You guys don't get it.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
I give my respect to the two schools of thought, both DJism and PUAism.

All that aside, I don't think you guys really understand why PUAism has successfully turned losers previously branded "hopeless" into successful players. It's not the stupid fvcking scripted routines. It's not the checklist of things to do. Pick-up still largely has to do with social skills, and if you can successfully implement good social skills by following a script, then you can probably "act natural" in a pick-up and still know what you're doing. After all, what makes a successful pick-up isn't following a stupid routine, it's the behaviors you pick up after constant exposure to the environments. PUAs still advocate being "natural," but if your "natural" just plain sucks, it's best to follow the formula until your "natural game" improves. After all, scripts are made of words, and words are only 7% of all human communication.

PUAs don't advocate scripted routines so you can fit under this single "PUA" mold. The whole purpose of using scripted routines and canned lines as you're doing routines is to help shove socially inept men into the world of women.

You can't take a nerd who secluded himself in his room his whole life out sarging and have him act like a stud by telling him to "act natural." By far the most effective way to teach someone how to attract women is by exposure and structure. The routines and gimmicks are only training wheels in the end. As soon as they hit their stride, they wouldn't really crutch on routines anyway.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score

The Deacon said:
I give my respect to the two schools of thought, both DJism and PUAism.

All that aside, I don't think you guys really understand why PUAism has successfully turned losers previously branded "hopeless" into successful players. It's not the stupid fvcking scripted routines. It's not the checklist of things to do. Pick-up still largely has to do with social skills, and if you can successfully implement good social skills by following a script, then you can probably "act natural" in a pick-up and still know what you're doing. After all, what makes a successful pick-up isn't following a stupid routine, it's the behaviors you pick up after constant exposure to the environments. PUAs still advocate being "natural," but if your "natural" just plain sucks, it's best to follow the formula until your "natural game" improves. After all, scripts are made of words, and words are only 7% of all human communication.

PUAs don't advocate scripted routines so you can fit under this single "PUA" mold. The whole purpose of using scripted routines and canned lines as you're doing routines is to help shove socially inept men into the world of women.

You can't take a nerd who secluded himself in his room his whole life out sarging and have him act like a stud by telling him to "act natural." By far the most effective way to teach someone how to attract women is by exposure and structure. The routines and gimmicks are only training wheels in the end. As soon as they hit their stride, they wouldn't really crutch on routines anyway.
Although I think it is a little of both, if "Going with the flow." means act natural. You basically have to also judge the situation. Bascially, the having a structure isn't math but more like a guide...


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Take how that nerd acts around his friends - relaxed, having fun, possibly funny, talkative, more outgoing. Think about if he acted like that in front of hot girls. That's being natural.

Routines are good training wheels I believe, but only if you actively work towards natural game, otherwise you will always fall back to routines. Me talking about this is keyboard jockeying, watch The Blueprint, it explains everything.

The only reason why lines work is because people believe they will work. If you got the game anything will work, only by game I mean core confidence and social skills.