you just gotta go for it


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2003
Reaction score
I would guess there are many men similar to myself. That being the type of guy who can basically do everything pretty well, but still not necessarily get a lot of women. I had a minor revelation which may seem pretty obvious, but it is everything. If you want a girl you must first decide in the back of your head what it is you want. Once you have that figured out you need a means to get it. Then you simply gotta ask if she wants to hang out or get together. That is the key aspect. If you don't ask the girl for her number, or try to kiss her when you feel the time is right you will never get what you want. You may be able to get it, but you won't. If you look at the same guy once when he isn't getting women, and once when he is there may be some subtle differences. But only one main change. That being he started acting on what he felt like doing. Not holding anything back. The second the thought of trying to get things further with a girl pops into your head, try to get things further. Don't wait for tomorrow or later. That is hesitating, and he who hesitates mastrubates. This reality is hard to face but it's the truth. You don't know what you're capable of till you try. In the end you don't really have anything to lose except a little temporary self-esteem. Just do it, just ask, and that alone will separate you from the rest of the chumps. Once you know all the techniques and you're happy, all there's left to do is go for what you want and make the hoe say no.

Mar 28, 2003
Reaction score
perris, ca
yup today i told myself that i would ask this girl out at the supermarket but when i got there she wasnt at the cash register like she always is. so as i was bying mi groceries she pops up in the other cash register next to me i stopped and thought of getting her attention but then this other girl walks up to talk to me and it turns out its this girl in trying to pork and i missed my chance because i hesitated for one second. damn that sux.

f love love to f mi motto