phone codes and she gives it and let me scroll through her phone for 20 minutes straight. Shes a woman, she probably knows that I would read that message about that ''wow guy''. Would she be that stupid that she forgot about that convo? I just doubt it myself. Would she hope that I read that message so she gets an emotional reaction. Or she never thought about that message at all. who knows



1. meet up, confront her, tell her I read the messages, let her talk up and end the casual cex on a very polite indifferent way
2. say nothing go complete silent and act as nothing happened if she texts(can't really do that) I feel as if that guy doesn't text her and theres no other better option, she will text me when shes lonely again maybe next week or even earlier.
3. soft next, never text her and act busy (I dont like this style but I feel this is the best way to go about it)

She was affectionate, kissing, hugging the whole time, we had good cex but something was off
Firstly, you go through her phone that's insecure b3ta behaviour. I know you don't care but you should care.

Secondly, you have tried to approach of trying to date her and to form a relationship and she is not interested. At this stage in order to trigger any reaction or emotions she has towards you simply end it.

Tell her that you are not interested in FWB anymore and that you want something more serious and if she is not up for it then it's done.

Cut her legs.

She will either react and start to care or she will be long gone which means she did not care anyway in the first place. You are wasting too much time on a chick that only wants to get f3ucked and live her own life on her own terms.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Firstly, you go through her phone that's insecure b3ta behaviour. I know you don't care but you should care.

Secondly, you have tried to approach of trying to date her and to form a relationship and she is not interested. At this stage in order to trigger any reaction or emotions she has towards you simply end it.

Tell her that you are not interested in FWB anymore and that you want something more serious and if she is not up for it then it's done.

Cut her legs.

She will either react and start to care or she will be long gone which means she did not care anyway in the first place. You are wasting too much time on a chick that only wants to get f3ucked and live her own life on her own terms.
Nailed it but she was laying next to me in bed, I could read the text, then after that I grabbed her phone! I never went through her phone too check her ever before

@Learning Curve

bro I went to her house and confronted her and ended it. Then she starts texting long texts about how she cares about me. Went to her house and she declined to do our best in dating and she said that she would date the new guy if he would text her. I said I don’t believe that but whatever.

i fvcked her one more time and told her to stop contacting at all and deleted her number. That’s it
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Learning Curve

Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nailed it but she was laying next to me in bed, I could read the text, then after that I grabbed her phone! I never went through her phone too check her ever before

@Learning Curve

bro I went to her house and confronted her and ended it. Then she starts texting long texts about how she cares about me. Went to her house and she declined to do our best in dating and she said that she would date the new guy if he would text her. I said I don’t believe that but whatever.

i fvcked her one more time and told her to stop contacting at all and deleted her number. That’s it
Check your DM


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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It doesn't matter how good/or bad you think your relationship is.

Nor does it matter how much you trust, or think you trust your woman.

I said that to say this..

Do NOT go through your woman's phone, unless you are mentally prepared and ready to accept what you may see.

So unless you are ready to move on without her, don't go through her phone.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score

It doesn't matter how good/or bad you think your relationship is.

Nor does it matter how much you trust, or think you trust your woman.

I said that to say this..

Do NOT go through your woman's phone, unless you are mentally prepared and ready to accept what you may see.

So unless you are ready to move on without her, don't go through her phone.
I am actually happy that I checked her phone because if I didn’t we would keep hooking up until she finds a better option she can date. Then she would end it with me. I don’t want to put my energy in that.

also, she would fvck around and take cvm from other guys while I also fvck her. She will give mixed signals because of that.

That whole idea disgusts me. I’m happy we finally called quits now even though i miss her. Time will heal but it’s better for me that I found out. Maybe I will fvcking get stds cuz of her if I continue, gross!

fvcking her while Chad Cvms in her pvssy 24 hours earlier, she probably went home drunk and let him fvck her with no condom also. Gross

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