What happened was I met up with her last night. We had arranged to meet up and drinks in a couple of bars in the gay district... she found it intriguing and it was something she wanted to do and I was OK with it.
So we meet in this pub, she'd bought her ticket back to Taiwan, sort of waved it at me and said " the leaving Englishman ticket" and I was a bit like... hmmm not really liking the kind of put down there.
So we eat and a couple drinks, we loosen up a bit, she gets out her phone and starts showing me pictures of her family and friends back in Taiwan....
When I saw her friends pictures I was thinking phuk they'er young!! and then I saw her parents and thought phuk they might even be a bit younger than I am.
So the drinks were flowing and I showed her some of my pictures, even went as far as to show her a picture of me as a young father..... at the time I was thinking probably not the smartest thing to do (understatement

... did it anyway. Hard to describe why, but by this time the alcohol had hit..
At that point I think it all tumbled a bit in her brain that, hey this Englishman might just be old enough to be my father and may have a daughter that's older than me.
So we leave that pub and go to this gay disco across the street... inside it's a mix of young people, some gay some straight and a drag show.
So she orders drinks, jaegar bombs and heineken.... we throw those down and start dancing to the music....
Goes on like this for about an hour, by this time both pretty drunk.
We head out of there and walk down to the beach by my place... must have been 1.am
on the way there talked about going to this local attraction today.... she saying what time shall we meet..... me thinking that we were at my place and hoping we would be sleeping together and still be together in the morning.
Into my apartment, open a bottle of wine... she sits on a chair, me on the couch...
So I say , hey come sit over here... she pulls a bit of a face and says no.... this went on for a while, she just sat in the chair... it was obvious at this point that nothing was going to happen...
Then she started giving me the lets just be friends speech!!!
At that point, I just sort of got pissed off. I said no, I have lots of friends thanks, come sit over here....
She says if your going to be like that im leaving when this glass of wine is finished.
And then waves the empty wine glass... as if to say Im leaving....
So I took the initiative and I got up and walked to the door and opened it...
She looked a bit shocked, and said will you walk me to the taxi stand..... so I said OK.
We walk for 5 minutes to the taxi place..... I couldn't contain the fact that I was a mixture of disappointed, a bit rejected and also feeling a bit like pissed off that I'd sort of done all this dancing around and ended up with no sex.
so I barely said a word to her and the atmosphere got real stinky in those 5 minutes...
We got to the taxi stand and I flagged a cab down, she got in and I just "bye" and turned around and walked away... no hug, no good bye...
It wasn't anything like I would have expected it to be. That thing crashed and burned over a 10 minute time span.
But anyway that was that... In a way I found that all to anxiety inducing....
My old man who is a bit of a casanova once said to me that, "you'd think being with young women would make you feel young, but it doesn't it make you feel older"
And I have to agree in this case at least it did...
Give me a chick thats in her late 30's early 40's one who I can relate a bit better too and I don't have to have this secret about my real age.