Your Opinion On What To Do


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
I'll try to make this quick. There's this chick who I've been going out with for a few months now. She's like a 8.5 or 9 on a scale of 1 to 10. Other guys say she's a straight 10, but not I. She claims she really likes me. She has told me things that she says she has only told very few people. Deep secrets. I think I might have her heart. But it gets confusing

I've noticed something about her: she loves attention. I'm not the jealous type, but it's her RESPONSE to the attention that, on the inside, pisses me off sometimes. It's not like she goes home with guys, but she doesn't make it CLEAR she's with me either. I normally don't let any feelings show because I know I'm the one she's f****** later. I chill and mingle with other chicks. But last night when it happened, I was like "HELL no" and got pissed off. My first thoughts were f****** her best friend (who likes me by the way) and never being faithful to this chick.

The only reasons I can say she has given me a reason not to trust her is that when I first met her, she was going out with some other guy. Me, being a suave guy, saw the oppurtunity, alienated the boyfriend in her mind, and made her want me, all on accident. Another reason is that I have caught her in a few lies before. Not involving other guys, but like "little white lies".

What should I do??? I'm kinda mad, so I want to f*** her friends to teach her a lesson. I don't want to have "oneitis", but it's like we are REALLY into each other. She is my main girl (yeah, there are others) and I think......I might be falling in love with her. I could definitely see myself with her in the future.


Don Juan
May 23, 2009
Reaction score
If those deep things are true, she feels you are LTR potential.

I've noticed something about her: she loves attention. I'm not the jealous type, but it's her RESPONSE to the attention that, on the inside, pisses me off sometimes.
Just why I don't understand? You're mad that she loves attention??

Ask yourself, does this warrant anger? You aren't dating her, so she has a right to flirt, even continue dating other guys.. I feel like you are getting attached to her and are trying to detach yourself. Don't talk/communicate for a couple days cool down, then once you realize you feel ok, go back.

Going for HB 8.5's> gets frustrating because they LOVE attention and respond well to any attention they get from guys, but if u don't accept that?

go for some HB 5's then and save frustration


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2007
Reaction score
she is doing the same thing that you are doing. go do her friend.