Your success stories- fill us Juan's in...

MMA Juan

Don Juan
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
Western Australia
Wassup Playaz,

I've noticed alot on the site that there are alot of thread's on our most AFC moves and moments... But what about our successes- those times when we've just thought damn i did good :cool:

Post in your success stories, reading inspirational stories help put us in an inspirational mood. Happiness feeds off happiness

Look forward to readin ya threads- Peace


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
You first.
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
ok I had a huge success the other week. sex in a national park over a log on the second date. it wasnt even in such a private area. a ten for coolness a 0 for smartness.. thank god we werent caught... plus my pumas got covered in creek mud! why cant all girls just be like this.. would make our lives easier!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
I remember the very first time I got a girl's contact information in-field last was an extremely big accomplishment for someone who had been learning "pick-up" for a month...and with about three total in-field was actually my first approach...

I remember the time I danced with a really hot chick that I had been looking at since that summer at last year's winter formal (she didn't know me). She asked if anyone wanted to dance...I got the balls and said I did...I did great talking to her...we had a great time the whole night...and I got her number when we left...

I remember getting two girls from other schools to go on dates with me...and doing very well with both of those over the course of our interactions...

On the other you know what I remember the most? The way all of the above "successes" turned out after that

MMA Juan

Don Juan
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
Western Australia
Good stuff Sandman,

Nice to see people new to the game being successful in working ya magic.
The best thing about a post like this is for other newbies to read the success stories, and build confidence that by applyin this s**t good thingz will happen.

Keep em comin... :D


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
First Pick up - I met a girl when I was at a state summer school orientation, and the girl's name was Allison. We talked for a while, she lived in Pittsburg and I lived in Northeast PA, so we talked online for almost a month. We flirted talked about sexual experiences and what we would do to each other :up: she was a raunchy girl.

Eventually, we got together and within five hours of meeting up on the campus, we made out. Would have moved easily to sex, but there is a no-relationship policy at this summer school, so the school broke us up after a week. I deem her the one that got away (only because we still like each other to this day and she says that if I ever meet up and we are single, then we will have sex).

Second story - Right after me and Allison broke up, I was feeling pretty down and another girl came up to me. I joke with her and everything, she eventually falls in love with me and we have a one year relationship.

Third story - This is the current girlfriend (and the most difficult to get in my opinion). I met her through my friend Betty and Ashley liked me. So we are talking for a long time telling sexual adventures and everything. Joking around about stuff, then she started to show up at different events that she knew that I would be at and giving tons of IOI's (including when I put my arm around her shoulder, she nuzzled closer to me), but your probably thinking, why the hell was this so damn difficult. It was an open and shut textbook case.

Betty wouldn't leave her and I alone to isolate. Eventually, I had to say fvck it and go after her while she was there. I ended up cuddling up by my girlfriend while she was sitting right there. I ended up having to kiss her for the first time while she was right there. Our first five dates, involved Betty because she kept meeting up with us.

I just couldn't isolate, but I had to forge ahead.



Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
I went to a restaurant, to go eten, considering that's what people do there... And I saw a man having a fight with a women at his table, they we're screaming at each other. Suddenly the female left and I noticed the man didn't go after her........ So I did. I went up to her but wasen't sure what to say, so I turned her around and said:
What the fvck was that all about?!
That really seemed to confuse her, for she answered this:
Sometimes I feel like I just don't know you anymore.......
And that really confused me.... So I punched her in the face. She started crying: You alwayse do that!!
That was when i noticed, she was blind...


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Credos said:
I went to a restaurant, to go eten, considering that's what people do there... And I saw a man having a fight with a women at his table, they we're screaming at each other. Suddenly the female left and I noticed the man didn't go after her........ So I did. I went up to her but wasen't sure what to say, so I turned her around and said:
What the fvck was that all about?!
That really seemed to confuse her, for she answered this:
Sometimes I feel like I just don't know you anymore.......
And that really confused me.... So I punched her in the face. She started crying: You alwayse do that!!
That was when i noticed, she was blind...
now I'm confused.



Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
The night I got the god mode cheat.

I went into the bar with a group of 4 or 5 guys in an unreal, aggressive attitude. I was more in the mood to fight and instigate (which is a huge contrast to my usuall chill nature).

Anyway, within the first ten minutes I was giving attitude to some bi*chy girl for getting in my way and after that is was game on.

I swear, without effort it seems like I was solicited for sex atleast four times. Not to mention I gained high IL from atleast one girl from every set I moved through (I wasn't approaching, I just was being). I didn't get blown out once even though I must of interacted with over a dozen sets and even more lone stragglers.

It was a night to remember. I never did acheive such a frame again, though it was nice to get a glimpse of the possibilities.