She's thinking you are ok with that.
At 45 she really isn't going to change her spots at this point. What are you looking for? Do you have kids? If you do, are you done having them/want more? If no, do you want kids?
What are you looking for?
If you are looking at her purely to date and have sexual fun, keep looking. She's not the one.
She wanted some male attention and didn't want to get it from someone who is taken.
What was the context of what she said? Was it good or bad the stuff she wished she had known about you?
She kept telling me, after things I described about myself, "I wish I knew that before"
Are you prepared to go without sex, until perhaps after marriage?
Doesn't look like she wants more than to be friends with you. "Courting", that has the wrong frame writen all over it. With this one, wether you court or or not, you won't escape the friend zone.
Have you kissed her yet? I didnt' understand what you said regarding kissing. How did she respond?
I went for the kiss last Friday, she was frigid lipped. She said it tonight, when she said "After what happend last week"
You are courting her and you are giving her free lessons. Stop it. She basically is having her cake and eating it too. That is the equivalent to a guy taking a woman shopping or buying her drinks. She feels entitled when it comes to you.
She was making me soup for payment if that's anything?
You are her new buddy.
You're are right
Moral off course, means until marriage. Are you willing to date her exclusively, no sex for months/years?
She's not looking to get freeky after 14 years, and if she is, it will not be with you.
I agree. She won't do anything. Are you ok with that?
Sexually/repressed women very often do.
What else is there to say? I think you know what this is and where it is going.