I came across this news article on ABC new which verifies something that has always fascinated me but has been difficult to pin down. It's about people totally unrelated to each other but who have an uncanny remarkably similar appearance.
From time to time, we all see someone who reminds us of someone else, but what I have observed, what I think I have observed, and to go beyond the news article, is that people with a strikingly uncanny similar appearance also have strikingly uncanny similarities in other aspects. They have the same personality or are driven by the same interests. In the latest example, I once sort-of knew a girl who was gymnast and one day I saw a woman who looked just like her except ten years older; it shocked me when the very first words I heard her say was how she needed to "take things to the next level." Competitive thinking was in their blood. It always makes me stop and wonder the age old philosophical and scientific question of do we choose to be who we are, or are we a vehicle of our bodies. Even if you consciously change who you are... what if that metamorphous was all pre-programmed?
The answers still are open-ended but I lean towards that there is a growing large body of scientific evidence that our personalities are a vehicle of our body and the near-doppelgangers are more evidence of that. After all, your neurological chemistry controls the guidelines of how you think. I do think we have free will but in the contextual framework of our bodily composition. When I discovered I am autistic, to my horror I saw that every single thing about me that I thought was "me", my personal choice, was written out in a medical textbook. No one has the same exact DNA and no one looks precisely exactly the same, but striking uncanny similarity seems to produce striking uncanny similar results.
ABC News: Does Everybody Have a Double?
One photographer captures look-alikes around the world
From time to time, we all see someone who reminds us of someone else, but what I have observed, what I think I have observed, and to go beyond the news article, is that people with a strikingly uncanny similar appearance also have strikingly uncanny similarities in other aspects. They have the same personality or are driven by the same interests. In the latest example, I once sort-of knew a girl who was gymnast and one day I saw a woman who looked just like her except ten years older; it shocked me when the very first words I heard her say was how she needed to "take things to the next level." Competitive thinking was in their blood. It always makes me stop and wonder the age old philosophical and scientific question of do we choose to be who we are, or are we a vehicle of our bodies. Even if you consciously change who you are... what if that metamorphous was all pre-programmed?
The answers still are open-ended but I lean towards that there is a growing large body of scientific evidence that our personalities are a vehicle of our body and the near-doppelgangers are more evidence of that. After all, your neurological chemistry controls the guidelines of how you think. I do think we have free will but in the contextual framework of our bodily composition. When I discovered I am autistic, to my horror I saw that every single thing about me that I thought was "me", my personal choice, was written out in a medical textbook. No one has the same exact DNA and no one looks precisely exactly the same, but striking uncanny similarity seems to produce striking uncanny similar results.
ABC News: Does Everybody Have a Double?
One photographer captures look-alikes around the world
It's an age-old belief with a strange appeal that somewhere on this planet, alive today, is someone who looks like you — maybe not precisely, but close enough to be your double, your doppelganger. It can be fascinating to imagine. But not everyone is ready to encounter an unexpected double...
For Sophie Cadieux, 29, and Catherine Trudeau, 31, that can be particularly awkward. Both are actresses in Montreal. In January, they agreed to go to Brunelle's studio for a photo shoot.