[YOU can help me!] Analyze my Texts?


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
[YOUR OPINION WANTED] Analyze my Texts?

So I'm having a recurring problem right now (it's happened with like four girls this week) where I think I have at least some rapport/bit of attraction and I already have or get the contact details of these girls at my school. They are all solid 8's to 9.5's. They seem to like me in general, they will contact me first, start conversations with me first, etc

But I'm just having a ton of trouble getting them to commit to day 2's/plans

Here are some texts, maybe someone can clarify if these women are attracted or not, and why they have to play their (bull****?) excuses?

Girl #1

Background: This girl is one of my classes, I literally saw her from across the room on class day 2 and was like wow I have to meet her. So I walked over and asked her and her friends if they were in a group, yes, but they only had 3/6 people. So I said some witty/funny **** and they were happy to team up with me and my friend in the class. From that class on we sit next to them.

I've mostly had positive interactions with her, including a cold read about her personality that she really loved. Also the other girl in our group loves me and I've paid little attention to Girl #1, even though she's the prime target.

I had texted this girl before. Last time it started off with talking about our project/school and then I transitioned into why she was in school, etc... it ended with me saying something about my business and she never responded.

Here are today's texts:

<A bunch of boring crap about how we need to cancel our group meeting>

Girl #1: I will. I'm about to call everyone who didn't respond 6:58 PM
Me: Ok little miss supervisor. 6:59 PM
Girl #1: ;) 7:02 PM
Me: Starbucks? 7:16 PM
Girl #1: Which one? 7:16 PM
Me: The one near campus next to ****** and ******. 8? 7:17 PM
Girl #1: I live up (local highway) a bit! 7:18 PM
Me: Oh too far? 7:20 PM
Girl #1: Well like 15 minutes from the school total 7:20 PM
Me: Yeah I see what you mean that's kind of a hassle. You want to do [School Restaurant] or something tomorrow? 7:21 PM
<Her obviously thinking about what to say for 20 minutes>
Girl #1: My schedule is completely booked the rest of this week :-/ next week maybe? 7:42 PM
Girl #1: Or tonight if you wanna meet halfway! 7:45 PM
<Since it took her more than 5-10 minutes to reply, I decided to shut off my phone and take a nap. If she answered by the time I woke up, great. If not, I wouldn’t be waiting for it like a chump>
Me: Sorry I just got this. I have class 1-4 Monday Wednesday and 1-5
Tuesday Thursday. What time probably works for you next week 8:53 PM

I am waiting on her response.

Girl #2

Background: I've been attracted to this girl for absolutely ages. Since the beginning of my freshman year of college (last year). She initially hated me but my friend vouched for me and she realized I'm actually cool after some time. She came to one of our house parties a week or two ago and I had a good time with her playing flip cup, though we never got isolation time or talked much one on one.

Anyways, I randomly walked into her class today on accident because I thought my class was earlier than it was. It was pretty funny because I was just standing there wide eyed in front of the entire class looking around like a fish out of water. (I did this on purpose, when I do "embarrassing" things like that I just turn it into a joke and laugh at myself.)

I caught a glimpse of her in this class but didn't think much of it.

But anyways, thirty seconds later she texts me:

Girl #2: Hahaha! ! 2:03 PM
Me: Lol, I skipped my first class and forgot that one starts at 2:30 2:04 PM
Girl #2: Well that's what you get for skipping haha oh man that amused me. Thanks, I needed a chuckle 2:05 PM
Me: You phrase things weirdly Girl #2. You strange, strange person. Lol.. 2:37 PM
Me: I'm pretty sure it's because you're smart and im not used to sorority girls having actual vocabularies 3:13 PM
Girl #2: Even at this school? Haha well thank you! You just keep making my day better and better, how are you? 4:10 PM
Me: A little tired at this exact moment. But life is good. Do you have class tomorrow at like 4? What are you doing then 4:17 PM
Girl #2: I might still be in a meeting, why? 9:10 PM
<I still haven't responded to this message.>

There are a number of things in this interaction that confuse me, including the fact that she texts back at such random, long intervals. I'm a busy person too, but if someone texts me I know about it within an hour. And I don't really play games; I'll just text a girl right back when I get the message.

I just can't get these women to commit, even when they display obvious IOIs. What am I doing wrong?
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Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
I am not going to read this but bro just quick tip: reply like you would've to your male friend. Don't analyze. analyze you lose


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
I disagree, thinking about what you're doing wrong is generally a good idea, and talking to women is not the same as talking to your friends


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Girl #1 has low interest. Any girl that tells you their schedule is booked for the week has other dudes in front of you in their little merry go round. If she had counter offered a specific day when she said "next week???" then I would say its more positive.

Girl #2 was showing interest. Just because she takes time to respond, your getting over-analytical?! For what?

Just match their energy.

If a girl texts me and I take an hour to respond. Then she replies 30 mins later, then I respond 10 minutes later and then she responds right away, then I'll respond right away.

You could've set up a date with her right there, but instead you didn't reply because you thought you were coming off needy or replying to soon?!

Simplify things dude and you will get better results.



Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
To clarify, in neither interaction did I purposefully avoid responding when I got the message. The only time there was a gap was when I was tired and wanted to take a nap, or I was doing something else (like writing this post). I should have waited for 25 minutes to get Girl #1's message then went and met her? Idk that seems kind of lame to wait on the girl (for all I know, she could just never respond, for example she hasn't responded to that last text yet and its been hours)

So I waited a reasonable amount of time based on how long she normally needs (10 minutes or so) and she didn't respond so I just went ahead and lived my life.

Thanks for confirming the interest of girl #2, its just weird to me that she would take SO long to respond if she was interested in me. Know what I mean?

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Good grief...

I won't go into my whole explanation of why texting KILLS relationships... but here's one of them: it's not fast enough. For goodness sake, make a PHONE CALL. Asking for a date is all about building up momentum to the moment, which you are able to do and get better responses for if you CALL vs. text. If you or her have to wait x-amount of time for the next text to be sent/come through, it KILLS the momentum... this whole thing could've been a phone call:

You: (Call her up)
Girl 2: Hello:
You: Ah, so your phone does work! (Nice chatty banter, positive vocal inflections used)
Girl 2: Yep, that's me, ha ha ha (response in her voice indicates either interest or disgust at your call).
You: Glad to hear it. Anyway, I was hoping we could meet up tomorrow to (insert activity: get something to eat, go see a movie, hang out at a coffee shop tomorrow), and wanted to see what your schedule looked like. Would 4 o-clock work or would a later time, like 6 or 7, work better? (You're essentially telling her the date WILL be happening, while at the same time giving her the illusion of allowing her to choose a meeting time, thus psychologically making them have to choose a time to spend with you - as opposed to only giving her ONE time choice and getting rejected.)
Girl #2: Well, I may still be in a meeting at 4... but 7 should work!
You: Great!

Wow, and it only took 2 minutes!


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
Hey good point, I just don't really understand why she, as a college aged girl, would have issues with response times like this on her cellphone. It's not usually a problem

But yeah I'll consider calling from now on when appropriate.

The problem with calls is you risk them just not picking up, and you're back to square one. It's just a high pressure way of going about things... you also can't take time to think of a response