Younger girl trials and tribulations


New Member
Apr 3, 2018
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Gentlemen hello,

Here is the basics of this little fling I had recently and want some input on the situation.

Basically I met a girl 10 years younger then me by chance at a small club a few months back. Got her number and we spoke back and fourth for a few days. I ended up being very busy with work and life in general and didn't reach out to her, she eventually did.

I picked her up one night we went back to my place we slept together and did all the fun stuff. Kept it very cool she was constantly texting me, sending me sexy photos, telling me how much she misses me and wants to see me again blah blah blah.

This went on for about a month and a half we would talk, she would come meet up with me and the cycle repeated.

Then I went on vacation with some close family for a week we kept in touch during the trip telling me she loves and misses me and can't wait to see me when I get back. Perfect. I figured thus far I've been doing things right with this girl (the 1st chick I've had that much younger then me) and when I got back we were going to hang out.

So my first day back she tells me she wants to come see me but then suddenly flakes...Her excuse was a close girl friend asked her to help her with some stuff with school, okay no problem. She tells me she wants to come see me in a few days (meanwhile she still sends me goodnight/good morning texts and tells me she can't wait to see me).

A few days come and I have some work stuff come up and i'm unable to see her she seemed kinda odd about that and said I was acting strange since I got back from my trip (It was an long trip and maybe I seemed a little tired and out of it but def not strange).

Then when we finally meet up, she tells me she can't see me anymore because she met someone at a party closer to her age and she wants to see where that goes. So literally from a week prior being told she loves me and can't wait to see me too I have met someone else sorry can't see you anymore.

I admit, I was taken by surprise as this as never happened to me before, but I didn't lose my cool. As a joke and with a smile on my face I said it's okay I've had my heart ripped out and thrown on the floor before. She started to cry and say shes sorry blah blah blah... I grabbed her and said before you go I want to taste your lips on last time. She refused and said i'll kiss you on your cheek. I said that wasn't good enough for me and eventually we started kissing before she eventually left.

It has been over 2 weeks I don't reach out to her but she constantly sends me messages whenever she sees a post of mine on social media. I respond with flirtation only and the conversations always turn sexual. But so far I haven't been able to get her to come see me again.

So gentlemen in my position what would you do? Where do you think I went wrong? Or is it possible that her interest level wasn't as high as I thought it was.
Is there a possibility of getting her back in my bed again?



Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2016
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Wave good bye to her when you leave her house for the last time.

Scuba Steve

Don Juan
Mar 25, 2018
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Gizzy, she answered the question for you... She TOLD you she met someone. Case closed. She is keeping up with the texts and stuff to keep you on the back burner in case it doesn't work out with the new guy. Like Rollo Tomassi, and other's have said, the message is in the medium (her actions). Save your dignity and self-respect and NEXT her...


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2015
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The third world
Always look at what they do. Not what they say. I was reminded of this recently. Always look at the actions.

Cutting her off totally and getting on with your life is the only option in my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2018
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As a joke and with a smile on my face I said it's okay I've had my heart ripped out and thrown on the floor before.
This is the only thing I think you did wrong. I wouldn't have said that, even jokingly. I would have said, "Gotcha, well best of luck!" Would not have kissed her. That's pursuing after being dumped. You said, "so far I haven't been able to convince her to come see me." Again, pursuing after getting dumped. Don't do it. You can respond to her messages if you really want, but I'd wait a day or more to respond and I'd keep the exchange to 2-3 messages per occasion max, and would just keep them funny. Let her chase YOU. SHE has to bring up a date. But chances are if she does, she'll flake on you after you accept so I'd focus on moving on.

As already mentioned, judge by actions, not words. Her actions said it all. Words from women are MEANINGLESS, including "I love you". How she felt yesterday has NOTHING to do with how she feels today and that is why you can't rely on the words. They are clever - their words play to your EGO and then your ego blinds you to their actions. Her words inflated your ego and now you think she actually really liked you more than she did, and that you might still have a chance despite her finding someone else.

Hypergamy is strongest with young girls because they are just starting out and have a lot more options than women in their late 20's and beyond. It's just SO easy for them, like a kid in a candy store. The best you can do is be busy, have lots of options, not care too much, and know that despite what she says to you, you'll never have her and are just going to get a turn with her, at best.


Jan 14, 2018
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As already mentioned, judge by actions, not words. Her actions said it all. Words from women are MEANINGLESS, including "I love you". How she felt yesterday has NOTHING to do with how she feels today and that is why you can't rely on the words.
^Clever. Somehow I believe most men knows this to be true but yet chooses to believe a woman's words over her actions.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2018
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A man chooses to believe a woman's words over her actions because it is easier on their ego to do so. I know because I've been there. This is precisely the tool women use to keep guys in their orbit while they pursue other guys they feel are higher value.

Example from my own life:
Woman: "Hey, sorry i'm not going to be able to make it to our date tomorrow because [insert B.S. reason here]. So sorry! I'll have to take a rain check."
Guy thinks to himself: Well she said she was sorry! And she said a week ago that she loved me. And she DID say she wanted a rain check so this means she must still like me and want to see me!
Actuality: Her saying she loved you last week means nothing today. Sorry means nothing. Rain check doesn't mean sh*t. There are only two facts here: 1 - She broke the date. 2 - She did not suggest an alternate day, on her own accord, of re-scheduling the date. She is not interested and that hurts, so you choose to believe something that isn't true to avoid the pain of rejection.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
OP, welcome to SS.

You should be glad she at least told you what was up. She told you straight up why she wanted to cut you loose. In my younger days there are many women who flaked on me and I never knew why. I would have done anything to know. Now, I roll quite differently.

In your case my response to her would have been "You know, I was having some concerns about our age difference too. So thank you for bringing it up first. I hope everything goes well for you." And be gone. As for ever being able to sleep with her again, she may reach out to you again. If she does, I would do what I just said that you didn't say the first time, something like "You know, the age difference you mentioned was actually a concern of mine too. I don't know if its such a good idea for us to hang out again". Then make her chase you. Then if you want to nail her after you have made her work for it, go for it. But if she doesnt reach out to you, do not reach out to her. Walk away with your dignity.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2016
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club/bar girls = 99% chance of slut trash
This is pretty much it. When you're going for young women on the CC at clubs and bars that are putting out easily, you can guarantee they have a phone full of guys you're competing with. On top of that, the party mentality and modern feminism encouraging them to explore their sexuality with reckless abandon means you're never going to find a high quality girl there. If you're just trying to smash, best bet is keep moving onto the next one and have your own phone full of girls so next time a plate drops, you can be in another one that night.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2018
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Do not invest too much emotionaly with her or the next girls. If I were you, I would not invest emotionally with women. She's not worth what you're feeling now. She's just stringing you along and that's what most females do on this planet. They will immediately dump you comes a better man. What you can do about it is to maintain your dignity as a man. Don't let that bish occupy your mind. SHE IS NOT WORTH IT. Find another bish and you will soon forget about her. Bishes like that comes back to you but you already have your c0ck err.. your eyes on another bish. Women are stupid. They just are. You cant apply logic to their stupidity.

Find another girl... Bang her... And before you know it, you had already forgoten that bish. Just don't repeat the same mistake of investing your heart to a woman. Once you do... you lose.


New Member
Apr 3, 2018
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Guys thanks for the feed back.

Let her chase YOU. SHE has to bring up a date. But chances are if she does, she'll flake on you after you accept so I'd focus on moving on.
She did this exact thing after seeing me out with another girl and started sending me crazy messages on how she doesn't want to lose me to other girls and she wants me back blah blah blah. Anyways I didn't respond to a single message until she finally wanted to come see me. I told her almost exactly what @logicallefty said but she see seemed pretty determined to meet so I told her im busy all week with work but on the following Thursday I have some free time in the afternoon. Getting to the point she flaked as @oldmanofthesea predicted, sending me a message saying something came up. I just responded with: "I think it's best that you forget about me and I would appreciate it if you didn't message me anymore." She replied with "why" and I haven't spoken to her since. I recently posted a picture of me and my new fling out and she blocked me all her social media.
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Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
I have seen this scenario play out time and time again. She wanted it to end But it had to be on her terms. She wanted to see you that final time so she could be the one to end it. But you handled it like a boss. Whatever you do don’t go back with this chick. She’s just messing with your head and trying to save face with her own ego.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2018
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I just responded with: "I think it's best that you forget about me and I would appreciate it if you didn't message me anymore." She replied with "why" and I haven't spoken to her since. I recently posted a picture of me and my new fling out and she blocked me all her social media.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
Guys thanks for the feed back.

She did this exact thing after seeing me out with another girl and started sending me crazy messages on how she doesn't want to lose me to other girls and she wants me back blah blah blah. Anyways I didn't respond to a single message until she finally wanted to come see me. I told her almost exactly what @logicallefty said but she see seemed pretty determined to meet so I told her im busy all week with work but on the following Thursday I have some free time in the afternoon. Getting to the point she flaked as @oldmanofthesea predicted, sending me a message saying something came up. I just responded with: "I think it's best that you forget about me and I would appreciate it if you didn't message me anymore." She replied with "why" and I haven't spoken to her since. I recently posted a picture of me and my new fling out and she blocked me all her social media.

Good job !!!