Youtube Psychology...measuring interest


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Finally decided to post this. I'm 39 years old now and have been studying multiple ways to manipulate or measure the results of that manipulation. My personal studies have focused on work, women, and generally getting or getting out of things (speeding tickets, etc).

When I started talking to one particular girl online I purposely chose her profile over others because she had a few things in it that were rare and something I had some experience with (further setting me apart from other males). After a week or so of talking to her I had something on my computer that was directly applicable to this particular topic she was very passionate about and something I know most guys didn't possess. It also involved her line of work.

I took this media put it on Youtube and sent her the link. I sent it to no one else. She viewed it and questioned who the author/source was...I told her I was and she was surprised almost with disbelief. Further rapport was established by this.

I did this as a blitzkrieg move, but also for one other purpose. Youtube has something called analytics. As a poster, you're able to go out and see who viewed your post and which country/state it came from. If you're in the US this can be helpful...providing the post does not get a ton of hits. Lucky for me, the topic I posted is not that popular and I purposely titled it a little odd so it wouldn't show up in typical searches.

I was able to see when she viewed the post and judging by the frequency of views and when they occurred I was able to discern when she was thinking about me. At first I wasn't 100% sure, but after almost a year (this was obviously not a serious relationship, and I was dealing with an apprehensive ultra-picky woman) I noticed a trend that all the views were from one state (where she was located).

Once when I went out of state I viewed my own post to make sure it was working, and sure enough it then showed the view from the state I was located in during my trip.

At one point when I went ghost on this girl, about a month passed and I happen to go out and view the stats...I noticed that on two particular days she viewed the post 11 times. When I moved back to the state where she's located I waited 6 weeks before contacting her (I'm sure she kept up with my status on FB). We met for drinks, she invited me back to her place, I made the magic happen, and then I sorta went ghost again for a week. During this time, after not receiving any views for almost 6 months I then got another hit from the same location...and then again a week later, so I contacted her and set up another date.

Her response times were within 30 secs although she was attempting to act aloof..."I believe" I knew better based on her viewing my post.

DISCLAIMER: This is obviously far from science and has all sorts of opportunities to not work. The key is to make sure it's something that's close to your target's heart, don't brag about it, and sort of just throw it out there as if everyone has this particular skill or trait. Additionally, your stats may become skewed by views outside of the location of your target or if she decides to share it with friends, something I considered at the start. After about 9 mos I also recognized that her friends were less likely to continue hitting my the chances are it had to be her.

For me, it gave me an additional tool to measure interest without fishing for also gave me insight into when and possibly why she was thinking about me. During one particular moment, "it appeared she viewed" my post and then on the same day she posted a heart felt comment regarding that same exact topic (even touching on something specific we spoke about months earlier) on her FB. She never posted anything similar before or after that comment.

Anyway gents, just another tool that may or may not help in your quest to get answers. You can use all sorts of other psychology bait to figure out where your target's mind is at and when it's there, you just have to be creative.



Don Juan
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
there are other online methods you can use to measure interest. or if they're curious about you and what you're saying.

facebook for one. see if the female has an iphone or android phone any post on the person's wall or status is sent to the phone. not just as a notification but like a text message. they can read 160 characters of the post you made right on the phone without signing into facebook.

i've actually posted a message and knowing that like clock work this female would sign into facebook and view the post. perhaps contemplate a response if she couldn't think anything equally witty she would just like it.

I just did that tonight. I made a post. waited less than a minute and she was signed into facebook. waited another minute. and then boom she liked the post and signed off.

somebody who could care less about what you say or what you're doing wouldn't really take the time to do that. i intentionally made the post 160 characters as well so literally she could have avoided signing in all together.

point is. while its not a sure fire sign of a romantic interest. the fact is there is some type of interest is obvious.


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
cfdagola said:
there are other online methods you can use to measure interest. or if they're curious about you and what you're saying.

facebook for one. see if the female has an iphone or android phone any post on the person's wall or status is sent to the phone. not just as a notification but like a text message. they can read 160 characters of the post you made right on the phone without signing into facebook.

i've actually posted a message and knowing that like clock work this female would sign into facebook and view the post. perhaps contemplate a response if she couldn't think anything equally witty she would just like it.

I just did that tonight. I made a post. waited less than a minute and she was signed into facebook. waited another minute. and then boom she liked the post and signed off.

somebody who could care less about what you say or what you're doing wouldn't really take the time to do that. i intentionally made the post 160 characters as well so literally she could have avoided signing in all together.

point is. while its not a sure fire sign of a romantic interest. the fact is there is some type of interest is obvious.

This is another great technique using FB. Quite a few of us are curious what IL is at any given point when we're dealing with mixed signals, and this is a non-invasive method of getting an idea or hunch on which direction you should take things.

I've used your FB idea before.