Even getting involved with a handful or being around them often in social scenes is usually enough. There's really no reason to put them on a pedestal. But they definitely pretend well in the beginning. When you see them chillin alone or if they're around people they don't favor or can't get something from, that's usually their true colors. If you have nothing to offer, you usually don't exist at all. And this is from the perspective of realizing how they act down the line or treat those they don't find attractive (not of bitter rejection).
Like a lot of others, I haven't seen instances where the girl genuinely cares about the guy beyond what he can offer (while automatically expecting guys to fully care about them without having to offer anything, because otherwise that's "unfair", lol).
true true"Even getting involved with a handful or being around them often in social scenes is usually enough. " I don't bother with the pedestal thing. How I see em is if you can't respect another person regardless of gender you're not a respectable person I want to associate with. They pretend up to the point they don't get what they want. Once they don't get what they want they throw a tantrum. oh lookie that you said the same thing I'm saying lmaooo "When you see them chillin alone or if they're around people they don't favor or can't get something from, that's usually their true colors"
Well here's something that's something I started f**king round with in highschool. What I noticed is you can have nothing to offer and women will still want you as long as you're happy as f**ck without em. If you're happy as he11 with your life and you got a big ass grin on your face all the time. Women come after you like hoards of zombies. They wana tear you down and figure out why you so dam happy. I play this game where when some girl starts throwing shade cause she didn't get me to change my plans to priortize her I play this game where I tell her "I seem to not be your type. We'll find you a guy who is" "As a friend I want to help you find happiness" I'm straight up full of boloney. I don't give a f**ck bout her life at all lmaooo. But its fun to watch em loose their s**t.
Man with women its really not about attraction I think that's where you're wrong. You just need to be happy as happy can be completely without them and u can butt ugly and they will go after you because in their eyes you need to suffer and they are your saviour from suffering. Nah just be happy and they lose their marbles.
I've seen that too " Like a lot of others, I haven't seen instances where the girl genuinely cares about the guy beyond what he can offer (while automatically expecting guys to fully care about them without having to offer anything, because otherwise that's "unfair", lol). "
I went to my gym with a big ass grin on my face the entire session and there were girls flipping out cause they couldn't figure out why I was so dam happy and didn't give a dam about any of them one bit. Remember happiness comes from internally. Not externally.