LTR Chronicles: Be More Attractive Than Your Woman

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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I've made my case to the board for creating a LTR subforum, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. So I guess I'll just make some threads with LTR in the title.

Reposting a thread from /rBlackPillScience on why being more attractive than your female partner(s) is important.

  • Women reported matching their mates in perceived physical attractiveness.
  • Women perceived their partners as slightly more attractive than themselves.
  • Women perceiving themselves as more attractive more strongly resisted mate guarding.
  • More attractive women felt less committed and thought more about breaking up.

TL;DR: Men should be more attractive than their LTR partner if they want to have a happy, successful relationship.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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To go a step further: TL;DR:
"When considering a potential long-term mate for daughters, both women and their parents state that a potential partner's ambition and intelligence are more important than physical attractiveness. However, both women and their parents make mate choices that contradict their stated preferences, favoring a physically attractive partner for daughters over an ambitious and intelligent partner. "


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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I've made my case to the board for creating a LTR subforum, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. So I guess I'll just make some threads with LTR in the title.

Reposting a thread from /rBlackPillScience on why being more attractive than your female partner(s) is important.

  • Women reported matching their mates in perceived physical attractiveness.
  • Women perceived their partners as slightly more attractive than themselves.
  • Women perceiving themselves as more attractive more strongly resisted mate guarding.
  • More attractive women felt less committed and thought more about breaking up.

TL;DR: Men should be more attractive than their LTR partner if they want to have a happy, successful relationship.
I imagine it would be hard to really gage who is better looking unless it was very obvious. I think most of the girls I’ve LTR’d were/are my looksmatch (give or take a point). I think they were pleased with my looks (called me ‘handsome’, ‘sexy’…). I think most couples tend to be looksmatched.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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I imagine it would be hard to really gage who is better looking unless it was very obvious. I think most of the girls I’ve LTR’d were/are my looksmatch (give or take a point). I think they were pleased with my looks (called me ‘handsome’, ‘sexy’…). I think most couples tend to be looksmatched.
What do you think the outcome would be if the woman is more attractive than the man?

In other words, if her SMV is higher than that of her man?


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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This is a very culturally specific phenomenon. In the USA the importance of a mans looks is huge. In the rest of the world it is not as important.

I went to Mexico city a couple years back and I was shocked. You saw many attractive women with shorter men or less attractive men. These men were average joes too.

Any community that regulates hypergamy will have greater disparities in looks between the sexes.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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What do you think the outcome would be if the woman is more attractive than the man?

In other words, if her SMV is higher than that of her man?
Depends on the culture. In the USA she will disrespect him. He will be her lap dog unless he has extreme leverage in another area of life. He might have a lot of status for example.

In more survival based cultures women recogonize that men are not supposed to be pretty.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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Depends on the culture. In the USA she will disrespect him. He will be her lap dog unless he has extreme leverage in another area of life. He might have a lot of status for example.

In more survival based cultures women recogonize that men are not supposed to be pretty.
So what you're saying is...

So long as you aren't gaming up 3rd world b*tches, men would be better served being the more attractive partner?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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In more survival based cultures women recogonize that men are not supposed to be pretty.
I often use that phrase when someone asks me 'what are you doing here?', I will just tell them, "Nothing, just being pretty."
Always gets a laugh.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Men should be more attractive than their LTR partner if they want to have a happy, successful relationship.
How happy can a man be long term if he's having sex with a woman who is less physically attractive than he is?

It's difficult for me to imagine a male 7 getting excited to go through life with a female 5.5.

In the USA the importance of a mans looks is huge.
Yes! I still think that once a man reaches 35, women of all ages do start to evaluate him a bit more on money and status.

What do you think the outcome would be if the woman is more attractive than the man?
In the USA she will disrespect him. He will be her lap dog unless he has extreme leverage in another area of life. He might have a lot of status for example.
I agree with this.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Yes! I still think that once a man reaches 35, women of all ages do start to evaluate him a bit more on money and status.
I remember showing a photo in 2003 of me and my fiancee in motor gear aboard a ferry to Scotland on a motorcycle forum and some members told me that I had taste but my ten-years younger wife didn't.
Haha, right.
My fiancee saw the comment and told me to write that they were being superficial ****s.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Most of the girls I have been with were more attractive than me based on looks alone. To make a blanket statement pertaining to this, is far too simplistic. The concept of attraction is way deeper and more complex especially for women. A mans SMV is never based on looks alone for LTR's.

What's important is how you compliment each other's needs, solve problems, communicate.
None of my relationships ever failed because of looks!

I do think that attractive women have more issues than less attractive women. Maybe this is the real reason behind it.
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Don Juan
Aug 5, 2020
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I still think that once a man reaches 35, women of all ages do start to evaluate him a bit more on money and status.
I agree. But that may become a problem in an LTR of 10, 20 years. Even if your status/money had been above the one of your wife, it becomes your marriages/family's status/money.

A woman that you meet may be dreaming about what it's like to be with someone with your money and status. But in a LTR, there's no such dreaming anymore. The woman already lives that kind of life with you. In many cases, she'll actually own half of the money, regardless who brought it home. There might be some kind of fear of losing that kind of lifestyle if you separate, but that's different than being attracted to someone because of his money/status. Fear of losing doesn't make a girl wet... it doesn't produce genuine desire.

At the beginning of a relationship, money and status might be perceived as alpha traits. But I see the danger that they might become more beta traits in an LTR. And if you're together for 10, 20 years, the woman would have climbed the social ladder (with the help of your status/money) and might become entitled to that status.

How would you deal with that? How can you keep using your money/status as an advantage in an LTR where the woman is used to money and status (and probably owns half of the money)?


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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This is a very culturally specific phenomenon. In the USA the importance of a mans looks is huge. In the rest of the world it is not as important.

I went to Mexico city a couple years back and I was shocked. You saw many attractive women with shorter men or less attractive men. These men were average joes too.

Any community that regulates hypergamy will have greater disparities in looks between the sexes.
If these self-improvement guys have their way we will have better looking men than women in the U.S.