You Don't Need To Be A Jerk - You Need To Be A Leader

Apr 18, 2007
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The majority of the posts that I read when visiting this site are about popularity, confidence, being veiwed by others as being a cool dude, ****yness and of course jerkism.

Having these qualities may well allure the hottest babes, though what really attracts them is a Leader.

In many cases the guy who is a Leader will be the popular confident cool ****y jerk type of dude, it isn't these qualities however that are attracting the hottest babes towards him, it is because they veiw him as being the Leader of the pack within that particular environment.

History reveals that hot babes are far more attracted to guys who are Leaders than they are to dudes who are popular and cool.

To be the Leader of the pack in a High School and Nightclub type of environment popularity confidence ****yness and jerkism are extremely valuable qualities to be endowed with.

However their are many other types of environments of which it is not a necessity to be popular confident or cool to be the Leader.

The truth is that you can be hated by the greater majority of humans, despised by 99.9% of the Worlds most attractive woman, yet at the same time be fvcking as many gorgeous girls as you desire.

Think about this for a few minutes, 99.9% of the Worlds population are being controled by what the media is bringing to us, if hot babes are continuously being told by the celebrity hot babes on their tv sets that, Elvis Presley is the King of Rock, Michael Jackson is the King of Pop, Michael Jordan is a Superstar and Brad Pitt is an absolute hunk, what are these pretty girls who look up to these celebrities going to think.

These guys mentioned above and many others be it, Robbie Williams, Tiger Woods, or Rod Stewart, have become hearthrobs due to the perceptions of the other higher valued celebrity babes who desire to be with them.

Remember this also and that is that the greater majority of the men are also willingly bowing down to these guys, thus allowing them to be the Leaders that they are giving them the clean sweep of the Worlds hottest woman.

I can promise you one thing if you can win over the heart of the most desirable woman within your particular environment most of the other lower ranked hot babes will suddenly desire to be with you as well.

Leadership does not only exert its influence within the media, school, and nightclub type environments, become a Leader anywhere and the majority of the most desirable woman will become infatuated by you.

Think about the Leaders of the many different religious sects over the years, men who were despised by 99.9 percent of the Worlds most attractive woman as well as the human population as a whole.

Think about, Guru Marharaj Ji, the fat young 14 year old Indian Boy/God, he was despised by 99.9% of the USA's residents, most veiwed him as being a fake, a greedy self centered scum who built for himself a majestic mansion in California from the funds donated to him by his followers.

Despite this the young 14 year old fat Indian boy Married a gorgeous 26 year old white US Airlines Stewardess Marolyn Johnson in 1973.

How could this happen, after all 99.9 percent of Americans despised him, he was not popular at all amongst the majority, he did this by becoming the Leader within his very small devout group.

If you can become the Leader of only 1000 people, you will be empowered to fvck as many of the hottest babes in that group and it wouldn't care a fvck if every single person both female and male living in the World on the outside of that small group hated your guts.

The majority of the guys who post on here want to become that cool dude who picks up and fvcks the hottest babes in the school or at the nightclubs, however it is extremely difficult to become that guy.

My advice to you is to establish your own group from nothing, the Beatles did this, it worked wonders for them, though it can be any type of a group, start an Art Gallery if you can paint, if its your gallery and you are the Leader of the people who go their and get plenty of hot babes to visit then you can be a timid as a weak Mouse and they prettiest girls will become infatuated by you.

What ever you do if you want to fvck the hottest babes then make yourself the Leader of the group and you can fvck them.

You can be the Leader in so many different things, start a Religious Sect, be the Head Trainer at the Gym, become the Host of your own parties, become a Counsellor at a Rehabilitation Centre, there are so many ways to do this.

Think of the term known as the Stockholm Syndrome of which hot babes fall in love with guys who have kidnapped them, this is because that guy is the Leader, even though he may be the only person they ever get to see, if he is the Leader of a group of five hot babes he has enforced to be with him, in most cases they will eventually be happy that he has that power over them.

As you can see by this being the Leader is so very important even if it is amongst a small group of females within that particular environment.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
agreed with this post.


Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
I think you're confusing leadership with being the head of a group. While they are related, they have nothing to do with each other. (Yes, I know.)

Being a leader doesn't mean being the head of a group; it just means being a leader. What's a leader? Someone who isn't afraid, when needed, to take charge and tell people "follow me, I know what I'm doing." You don't need to be up front all the time--great leaders are first and foremost great followers.

I'm training to be a Naval Officer, and you know what? As my leadership skills (and self-confidence along with them) increase in my job training, my skills with girls are increasing exponentially. Am I always in the front, leading a group? No. Have I even created a group so I could lead them? Hell no, I have better things to do, like play with my balls. But I know when to take charge and when to lay back and let someone else have their time in the spotlight, and I have a positive attitude. (Most of the time.)

Anyway, good post, but do read up on leadership theory.