my post had nothing to do with any hor homo cuase, It was about how much of a dumbass you are.
first of all, your talking about how you cant rank a woman by her being easier or easiest. You are a ****ing idiot, being easy is not a discrete thing, it is continuous. There are different degrees of easyness dumbfvck. Its not discrete either easy or not, its continuous. But you preach your logic like your some kind of guru who knows it all, shut up.
2nd of all, you say "Before every action there is a thought, unless it is an instantaneous 'reaction' brought about by your nerve endings that make you twitch without thinking!!!! " like your telling us some kind of divine knowledge that is enlightening to us all.. You ****ing idiot. you try to classify all behavior as either thought cuased or autonomously cuased, woah man, your doing some deep classification and explanation of human behavior there, I dont think I can keep up man, your just too intelligent for me. dude! I think you just figured out human behavior right there, woahh sh!t I never knew that I had thoughts in my head at the time frame prior to the time frame of execution of an action, I thought Im only having thoughts during certain times of the day! dude, maybe you should also mention that before every action, a persons heart beats, becuase that is true too. go ahead, enlighten us with another deep peice of knowledge.
pffftt, moron