Your belief in love?

What do you think about faling in love?

  • I always wanted a woman to fall in love with

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • I want to love women and I don't expect love back

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Women love me and I don't love them back

    Votes: 4 9.1%
  • I have never been in love

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • I don't want to ever be in love I just want sex

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • There is no such thing as love.

    Votes: 6 13.6%
  • I have never found a woman I could love

    Votes: 4 9.1%
  • I've never loved and woman who loved me back.

    Votes: 1 2.3%

  • Total voters


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Just wondering what everyones perspective is


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
{{{{ ^(L)-(O)-(V)-(E)^ }}}}

I Do believe in "LOVE", but I believe that there are different levels of love. It is only the very few people on this earth that get to experience TRUE love, and true love is the kind of love that never dies, its the kind of love that when u see a couple that are 60 years old and still have that passion in their eye's for one another, its the kind of love that is unconditional, meaning that if your partner had to loose his/her arms, legs, hair... if your partner had to be involved in a car accident and come out looking like a monster, you would still love him/her JUST as much as before. Now I'm SURE that many couples, even MARRIED couples would not last if there wasn’t the "beauty" of the other person. Meaning that many, if not MOST people that get together and THINK that they truly love each other are actually in love with other things besides for the actual PERSON, which is fine, but when you are in love with a persons LOOKS more than the actual person, then that’s the kind of love that is not "true". Some people are just too immature for love, no matter if they are 15 or if they are 40, some people are just aren’t "love" material. Many people see something in the TV etc about what love "is", and then they might do what they see/think is love and be fooled into thinking that they are in love, when in fact they are not. Some people WANT to love so much that they tell themselves and make themselves believe that they are in love, and they live in denial until one day it all catches up to them and they relationship falls apart when they realise that they are actually NOT in love with the other person. I could go on forever giving different situations where people "love", but their love is not "TRUE LOVE". U also get those people that DO know what true love is, and they might feel it for someone else, but they might just not know HOW to love, which doesn’t really help and will also lead to the falling apart of the relationship. Love isn’t something that one should need to be taught, love is something that you should know how to do, because if u love someone, u would WANT to do certain things to/with them, and you will have the NEED to say/act in ways that love will be embraced. Especially in the world that we live in today, finding one TRUE love is a very hard thing to do, but i still believe that true love does exist, its just hard to find, but those of us that are lucky enough to find a girl that we will truly love with our whole heart, and that she will love us back with HER whole heart, are lucky. Good luck to you all...


Alpha And Omega

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
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Isn't there something missing?: "I want a women to love, and that women who chooses to love me back"?

Falling in love is known to be a brain-chemicals in overdrive, nothing wrong with that, but those first couple of months are probably not the best time to get married.

Commonly used; falling in "love" is not a choise. Loving someone is making a choise and commitment, it doesn't just happen.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
I want to fall in love and marry and settle down, but I do not expect that (or really really want) it to happen until Im older, wiser and more ready to make the sacrifices and struggles that true love entails... Wow that sounded pretty educated:eek: