They’re blaming OLD on men now lol


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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I’m glad someone posted this nonsense. This could be the beginning of the end of modern dating. Thank god.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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This is how it's always been since the dawn of human civilization. We think it's worse now because of OLD etc and while that does skew it more, there are plenty of other times where men were oppressed by tyrants (Kings, dictators, etc) and completely taken out of the gene pool. It's the same thing now, except those in power have engineered a more of a systematic/cultural male oppression as well as environmental changes.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2023
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nowadays woman are also more content to be single OR just are waiting till mid 30's to REALLY go and find a guy. Im assuming 15-20 years ago the clock was ticking a lot quicker for them


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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This was brought up in another thread posted today. It is probably either written by a woman or a clueless boomer or its intentionally biased to fit the Fox News narrative.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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It says twice as many Gen Z women are married than Gen Z men. That sounds like a Ponzi scheme. It suggests that a lot of those women are married to older men. But one of the commenters also points out another possibility, many could be in lesbian marriages. That's possible, because young women buy into the LGBTQ agenda more so than any other group.

Anyway, I don't think it's all online dating that as torpedoed modern relationships. Part of it is the feminist effect that modern women (girls) don't seem to appreciate men, and young men growing up today are very aware of the diminishing returns in modern marriages. The woman is liable to divorce you, not be a traditional wife, etc. Plus young men growing up today are told that that they should be players, not husbands, and that getting married is basically for simps and betas.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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This was brought up in another thread posted today. It is probably either written by a woman or a clueless boomer or its intentionally biased to fit the Fox News narrative.
Give it up..... your discriminating spin gets old and leads you to the wrong conclusions.

The article concludes with the same thing we say on sosuave everyday. Stop porn, quit dating apps, and go find girls in person. Fix what you can fix. Take responsibility.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I think the MO for young men should be to simply save up as much as possible so as to be able to retire very early and then GeoMax. OK, EscortMaxxing or LapDanceMaxxing could help take the edge off while waiting. Otherwise, stay fit and only date women that occasionally come into zone that are not fat, not facially or physically deformed, childless, too old to be fertile, not crazy, and don't have a high notch count - and if that doesn't happen, just stoically accept it. Oh, and when someone from a social circle wants to set you up with someone who misses the mark here, just say that you consider that person undateable and don't look back.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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I think the MO for young men should be to simply save up as much as possible so as to be able to retire very early and then GeoMax. OK, EscortMaxxing or LapDanceMaxxing could help take the edge off while waiting. Otherwise, stay fit and only date women that occasionally come into zone that are not fat, not facially or physically deformed, childless, too old to be fertile, not crazy, and don't have a high notch count - and if that doesn't happen, just stoically accept it. Oh, and when someone from a social circle wants to set you up with someone who misses the mark here, just say that you consider that person undateable and don't look back.
Man my friends wives are CONSTANTLY wanting to set me up with their friends or co-workers. I can’t hangout anymore without them going “so how’s the love
life? I seriously have the girl for you if you aren’t dating anyone! Really, y’all would be perfect together!” Then they’ll start talking amongst themselves and pretend like I’m not there “ooooh I could set him up with my friend Heather, she’s really pretty and he’s just her type!” “Yeah! Or my friend Jane would love to go out with him I bet!”. I will say though it’s funny how all these attractive married women see me as high value but single women can’t see it.haha


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Man my friends wives are CONSTANTLY wanting to set me up with their friends or co-workers. I can’t hangout anymore without them going “so how’s the love
life? I seriously have the girl for you if you aren’t dating anyone! Really, y’all would be perfect together!” Then they’ll start talking amongst themselves and pretend like I’m not there “ooooh I could set him up with my friend Heather, she’s really pretty and he’s just her type!” “Yeah! Or my friend Jane would love to go out with him I bet!”. I will say though it’s funny how all these attractive married women see me as high value but single women can’t see it.haha
This situation sounds like this friends-in-law goes in thinking that the sexual market is such that a man like you should be dating someone, but then she talks to Heather, and Heather tells her no because she is in some Chad's harem or otherwise is waiting for Chad, and so she politely declines, and so the friend-in-law doesn't bring it up again - unless the friend-in-law has an undateable friend fat chick or single mommy asking the friend-in-law if she knows anyone, and then the friend-in-law will tell you about how this friend of hers has a nice personality ... :rolleyes: I've seen this trope play out many times.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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This situation sounds like this friends-in-law goes in thinking that the sexual market is such that a man like you should be dating someone, but then she talks to Heather, and Heather tells her no because she is in some Chad's harem or otherwise is waiting for Chad, and so she politely declines, and so the friend-in-law doesn't bring it up again - unless the friend-in-law has an undateable friend fat chick or single mommy asking the friend-in-law if she knows anyone, and then the friend-in-law will tell you about how this friend of hers has a nice personality ... :rolleyes: I've seen this trope play out many times.
Oh no they all know better than to bring some fat chick around and try to pawn off on me. They want me to get married is what it is, but I told them I’m not interested in marriage. But they swear if I meet the right girl I will be. I know who Heather is and she is legit, but she also can’t keep a relationship past a couple months and she dates Chads. Well except the last guy she dated for a couple months, he wasn’t a Chad. They’ve seen girls I’ve dated before and they know my baseline and don’t try to lower the bar at least.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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Article written by a man.

No where do they blame the inventor to the technologies and apps that exposes human weaknesses, takes advantage of it, and gets rich off it.

It’s just like the government subsidizing junk food. “We know it’s bad for you, but we don’t care because we know you can’t resist while we make bank.”

Glad I pay taxes for the government to find my weakness.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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Article written by a man.

No where do they blame the inventor to the technologies and apps that exposes human weaknesses, takes advantage of it, and gets rich off it.

It’s just like the government subsidizing junk food. “We know it’s bad for you, but we don’t care because we know you can’t resist while we make bank.”

Glad I pay taxes for the government to find my weakness.
You know why they don’t blame the inventor of the current online dating apps? Because the majority are owned and created by a WOMAN. Bumble, hinge, match…..all run by women.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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Man my friends wives are CONSTANTLY wanting to set me up with their friends or co-workers. I can’t hangout anymore without them going “so how’s the love
life? I seriously have the girl for you if you aren’t dating anyone! Really, y’all would be perfect together!” Then they’ll start talking amongst themselves and pretend like I’m not there “ooooh I could set him up with my friend Heather, she’s really pretty and he’s just her type!” “Yeah! Or my friend Jane would love to go out with him I bet!”. I will say though it’s funny how all these attractive married women see me as high value but single women can’t see it.haha
I’m in no way trying to toot my own horn but the women my friends have settled with know their friends won’t cut it with me. Especially since I’m the “successful friend” with no kids. Their friends have kids and are average in societal terms. Sometimes I feel it’s unfortunate but can’t have it both way I suppose.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Article written by a man.

No where do they blame the inventor to the technologies and apps that exposes human weaknesses, takes advantage of it, and gets rich off it.

It’s just like the government subsidizing junk food. “We know it’s bad for you, but we don’t care because we know you can’t resist while we make bank.”

Glad I pay taxes for the government to find my weakness.
but they have been after Zuckerberg.... The story line about the negative mental health effects of social media is getting out.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Article written by a man.
Noted. But it still seems rather tone deaf, it would be curious to know if he is a boomer or elder gen xer? Younger generations would either know first hand or indirectly from others that dating apps arent a sub 8 guys's best friend. It is also self contradictory that guys have an easy time on dating apps but then talk about how they prefer porn to meeting women in the last paragraph. If its that easy then there would be way less interest in porn and OF.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Swipe app fatigue is real for both sexes

As men we assume women are constantly being inundated with messages from top 10% men or "giga chads" .......i don't believe this is accurate

Think about it , top 10% men and giga chads much like very attractive women have little to no need to be on a swipe app

Why would any man with strong social circles and or status waste time swiping through app's making small talk with low quality women ?

In my local area OLD is just littered with women in 3 categories

1) Mentally / Physically damaged

2) single mothers

3) attention / validation seekers (usually looxsmaxing / thirst trapping )

None of these women are of any value to a wise man other than perhaps for a quick hookup ( another culture which i believe is vastly over played)


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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OLD not men’s fault, it’s a result of technological advances, the decline of social morality and the liberalization of women through feminism. Back before the internet was born, it was an accomplishment to have seen a woman naked. You had to sneak-a-peek at a Playboy or Hustler at the convenience store or maybe stumble on your dad’s secret stash. If there was a girl that you liked and wanted to see her naked, you needed to make an effort to try to date her. It was thought of as immoral to share your nakedness publicly and it was a privilege shared more amongst couples in private. The 80’s were filled with movies with gratuitous nudity and women fought the media because it was exploitation of women’s bodies.

Today is a complete 180, lol. Being older, I can see the irony of the past 40 years. Women fought for respect decades ago, but now in 2023 it’s a complete sh!t show. Now you can see a girl practically naked on Instagram, as she advertises herself in her underwear performing some stupid dance. Chics selling pictures on OF. Porn is free in 4k at your finger tips on your phone. Girls are ran through and proud of it. All of this easy access deludes the value, especially that of a woman. Men’s evolutionary biology is driven to find a young and attractive female with a low body count to procreate with long term. That is the endgame for most.

Why bother putting in the effort when you can see what was once taboo with next to no effort? I doubt top tier men waste their time with OLD. They are at the top of the food chain and any woman with half a hypergamous brain would chase after them. This leaves the lower 80% of each sex to fight over the scraps. Most of these women are going to be the bottom of the barrel, but horny guys will still be DTF.

Feminism has sold women the idea that they don’t need men and that being a hoe is empowering. This messaging almost seems like it was secretly invented by men. If we’re looking for easy access to sex, how not better than convincing generations of women that being a hoe is good for them? What a great scam. OLD is trash because it’s like ordering a $0.99 burger off the dollar menu at McDs. If you are looking for quality, you’re gonna have to look somewhere else. This applies to both sexes, but to each his/her own. If you‘re looking for cheap and easy, start swiping the menu.