Make the ho say no
Well if im going to start this FR i should start from the beginning. I met this girl (A HB8.5, probably the best smile on a girl i've ever seen) week ago at a small party like thing.
I rocked up there and scoped out the targets, she was easily the best one there and the only one i was interested in. At this stage however, i had a girlfriend but things where rough so i was interested in getting a couple of prospects. Anyway it started when everyone was getting introduced to each other, i knew a couple of the girls all ready so i was just chucking the C&F routine, and getting the whole group to laugh (awesome skill, making a group laugh does WONDERS for your social proof). So when everyone was sitting in a circle i started the fluff talking, the usual what school/age/etc. When someone interrupted and goes "Don't you 2 remember each other?, you went to the same primary school" and once she realised she went crazy "Oh my god, Sam! You look so different" (Damn right i do) and i say i recognise her face but not her name, which was the truth.
Anyway, i started getting signs of interest. EG. Sitting next to me, sitting on my lap when there where no seats, and staying there when one next to her vacated, and other things). This is when i got confused, her general body language was REALLY closed up. Never revealed her wrists, faced away, couldnt hold eye contact, yet she was sitting on my lap. This was extremely conflicting, but i will get more in to that later. Her body language was SO closed up that she i didnt even bother getting the number, and at this stage i had a gf anyway.
Weeks later, me and the mrs. have broken up.. for good. I was meeting some other girls at a party with 2 mates. Then the HB8.5 saw us when she drove past and parked. She was with a friend HB5 and some guy who didnt talk, mega-AFC.
Anyway, i wasnt planning on doing anything with her because my friend was all ready trying with her (i knew she wasnt interested but i didnt want to cut his grass) and i talked to her for a while, got her laughing ALOT, she was so much more receptive then last time. Anyway, she ended up asking for MY number and said she would call me later on that night and we would meet up. She never called.
So fast forward to this weekend - i get a call on the friday night. "Hey what ya doin?" "Not to much, who's this" "Nikki!" , she sounded a little drunk. "Where trying to get a party started, *Insert address*" "Okay, i might drop in later". So about an hour later, i dropped in. There where 2 guys, a bunch of girls, and yeh. I introduced myself to everyone at the party, one of the guys there was pretty alpha, who i made friends with quickly, so my social proof is sky rocketing at the moment. It turns out i know the girl who was having the party (she goes to my school) which only helped my social proof.
Anyway when it was just me, my friend that wants to get with her, and the HB8.5 i was just making jokes and making her laugh something chronic. Her legs touched mine from time to time and i initiated brief kino. My friend was getting a little angry, i could tell, so i stayed back a bit and id wait for him to crash and burn first. He never tried for the rest of that night.
Anyway, we where walking home and she lived on the way to mine so i was with her some of the way. It was freezing and she wanted me to walk her home but it was a long way. So i walked her most of the way(through the alleyways, where it was dangerous[i dont want that **** on my conciounse]) and then walked back, i gave her one of my jackets. Then hugged and went home.
IOI's: Keeping my jacket even though she was almost home (a reason to see me again), making her laugh so much, some receptive kino.
So finally the saturday night. She messages me "What are you up to tonight, know any parties?" and i do so i let her know about them. She wants to go with me. So we meet at a shopping center and her friend comes and picks me up while shes in the front seat. We get some alcohol, and we go pick up my friend. Now, the parties get cancelled and we all go back to my friends house.
So there where like 10 guys there and 2 girls. Then something happens that makes me think shes definitelly interested. Her friend leaves... and she stays. Her friend has a silent 'chat' with her before she leaves ("dont **** him!" ). Anyway, when everyone is leaving to go home, i get her to walk with me to my house and then we will go through there.
Now i had her isolated i thought i would try, because i was getting sick of how long it was taking. I put my arm around her and she does the same. When we finally get to mine we sit on the couch and just talk for a while. Her body language was closed up and didnt respond to my kino. But she was IN my house, why would she come in if she wasnt interested. So i just went for it. Then she EXPLODED! She jumped on top of me and we where off.
However, that night all i did was tounge her down and feel her up and she didnt want to go to my room or let me do anything else. This will probably take a little more work. I will post here with updates