Yoga / Improving Posture


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
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I basically have poor posture (always leaning back) learned from years of doing that in high school. As a result I look fatter than I actually am. As a result, whenever I see myself walking around on video or something I wince.

After reading this article I've decided to devote a day to yoga in addition to a weight training day and a cardio day.

Does anyone have any suggestions on where a beginner can go to learn yoga exercises??

P.S. Fuglydude if you're reading this, you've been quite an inspiration to me. If you recommend I might start a lifting / exercise journal. I basically want to be lean and jacked like you


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
HolyG said:
I basically have poor posture (always leaning back) learned from years of doing that in high school. As a result I look fatter than I actually am. As a result, whenever I see myself walking around on video or something I wince.

After reading this article I've decided to devote a day to yoga in addition to a weight training day and a cardio day.

Does anyone have any suggestions on where a beginner can go to learn yoga exercises??

P.S. Fuglydude if you're reading this, you've been quite an inspiration to me. If you recommend I might start a lifting / exercise journal. I basically want to be lean and jacked like you
Thanks dude, its always nice to hear that I can help motivate people. Heh, I'm not exactly what I call "lean" at the moment, but its kinda by design.

I'd definitely recommend that you start a lifting journal as it'll give you a written record of progress, etc. In addition you'll have access to the collective problem-solving abilities of the members when you run into plateaus, or even if you simply have any questions.

Yoga is not only great for flexibility, but in combination with meditation can give fantastic overall health benefits. I wish I had devoted more time to it from the beginning. My dad has bugged me from my early years to do yoga but I was quite resistant. I'd recommend you take a yoga class at the start. You'll have some structure in the poses that you do, and you'll also be able to meet some hot and fit girls that take those classes.

As far as posture goes, in addition to yoga, lifting heavy on your big lifts will definitely help. Squats/squat variations, deads will really beat up your core, particularly your posterior chain. Combine these with ab work and you'll have a strong core, which will lead to good posture.

So again, start doing yoga, focus on the big lifts, especially squats/deads, work your abs to improve posture. Make sure you don't neglect diet, as it is the single most important thing that'll make or break you.

Good luck!


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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I hear that girls in yoga classes fart a lot. Is that true?

I dated a yoga instructor before and met her yoga friends. They're like a bunch of hippies, crazy and "spiritual" (to me they're like on drugs all the time) but they're cute.

My Dad has done yoga & other forms of meditation for 20 odd years. He has perfect health. Always wanted me to do it but I just can't sit still.

Regarding posture, I used to have poor posture (particularly hunching over) and balance. Squat fixed all of that. Poor posture IMO is often caused by muscle imbalances and weaknesses - usually weak posterior chain (incl the back).

Don't think you'd progress much with one weight training day though. Do 3 weight sessions a week, tack on cardio at the end of each session (and btw heavy weight training will improve your aerobic fitness) and do a yoga session as a stretching / relax / cool-down one in between.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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I have been interested in yoga never could get myself to do it because some positions look downright gay. Plus i don't want to be like the only male in the class which makes me look like some closet perve. Maybe i'll check if my gym has classes which it probably doe. I also have bad posture particularly hunching over and closing my shoulders in. I always try to straighten out but i eventually end up slowly back in hunchback position without noticing.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2010
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Work on your bridge. Work up to full bridge for 1 min.

If you can do that already you shouldn't have posture problems.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
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Jitterbug said:
Don't think you'd progress much with one weight training day though. Do 3 weight sessions a week, tack on cardio at the end of each session (and btw heavy weight training will improve your aerobic fitness) and do a yoga session as a stretching / relax / cool-down one in between.

Word....ok ok I already lift three times a week (misunderstanding)
But I will be starting a fitness journal keeping track of what I eat and what exercise I do.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I have been interested in yoga never could get myself to do it because some positions look downright gay. Plus i don't want to be like the only male in the class which makes me look like some closet perve.
Yeah, I took an interest in yoga awhile back. Ultimately I abandoned it because in the West it's morphed into such a feminine pursuit. I didn't want to look like that one desperate looking guy in the aerobics class.

I was studying and trying out some of the more Eastern yoga stuff on my own though, and I found that I felt better, more relaxed, and dealth with stress more easily. But again I felt that as far as an exercise, it didn't have enough bang for the buck. For me, the time was more efficiently spent lifting or doing cardio. Yoga doesn't burn many calories.


New Member
Mar 19, 2011
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The most important benefit of yoga is physical and mental therapy. The aging process, which is largely an artificial condition. It also helps to improve your balance. The majority of yoga practices include some type of balancing in the poses.

anti aging skin products


New Member
Apr 28, 2011
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I am attending classes in new york yoga center...
there i am doing sun salutation the first type of yoga...
I hope it would be effective for me..